
Michiel Saelen

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First name Michiel
Last name Saelen

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4101 DevOps Points
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Hi Pramod, You can do this in the dashboard app itself (see screenshot).

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Sebastian, Skyline will provide support if there are issues on their system even when their DB is running on Linux environments. Skyline uses by default Windows machines to run Cassandra (as Cassandra...

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Reducing the number of site visits for your technicians You can structure your equipment into views that represent a location/region, so you can validate all the alarms within that view/region and send...

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7 Votes

Hi Ryan, When DataMiner starts it will create the tables if they don't exist yet. When a new Cassandra node is being added to an existing cluster, you should point it to the seeds of the existing cluster...

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7 Votes

Hi Miao, Hope this helps: Let us know if you have other questions. The following course might be of interest: DataMiner Automation - DataMiner Dojo

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The machine where you're running the development environment should be able to reach the DataMiner server through HTTP(S) and port 8004. If your DataMiner agent already supports gRPC (recommended from...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Ashwini, My advice for this case would be to follow the following steps: Install DM and DB software if applicable with the same versions as you had when the backups were made for one site. If your...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Luis, To prevent that DataMiner is using the wrong NIC for the wrong IP you can specify the order in the DataMiner.xml as indicated in the DataMiner Help through the NetworkAdapters tag. We encountered...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Carlos, Indeed at the moment it is only possible to install DataMiner Cube for a specific user (not system wide). You can install DataMiner Cube from the following link:

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Hi Laszlo, Reaper can be installed in different ways. If security is a concern, then there is only one viable option to install Reaper in side-car mode. In short this is to avoid exposing JMX to the network....

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Hugo, As you are doing an installation on Ubuntu I would recommend doing the installation from the deb package instead of from the source code. To install from a deb package you can run: $ sudo dpkg...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Brecht, Logger tables are stored in a separate table in the DB created specifically for that element. So it should not be stored in the elementdata table in DB as it is already in a custom table in...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Brecht, By default, the Primary key column, the display key column (which could be multiple columns) will be saved to the elementdata table in Cassandra. The reason why these columns are saved by default,...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Hugo, From DataMiner version 10.2.3 it is possible to use AMIAC as Cassandra storage.

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jens, You can find that information in the DataMiner help: Moving the Cassandra database to a different Disk

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Christine, Deleting the .mdmp files and the .hprof files should not give you any problems. These are created when a crash or heap error is encountered.

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Srikanth, There could be a couple of reasons why you see this behavior. In most cases it is related with a lack of resources (e.g. Disk, CPU, memory, network, ...). Can you evaluate if one of your...

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All ssTables (the DB data on disk) is stored on the separate drive. When Cassandra does compaction it tries to clean up and group ssTables for more efficient lookup. To do this it needs to go over the...

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By default, the Primary key, Display Key (and all columns that make up the display key) are saved. So I'll assume you included those when you say 5 saved columns. Tombstones on Cassandra side are created...

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4 Votes

I would advise to stop/start elements in bulk. When opening the (root) view you can select elements in bulk and stop them, see the impact on your CPU usage and start them again until you find which protocol/elements...

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4 Votes

This is possible, you can do this by going to the edit menu of the element and checking multiple views under the 'views' tab.

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4 Votes

Hi Paul, From your 'nodetool status' message you can see that the first node (from which you are probably running the 'nodetool status' cmd) is having a status ?N and this means the node is not started...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Philip, You can rely on the information events to understand more about what actions/sets were triggered at the moment of the event. Based on your input I would assume that you have a vdx page in...

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Hi Miguel, There should be no problem running Cassandra 4.1 with DataMiner. I don't have any visibility of what Cassandra versions are deployed in the field, but we did not yet receive any feedback on...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Miguel, There are different ways to validate that the Cassandra Cluster is still running fine. The main goal would be to use the Apache Cassandra Cluster Monitor connector. This connector makes use...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi, I would recommend doing a WireShark capture between the DMA and the Cassandra nodes. From there you will see the certificate that the Cassandra node(s) are sending to DataMiner. Depending on what...

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Hi Arun, When you right click on the trend graph and select the option 'Show most detailed data', what do you see then? You can also evaluate what data is available server side through the client test...

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4 Votes

Hi Hugo, If you are allowed to change this for your user you will be able to find this as following:

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Arunkrishna, If you want to be fully redundant (on DataMiner and DB level) you will need at least the following architecture (more info on Supported System Data Storage Architectures - DataMiner Dojo):...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Alasdair, For general server monitoring, the Linux Platform Connector can be used. When you want to have more details on the Cassandra service itself (e.g. which nodes are up) you can use the Apache...

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Hi Jens, The keys can be passed with the data argument: You can then get your selection as following:

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4 Votes

Hi Bruno, When a Failover switch is triggered, it will go through 4 steps: Stop the DataMiner software Release the VIP IP (or the first steps are covered by the server going offline abruptly) The other...

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Hi, At the moment your best option is to use the search or to check your mail notifications you received. These features could be available in future releases of the community platform.

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Hi Jochen, At the moment Cassandra Cluster is not yet released. However it is not the plan to support a mixed configuration with the initial release. The goal is to have one Cassandra Cluster for your...

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4 Votes Selected

There is a list available with registered product at AMWA (product owners of NMOS). So in general there are not that many (at least registered) that use the NMOS at the moment, however it is gaining popularity...

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Hi Rene, For Cassandra there are two important ways of communication between nodes: Internode communications (gossip) This is needed to provide information between nodes on the Cassandra cluster in...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

I had a quick look at this connector. It is used to keep track of tokens in PA. The 1.0.1.X range is saving all (incoming, outgoing, completed) tokens in tables. When a table has saved columns (PK and...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Tiago, Not sure if you are facing the same issue as we had, but we had issues in the past with the URL rewrite rules in IIS. Normally when DM is offline it should rewrite all traffic to the other...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Carys, Can you share with us for which connector you encountered this? It looks like you have some corrupted data in the database for table 4000. I would recommend making our

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Philip, There are probably multiple ways, but an easy way would be to have two DNS records (e.g. '' and '') pointing to both the same IP. In IIS on the DMA, you...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Shawn, I believe the time needed to gracefully close the services might depend on the load on your systems and the HW you are using. I don't have statistics on all systems. In general, most systems...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Chian Hao, If the polling is putting too much load on the device there are multiple ways to reduce the load. First would be good to understand what the limitation is of the device, so you can measure...

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi, Found the trick. You need to add the following at the beginning of your automation script: engine.FindInteractiveClient("message test", 5, "user:"+engine.UserLoginName, AutomationScriptAttachOptions.AttachImmediately);...

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3 Votes Selected

You can make use of the Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Automation (for automation scripts) or make use of the Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Protocol (from protocols) NuGet libraries....

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, 1 - Yes they created more keyspaces for the tables, this is to have more freedom to configure what replication strategy/factor you want to apply for every set of data. We did get complaints...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Peter, The information can be found in our docs:

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Arie-Jan, Can you have a look through the webinterface if there are some settings in the device that could block the serial communication? Most devices have a setting to enable remote control or something...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi David, For the Cassandra certificate issues: You can play around with the encryption settings on the 'General' page of the connector. You can disable the TLS validation altogether or you can also disable...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Ram, Not sure if a Failover is the best answer for you atm. If you want to have the ability to be fully operational when your main site is completely lost (also the equipment on the main site). Would...

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Hi Jeff, There should be no problem restarting MySQL while DM is running. When the local DB goes offline, DM will go into offload mode. This means all data that needs to be forwarded to the DB will be...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Dang-Khoa, There are multiple ways of doing this. Direct access This could be through port forwarding or by a proxy server of port 80 or 433 (see docs for more info on ports). It is advised to ensure...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Arun, The setting is saved in the "C:\Skyline DataMiner\MaintenanceSettings.xml" file under BackupSettings. You can try to adjust it in the file and restart DataMiner. Just not 100% sure if the limit...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, You can find the configuration file of all agents in your local appdata (%localappdata%\Skyline\DataMiner\DataMinerCube\CubeLauncherConfig.json). You can change the file or copy it to other...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, For DB applications (e.g. Cassandra or Elastic) disk speed is important as it can be the bottleneck for the throughput of your DB. In our DataMiner Compute Requirements - DataMiner Dojo, you...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Wale, It is possible to have a one node Cassandra Cluster, so the minimum would be one. Keep in mind that this means that you have a single point of failure (if that one node is down or does not respond,...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Luiz, The Cassandra folder contains more than only the ssTables. Most likely you have some snapshots that are still present in your Cassandra folder. Can you have a look inside one of the table folders...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Wale, It is already possible to enable encryption between your Cassandra nodes (Cassandra should use then port 7001 instead of 7000 by default). The configuration can be found for this in the yaml file...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Mahito, Another option is to use the Router Control application of DataMiner. You should be able to import Router Controls into your Visio. DataMiner Help => Router control DataMiner Help =>...

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3 Votes

Hi Ryan, Probably you will find entries in the log files of Cassandra mentioning that it was not able to delete the snapshots. E.g. WARN [RMI TCP Connection(298)-] 2019-04-23 20:01:33,328

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Terry, It looks like your shape is referring to a table cell. Not sure if you can open the details of the cell directly, but you could add an option to navigate to the data page of the table. You would...

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Hi Ryan, The current backup/restore mechanism in DataMiner takes indeed the system tables from Cassandra. Which means that the setup is also included in the backup files. As a consequence Cassandra is...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Ryan, One of the questions that comes up when reading the post is why you would need 2million alarms/day or alarm updates? If you don't need all of these entries I would advise you to review the alarm...

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3 Votes

There are two options in DataMiner for the Cassandra DB: Cassandra (Cassandra Cluster for every DMA or Failover pair) By default Cassandra is installed on the server where DataMiner is hosted, if this...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Chris, This is indeed correct. When you connect to your failover pair, you use the hostname instead of the IP which will resolve in one of the two IPs. If it resolves into the inactive, then it will...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Pawel, I had a look at the task and the task is not yet picked up and is not at the top of the backlog. I would suggest that you raise the request under your M&S project, so it gets higher priority.

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2 Votes Selected

You can create an automation script in which you read the tasks with the below method and then create ICS files from it. Example code to retrieve the tasks: var getTasksMsg = new GetInfoMessage(InfoType.SchedulerTasks);...

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Hi Toh, We advise that you use the latest LTS (long term support) version. Currently this is 22.04 (Releases - Ubuntu Wiki).

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Jeremy, You could use low-code apps for this. It is very similar to dashboards, but it also gives you the ability to create multiple pages and buttons that can trigger (interactive) automation scripts....

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Luis, It is maybe a workaround, but it might unblock you while you wait for it to be tackled by SW. You can use a button in low-code apps to set your filter somewhere in DM for your user. To give you...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, The following works for me (rebuilding the solution might also help before publishing through DIS). The preCompile checks the box for me.

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2 Votes

Hi Laszlo, If you are using the IP addresses everywhere and not hostnames, then there should be no problem changing the hostname of the server. I would still recommend if you are doing these types of...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Bart, I have seen this problem a lot as well and would recommend raising a ticket for this. Most of the time this is encountered with SRM solutions (Export element could not find DVE child element...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Syed, If you want to know what actions a user performed, you should use the information events of the DataMiner system or you can go to System Center => Users/Groups where you can select the user...

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Hi Matthijs, AFAIK, there is no option to tweak the defaults ATM, but once the tables are created you can tweak the RF on your datacenters in Cassandra. You can also make use of the Apache Cassandra Cluster...

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Hi Randy, As Jens indicated the Apache Cassandra Cluster Monitor connector can be used to monitor also Cassandra systems below 4.0. The connector only makes use of a connection through CQL at the moment....

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2 Votes

Hi Jens, The recommendation is to stay below 200MB for performance reasons. If you have a powerful server and lots of memory, you might be less concerned about going over it. In your case, you have at...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Gelber, If you want to create custom actions or overwrite certain actions, you can create a wrapper for the SRM_ReservationAction script. You can configure then your script (wrapper) in the booking...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Chris, Would it not be easier to use "not" in front of your expression? Extended conditional shape manipulation actions | DataMiner Docs This would allow you to use ^ST-BT$ (for equal) or ^.*ST-BT.*$...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, The general rule of thumb is to create all your Cassandra nodes in one datacenter and point all your DataMiner agents to that datacenter. This mainly to keep the latency between the Cassandra...

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2 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Joerg, We would recommend SSD. You can let Cassandra know (cassandra.yaml) if you are using spinning disks or SSD, this will improve how Cassandra writes to disk, but SSD will give you better performance....

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, Please find the default alarm colors in our docs: Changing the default alarm colors | DataMiner Docs You'll see that from the 9.6.4 feature release (10.0 main release) some default colors...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Geovanny, We had two major improvements on another project in which we did subscriptions from many to many. It is depending on your use case if these will also help your case. Some improvements to...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Naveen, All of the above are related to virtualization layers. If the virtualization layer is working flawlessly, it should not really make a difference for the services (they will not be aware that...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Bernard, All current DataMiner versions support running Cassandra and/or Elastic database on (external) Linux machines. There is a minimum version from which Elastic can be used. From 9.5.0 it is possible...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Jack, I would suggest having a look at this video: Services - DataMiner Dojo In short, you should be able to add the parameter in your service through editing the service (or service template)....

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Alasdair, I would suggest having a look at the table histograms of all your tables (e.g. nodetool tablehistograms SLDMADB data) to see if you can identify which table is causing this. Can you create...

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2 Votes

Hi Luís, As you indicated, the current backup tool can't move the created snapshots to a different server. An internal task was created to cover this request. There are already some temporary tools...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, DataMiner (once running) will continue to work when DB is unreachable. At that moment, DataMiner will go into offload mode and store all the information for DB into files. During that time...

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Hi Sam, DataMiner 9.5 is a version that is no longer supported by Skyline. So no new fixes or versions will get released on that version. To see what versions are supported you can have a look on DataMiner...

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Hi Jaime, There could be several reasons why you have this problem. The ones that we see generally in the field: Windows is not able to provide page files fast enough to Cassandra (could be because...

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Hi Paul, In your service 'CH4 DR Salford DT Service 35 - 6005 - Film 4 Sco...' you will have the configuration that the subservice 'DTT Film 4-ID 5-NAT INGRESS RED' is being capped to a normal level (green...

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Hi Arunkrishna, Offloading towards files (instead of DB) happens when DataMiner is unable to communicate with the DB. You will need to find out why your MySQL database was unreachable according to DataMiner....

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2 Votes

Hi Alex, As far as I know this is not a possibility at the moment. What you can do is create a correlation rule that triggers if an element is created on those DMAs. This correlation rule could notify...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Jeyaram, The polling interval for real-time trending depends on your driver/protocol. In your protocol there will be some timers defined and in most cases this will be linked with the polling intervals...

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Hi Gerwin, It is possible to do this through an automation script (see example code). Note: This example is making use of SLNet calls and we can't make any commitment that these calls will still work...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Peter, If you add a shape to a group it will automatically make your group larger if needed, so this could potentially solve your problem?

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2 Votes

Hi Rene, You could use a regex replace feature in Visio. [regexreplace:x,y,z] with x the regular expression, y the input and z the string that will replace each match.  So if 1234.5678.9ABC or 12:34:56:78:9A:BC...

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Hi David, Can you evaluate your settings on your machine?

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2 Votes Selected

You can run DataMiner on a VM that is hosted in Azure (or AWS). Keep in mind that this can be rather expensive if you want to have dedicated drive, low network latency, minimum specs, ...

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2 Votes Selected

To inspect the impact of certain elements on your DB you can use the 'Skyline Cassandra Validator'. You can see in below screenshot an example of a DMA that holds 3 elements on which Trending is enabled....

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