
Marieke Goethals

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First name Marieke
Last name Goethals

Principal Technical Writer

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This is a Cube client timeout, which is totally normal given the fact that by default Cube tries to use a communication method called eventing. This method can require some setup to work properly, so...

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Hi Russ, You can find detailed information about this in this article: Internet Explorer Support. This also mentions that we plan to end support for the browser application from DataMiner 10.3 onwards...

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17 Votes Selected

The Low-Code Apps module is fully available from DataMiner 10.2.5/10.3.0 onwards, without the soft-launch option. See also: DataMiner Low-Code Apps.

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14 Votes Selected

There is a temporary issue with the template, which should hopefully be fixed very soon (with any luck, in about 15 minutes).

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13 Votes Selected

You can find extensive information about this here:

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This is indeed possible. You'll need to create a filtered tab showing only major alarms and then enable the audible alert option for that tab. (Note that you need to have Windows Media Player on the client...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Ashwini, You can find detailed installation information here:

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9 Votes

These are used to determine whether parameters are included in an alarm template group. You can find more information about this here:

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Alexander, No PDF or downloadable version of the DataMiner User Guide is available. The DataMiner documentation is constantly being improved and changed, so any such download would almost immediately...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Koen, This info will be added on Dojo very soon, under Resources > Other resources > Tools > DataMiner tools. I'll keep you informed!

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7 Votes Selected

You can find this here:

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6 Votes

You can do so by adding a custom configuration in MaintenanceSettings.xml. You can find detailed information on how to do this in the DataMiner Help:

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6 Votes Selected

Thanks for letting us know! This link has now been fixed.

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5 Votes Selected

In the draft version for this connector help, this is the information about the connection: I'll check with the developer if this help page can be finalized and published.

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5 Votes Selected

As Jeeva mentioned, it stands for "Configuration Item". For questions like this, you'll often find the answer in the glossary section of the user guide:

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Ken, In order to open the attachment, you will need to open the PDF using Adobe Reader. There is a link on the main page (shown in your screenshot) that goes to a page where you can download this PDF...

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Hi Jens, We're currently working on adding this documentation. You can check the current draft in the DOM branch on GitHub: SkylineCommunications/dataminer-docs at DOM (

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Enrique, Alarm focus is available since DataMiner 10.0.0/10.0.2. This feature assigns an estimated likelihood or “alarm focus score” to each alarm, after analyzing the short-term history and current...

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5 Votes

To start an investigation in case you run into a problem with DataMiner, refer to the Troubleshooting section in our user guide: Troubleshooting flowcharts | DataMiner Docs. You can also report the issue...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Nathan, These are available from 10.3.12 onwards on the feature release track, or 10.4.0 on the main release track. Note that you can already access part of this functionality even if you use an earlier...

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The recommended policy is "Upgrade main and backup Agent simultaneously". For more information:

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4 Votes Selected

Yes, it's possible to schedule an alarm template so it's only active at specific times. You can find more information about this here:

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You can find a detailed overview of the restrictions in the following section of the DataMiner Help: Naming of elements, services, views, etc.

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4 Votes Selected

To my knowledge, this relates specifically to the possibility to create a custom search tab in the Alarm Console. You can do so by creating a new tab in the Alarm Console and specifying a search term in...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Vikas, Could you check if the option "Stack components" is selected in the PDF report options? This causes components to be displayed below one another. You can find more detailed information here:...

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3 Votes

For the latest system requirements, see DataMiner Compute Requirements - DataMiner Dojo. I'll make sure this gets clarified on the page you mentioned.

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3 Votes Selected

To my knowledge, we do not have this procedure for Windows 2019 and 2022. However, note that this is the procedure for the legacy dashboards, which will soon be retired. For the new Dashboards app, you...

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It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments, so I will now close it.

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2 Votes Selected

Found the solution! Apparently Edge needs to do a reload in order to load Internet Explorer, so if the initial page is already the XBAP, this fails. So to make this work, I had to set the Edge setting...

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2 Votes Selected

As mentioned in the introduction of the soft-launch article, many of the soft-launch options also require an IIS restart when they are activated. Could you try this and see if it solves the problem?

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2 Votes

Hi Sandeep, Once you have downloaded the file, open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader and click the "Open attachments list" button. This should open a side panel on the left with the file SLC_TF_Training2022_REV027.pdf....

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Russ, It is possible to get a PDF version on demand by mailing to However, as a PDF can get outdated very quickly, we do not recommend this. To make sure you always have the...

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2 Votes

Hi Felix, I get the impression that this question has already been answered in the comments. If this is indeed the case, could you select this answer to indicate that the question can be closed?

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It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments, so I will now close it.

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Hi Michael, Is this the setup you had in mind:

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Have you tried restarting the DMA yet? I've encountered a similar issue recently, and a DMA restart did the trick then.

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Hi Michiel, Has your question been answered by Amer's comment? If yes, could you select this answer to mark the question as complete?

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Hi, At present we only have limited information about this, mainly related to the Cassandra database, but we are planning to look into updating and expanding this information. However, this is still in...

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This information is available on the following page on docs:

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While DataMiner currently supports several cloud database services, we highly recommend using DataMiner STaaS, which will be available soon.

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As this question has been inactive for a long time, and it doesn't look like an answer is still needed, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark it as resolved.

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Hi Daniel, As this question has been open for some time, and this looks like an issue that will require an in-depth investigation beyond the scope of the Q&A, could you contact

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As this question has been inactive for a long time, and it doesn't look like an answer is still needed, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark it as resolved.

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As this question has been answered in the comments, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark it as resolved.

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To make it clear that his question no longer requires an answer, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark it as resolved.

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The latest version, which should include all the necessary fixes, is available in the catalog here: Catalog (

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I believe this question has been answered in the comments. If not, feel free to contact for assistance.

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You can find detailed information about this in this article:

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1 Vote

As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you do wish to investigate this further, could you post a new question?

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0 Votes Selected

As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?

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0 Votes Selected

As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, we will now close it. If you do wish to investigate this further, feel free to post a new question or...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi, It looks like this question is too complex to be able to quickly tackle it on this forum. It should be possible to link multiple inputs to a single output, but without taking a closer look at your...

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Based on Flávio's comment, it looks like this question has already been answered. To make it clear that this question no longer requires an answer, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Daniel, Have you been able to solve this based on the comments above? If yes, could you select this answer to indicate that this question can be closed?

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It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments. To make it clear that this question no longer requires an answer, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark it as resolved.

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Hi Kristian, Based on the comments, I get the impression that this issue may already be solved. Have you indeed managed to find the solution? If yes, could you select this answer to indicate that this...

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I get the impression that this question has already been answered in the comments. If this is indeed the case, could you select this answer to indicate that the question can be closed?

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Hi Ian, Has Meekaeel's comment been helpful for you? Or have you been able to find a different approach in the meantime?

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0 Votes

The information in the Weight, Change, and Polling columns in the element migration UI is inaccurate and can be ignored. In fact, in later DataMiner versions, these columns are no longer available. See...

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Hi Jaroslaw, It looks like this question has already been answered with Robin's comment. If you do still need help with this, could you reach out to your Skyline contact as he suggests? In the meantime,...

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As this question has now been open for a long time without any activity, we will now close it. If you do still want more information, could you add a new question?

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0 Votes Selected

As this question has now been open for a long time without any activity, we will now close it. If you do still want more information, could you add a new question, possibly focusing on more specific items?

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As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, we will now close it. If you do wish to investigate this further, feel free to post a new question or...

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I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need assistance with this? If not, could you select this answer so this question is closed?

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I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need assistance with this? If not, could you select this answer so this question is closed? If you do still need help with this, could...

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Hi Paul, Based on your comment, it looks like this question no longer needs an answer. If this is indeed the case, could you select this answer to indicate that this question is now closed?

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It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments. To make it clear that this question no longer requires an answer, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark it as resolved.

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If you are not using a Cassandra Cluster setup, you can follow this procedure for this:

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0 Votes

This is most likely because IS-04 workflows are no longer supported as of Process Automation 1.3. You will need to use an earlier version of Process Automation for this. The documentation has been updated...

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It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments. This is a pro forma answer to make it possible to mark the question as resolved.

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A ticket was raised and closed for this question: After an upgrade to 10.3.12, all information events were displayed again.

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It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments. This is a pro forma answer to make it possible to mark the question as resolved.

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I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you found a solution for this yet? If yes, could you provide some information about this for reference for other users? If no, could you answer...

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As this question has been open for some time, and this looks like an issue that will require an in-depth investigation beyond the scope of the Q&A, could you contact for assistance...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Arturo, Do you still need an answer to this question? If yes, could you provide some more information about the database architecture as requested by Miguel in the comment above? If no, could you select...

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0 Votes Selected

I've just checked with our data core team for this, and they confirmed that we do not have any experience with configuring CrowdStrike AV for Cassandra and Elasticsearch Linux environments yet. We do have...

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I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need assistance with this? If yes, could you edit your question (via the cogwheel icon in the lower left corner of the question) and...

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Could you explain what exactly the parsing issue is you are encountering? This isn't entirely clear from your question.

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0 Votes

It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments, so I will now close it.

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It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments, so I will now close it. If you do still need assistance, feel free to contact

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This looks like an issue that is probably too complex to solve it on this forum. If you still need assistance with this, could you contact

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As this question has been inactive for a long time, we will now close it. If you want further assistance, feel free to post a new question.

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As this question has been inactive for a long time, we will now close it. If you want further assistance, feel free to post a new question or contact

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As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, we will now close it. If you do wish to investigate this further, feel free to post a new question or...

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Hi Romain, Could you check whether the user has the Config rights for these services? (Note that this can only be configured on group level.)

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Hi Tim, Do you still need an answer for this question, or has it been answered by Rene's comment above? If the question no longer needs to be looked into, could you select this answer in order to close...

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Hi Thomaz, Do you still need any more information for this question? If not, could you select this answer (using the ✓ icon) to indicate that the question can be closed?

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I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you found a solution for this yet? If not, you can also contact for assistance.

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Hi Philip, I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need assistance with this? If not, could you select this answer so this question is closed?

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This option is available from DataMiner 10.0.12 onwards. For more information, see

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As this question has been inactive for a long time, we will now close it. If you want further assistance, feel free to post a new question or contact

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Hi, I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you found a solution for this yet? If not, feel free to contact for assistance.

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Soon it will possible to migrate to DataMiner StaaS in our cloud. This will be the preferred option, as you will not have to worry about managing the databases yourself with this setup....

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Hi Nils, So you still need more information for this question? Based on the comments, I get the impression that this may already be resolved.

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Hi, I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you found a solution for this yet? If not, feel free to contact for assistance.

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Hi Tyler, I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you found a solution for this yet? If not, feel free to contact for assistance.

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Hi Aston, Have you been able to solve the issue with Arunkrishna's answer? If so, could you select the answer (using the ✓ icon)? If not, you can also contact for assistance.

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Hi Logan, Have you been able to solve the issue with these answers? If so, could you select the best answer (using the ✓ icon)? If not, you can also contact for assistance.

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Could you confirm if this issue has been resolved, so we can close this question?

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Hi Mieke, I had the same problem yesterday, and a DMA reboot fixed it. After the reboot, I could connect to the cloud again in System Center.

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