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.NET 5 is currently still required for some modules, which means that it is currently required to have both .NET 5 and .NET 6 installed on DataMiner agents. (Note that having .NET 6 installed does not...
View QuestionOne idea could be to create an automation script which checks element states and triggers an action of choice when needed (e.g. as soon as any element is stopped or paused). This script could then be...
View QuestionThis is by design and also applies to regular services in general. As soon as an element is included in a service (always or conditionally), any alarm on that element will list the service as being impacted...
View QuestionWhile the usage of the raw Interop.SLDms.DMSClass objects is discouraged, you can solve this error ("Interop type 'DMSClass' cannot be embedded. Use the applicable interface instead.") from the Project...
View QuestionHi Frank, Exporting a service template via Actions > Export > .dmimport package will indeed also export all of the generated services and involved elements as well. I'm afraid there's no option...
View QuestionStarting from 10.1/10.0.8, the flag can be toggled at runtime by calling engine.SetFlag(RunTimeFlag.NoCheckingSets) or engine.UnSetFlag(RunTimeFlag.NoCheckingSets). (see Help) You could unset the flag,...
View QuestionHi Jens, Starting with 9.6.0 [CU18] / 10.0.0 [CU6] / 10.0.11 (RN26586), failed logon attempts will be logged in the SLNet.txt logging as "Authentication|Had a failed authentication request from DOMAIN\Username...
View QuestionHi Paul, Looks like this is a bug with the "Collect events for ... after first event" rule condition option. For every instance of the action, a tracked bucket remains in memory until DMA restart or rule...
View QuestionHi Alexandre, Alarm events do not contain any explicit indication that the alarm was created with hysteresis enabled. However, the alarm events do contain timing information which show the difference...
View QuestionOne possible reason could be that the element has been configured to run in Shared Session Mode
View QuestionThe timestamp attribute on the <DMA> tag is intended to automatically be updated. There's no need to manually fill out this attribute or even include it when manually making changes to DMS.xml....
View QuestionThe Compute Requirements page is indeed lacking this info for now. For older versions, for now the best place to look is the DataMiner Help which is included in that package, in the "Software Requirements...
View QuestionThe only way in which DataMiner uses WinPcap is to inject Gratuitous ARP packages directly on the network when a Failover switch is done. This sends out an extra announcement about the Virtual IP address...
View QuestionThe feed is at It can be auto-discovered from but it doesn't look like it's linked anywhere.
View QuestionIf a <From> tag is specified in the DataMiner.xml SMTP settings (see DataMiner Help), this value is used Otherwise, the "Email" address from the System Center > Agents > System > System...
View QuestionHi Jens, Is it possible that you created the element first and updated the Element Type in the protocol afterwards? As far as I can see, new elements get the ElementType as defined in the protocol copied...
View QuestionHi Matthijs, This delay occurs on the orchestrating agent (agent through which the upgrade was initiated) after the local upload has completed, while waiting for the uploads to other agents to complete....
View QuestionHi Frank, Unless I'm mistaken, this logging will also appear in the SLNet.txt logfile and probably also in the information events.
View QuestionOn an existing DataMiner System you would need the following steps: Create a DataMiner user (e.g. "DataMinerAdmin") which you add to a DataMiner security group which has full access (permissions &...
View QuestionHi Jens, There is currently no option to configure a default timeout for automation scripts. The hardcoded default timeout is 10 minutes.
View QuestionHi Alexander, Port 80 and/or 443 are indeed used while setting up the connection between the DataMiner Agent replicating the element and the DataMiner Agent hosting the source element. Main purpose is...
View QuestionThe SLProtocol process in DataMiner mainly works with strings and double values. Setting the value to a DateTime from a QAction works because SLProtocol will try to invoke a conversion to the target type...
View QuestionUnlike element replication (where the replicated element shows all data from the original element), service replication only replicates the summary severity of the original service and doesn't provide...
View QuestionAutomation scripts in DataMiner are always C#. There is no current Python support. Also see this question: Dojo: Automation Script Environment - Python support not available (
View QuestionAs additional info, the main reason for the SLDataMiner service restarting automatically (in turn launching the rest of DataMiner) is the SLWatchDog service. This service will automatically trigger a restart...
View QuestionDo note that eventing connections are set up from the server towards a random port that was opened by the client process (Cube). If Cube opened port 12345 for listening on, it is the server that will try...
View QuestionAll of this is by design. For a correlation rule, all active alarm trees which match the specified alarm filter are being kept track of in a bucket. In your example, all alarm trees elements running the...
View QuestionThat is expected. The file is no longer used as of 10.0 CU7 / 10.0.12 / 10.1 / 9.6 CU19 (RN27595)
View QuestionAgents in a DMS cluster communicate over port 8004 (by default). When setting up that connection, the HTTP or HTTPS ports are used to detect what port the server is running on (typically 8004). If that...
View QuestionThere's no public API to do so. However, you can send a SetDrsState message from an Automation script. var switchRequest = new SetDrsState() { DataMinerID = 1234, // DMA id of failover pair LocalIP...
View QuestionThe message "Cleaned stack: Message queue exceeded limit, cleaned message queue!" in a log file indicates a protection mechanism kicking in to prevent the memory of the SLLog process from exploding. This...
View QuestionHi Alberto, To my knowledge, the DataMiner software itself does not rely on the SMB protocol / file sharing, so disabling SMB should be ok. If used from anywhere, it would probably be specific individual...
View QuestionError 0x80004004 is a generic error code indicating E_ABORT ("Operation aborted"). This type of error gets generated when the C# automation script code is still trying to perform actions while the script...
View QuestionHi Nils, I can confirm this is an issue. It looks like the Cube correlation rule configuration incorrectly saves the user name in an incorrect format, which then fails to resolve back to a telephone number...
View QuestionHi Pedro, The correlation rules marked as "(Deprecated)" in the UI (created via Right Click > Advanced > Old Engine) will still work in DataMiner v10.2. I don't believe there is any decision or...
View QuestionHi Arunkrishna, It's odd that you're seeing this on 10.1.4. The version blocking for backup restores was added only in 10.1.12 / 10.0 CU20 / 10.1 CU9 (RN30921). Basically, on newer versions a MetaData.xml...
View QuestionIn this case, "Dataminer Health" represents the name of an element on this DataMiner agent. I'm not aware of automatically installed elements on DataMiner installation, so I suspect that the element was...
View QuestionHey Paulo, These requests are most likely originating from a web app that had its connection closed but is still trying to request data. There's an open task about this (125115). You might be able to...
View QuestionThis turned out to be a conflict between the SLNet and SLXml modules when starting the DataMiner via the "Start" button on the "Could not connect to the DataMiner Agent" dialog in Cube. While the views...
View QuestionHi Alex, These information events get generated when editing element-level overrides for parameter descriptions. These are stored in a description.xml file that goes with the element. The changes are...
View QuestionThe "group these alarms by ..." options can be used to create several buckets out of the active alarm trees matched by the correlation rule alarm filter. The rule conditions then apply to every separate...
View QuestionHi Alexander, Unfortunately, this specific text for plain text messages ("This e-mail was generated by ...") cannot be customized in current DataMiner versions. For HTML e-mails, the template is defined...
View QuestionHi Ramesh, Can you also enable the "Trigger on single events" checkbox? Information events such as the one you are triggering on do not have an open state (they don't have to be cleared, they are cleared...
View QuestionWithout looking too deep into it, this feels like a bug or shortcoming. Since General Main Release 10.0.0 - New features (part 2) | DataMiner Docs (RN21997) it is possible to upload element-specific documents...
View QuestionThe first goal here should be identifying where the delay originates from. The SLCorrelation.txt logfile provides information on when incoming alarm events get analyzed by the correlation engine and when...
View QuestionHi Melissa, It is safe to ignore these errors for a standalone DataMiner Agent. The message/error got introduced in v10.1.6 / 10.1 CU3 / 10.0 CU14 (ref) as a protection to prevent an agent that has not...
View QuestionHi Nils, I assume the filter displayed here is the "Alarm filter" section of the correlation rule. Be aware that this filter gets applied to every individual alarm tree, in order to select which alarms...
View QuestionMSXML 6 is still being used by the SLXml server module, for reading and writing a number of XML configuration files. There is currently no timeline to get rid of this dependency. Upgrades are currently...
View QuestionSetting up file sharing for the c:\Skyline DataMiner folder is known to mess up permissions on those folders and files. The IIS error basically means that the webserver process (IIS) does not have the...
View QuestionBy default, services are created on the agent hosting the majority of child elements. When no child elements are in the service, the agent on which the service template is being executed is chosen. The...
View QuestionHi Miguel, Some background first: SLScripting is the server side process which is responsible for executing QActions. These QActions can send requests to SLNet. The connection to send these requests...
View QuestionThere's currently no way to prevent the "Script Started" information event from being generated when starting an automation script.
View QuestionAs far as I see, the "Switch" button is disabled: When no Failover configuration exists When the other agent is unreachable/missing or stopped When the user does not have the "System Configuration/Agents/Switch...
View QuestionI did a quick test and could verify the behavior. The generated packages are the same though, and both contain the database data. The progress notifications "Exporting data of type: XXXX" are being generated...
View QuestionAs far as I know, there's not that much difference between alarm generation for parameters that are being set using history sets and parameters that are being set without, except for the timestamp of the...
View QuestionDataMiner currently does not support XOAUTH2 as authentication method. This indeed causes problems when trying to setup a connection to GMail (The “access from less secure apps” option needs to...
View QuestionAlso note that the parameter ids (pids) in screenshots are all 64501, which is the "Timeout" parameter. Not sure whether this coincidence or whether all of these notices are being generated on this same...
View QuestionThe DataMiner Metrics (as specified in the documentation) specify that the maximum number of enhanced services per DMA is 1000. This is mainly because each enhanced service is hosted by a background element...
View QuestionJudging by the error codes: error 81 = LDAP_SERVER_DOWN = "client-side result code that indicates that the LDAP libraries cannot establish an initial connection with the LDAP server. Either the LDAP...
View QuestionAs far as I know, there's no magic keyword to exclude values that are 'Not Initialized' (empty). You could use a trick with wildcards: value=2003 == ?* Be aware that this might cause an extra performance...
View QuestionBy the looks of it, these information events were created through the GenerateAlarmMessage where only a Value has been specified. Probably a script or driver generated these. This leaves you with an open...
View QuestionWhile the automation engine can mark a script as aborted, the script can only be aborted by the automation engine at points where the script interacts with the automation engine. Because of how the script...
View QuestionInstructions for installing DMS Alerter are here: Accessing Alerter | DataMiner Docs The tool can be installed on any client machine that is able to reach the DataMiner Agent.
View QuestionHi Gerwin, I assume that you are referring to this note in the 10.3.4 Release Notes. For part of these, an extra ValidateConnectors prerequisite check is part of the upgrade packages that will prevent...
View QuestionHi Bernard, There is no such thing as an order in which monitors run. Each monitor runs its own timer independently of other monitors, executing the monitor script at the specified interval (or as soon...
View QuestionHi Nils, I cannot simulate this exact behavior, but I did notice that the software does not like whitespace in between the different user names, while that whitespace does get automatically added when...
View QuestionSome extra information about this error message: This error indicates that a client (application or script) tried to register a subscription for a type of events that does not exist. The root cause is...
View QuestionSome things to be aware of: Cube does not receive its values directly from the connector. There's an SLSpectrum module in between which manages multiple simultaneous client sessions and monitors....
View QuestionI believe the relevant log file would be SLNotifications.txt, on the agent where the alarm was generated.
View QuestionI believe both of these connections ("Bound Element Monitor Subscriptions" and "VirtualFunctionResourceStateHandler") should only occur max once per agent. These two internal connections get created as...
View QuestionHi, You might be able to find out more info about the error in the Automation log file (Cube > System Center > Logging > DataMiner > Automation. Or SLAutomation.txt on the server) An error...
View QuestionHi Jens, At this time there is no built-in logging functionality for BPA tests. I'm sure such a feature could get added in the future, but as far as I know there are no current plans to tackle this in...
View QuestionI assume you are using the Alerts option on the System Center > Users / Groups configuration to send out notification e-mails. These indeed are always HTML e-mails. While the template for such mails...
View QuestionWith "connection strings", I assume you are talking about the connection strings that can be configured through SLNetClientTest. These allow for redirecting traffic between two agents through another host/port...
View QuestionAs far as I know, it is safe to delete files in this folder. Info on custom configuration options can be found in the help. The default behaviour consists in keeping the 20 most recent packages in cache....
View QuestionQActions get compiled as part of the SLScripting process. My guess is that either the process is near its limit (about 4GB VM size), or that there's a problem with one of the referenced DLLs (but that...
View QuestionThe value of this property will be the DataMiner ID of the agent where the element was originally created. protocol.DataMinerID in combination with protocol.ElementID will provide the unique dmaid/eid...
View QuestionUnfortunately, SLAlerter currently only supports running one instance, which can connect to one cluster only at the same time.
View QuestionUnfortunately, there currently is no way to avoid having the timestamp added or to get hold of the generated filename.
View QuestionHi Michael, As automation scripts run on the DataMiner Agent, they cannot directly trigger actions (such as playing sounds) on client machines. The Alerter application triggers on incoming alarm events...
View QuestionHi Jeroen, Client application licensing has been removed starting from 9.6 CU19, 10.0 CU7, 10.0.12 (release notes) There's no more need to register these applications.
View QuestionHi Mahito, This appears to be a known issue. While the annotations editor supports the characters, the content ends up getting saved with an incorrect encoding on the server. Unfortunately, no fix is...
View QuestionHi Bernard, The credentials that are requested by Cube when adding a new agent to the cluster are not stored. They get used for a temporary connection from the Cube client to the target system only (to...
View QuestionThis is not possible as far as I know. Is there a specific use case for this? If the goal is to see the history and know when and how the value changed, I believe that real-time trending can provide...
View QuestionHi Jeff, There's no way to prevent specific information events from being generated. The information events from the screenshot are most likely generated when the configuration of DataMiner services...
View QuestionBy default, the services created by a service template are created on the agent hosting the majority of child elements. When no child elements are in the service, the agent on which the service template...
View QuestionThis is possible. Any element/parameter in the system can be used as a trigger for the switching logic. (The same goes for services: elements can be dynamically included based on an element/parameter...
View QuestionHi Edson, DataMiner does not have any way to retrieve passwords from the Operating System, nor gets notified when changes are made there. This means that if the password was changed through the OS, DataMiner...
View QuestionThe main potentially odd thing I notice is the "" IP address in the logs. My main guess would be that the IP adapter on your system order is incorrect, and that this is causing the upgrade not...
View QuestionHi Oliver, Have a look at this method: Method FindInteractiveClient | DataMiner Docs It allows a non-interactive script to request attention of an active Cube session. The Cube session will receive a...
View QuestionThe exception "Something went wrong while setting the parameters" appears to be coming from inside the subscript. From what I find, this error message is not being generated by DataMiner itself. I would...
View QuestionThe DB.xml tag "<DataBase active="True" local="false" type="MySQL">" indicates that a MySQL central database (local="false") is configured an active (active="true"). This section will be the reason...
View QuestionAside from very old browsers not being able to reach the website (all major browsers have had SNI support for quite some time now), I'm not expecting further issues with DataMiner functionality or at least...
View QuestionUnfortunately, as far as I know and can find, there's currently no way to retrieve the current value of these flags.
View QuestionHi Stefan, If the "Child element" configuration of the service template definition has the "This service child is optional"-checkbox enabled (option under "Templated element"), you should be able to import...
View QuestionHi Syed, Some further questions on this, to help us better understand what is going on: Which DataMiner version is this server running on exactly? I assume the package "elastic-binaries.dmupgrade"...
View QuestionThis is not a solution, but the errors appear to indicate that there is a problem with the configuration of the Web APIs, rather than with Dashboards itself. You will most likely see the same error when...
View Question