
Bert Buysschaert

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First name Bert
Last name Buysschaert

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Performing a drag-and-drop of multiple items is possible using the following steps: Open the view card for the view that contains all the 500 services. Go to the list of services in this card. Select...

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12 Votes Selected edited answer

Up until DataMiner version 10.0.9 the last used credentials were saved in a file %AppData%\Skyline\DataMiner\SavedUser.dat. Starting from DataMiner version 10.0.9 (RN26483) we store the last used credentials...

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Hi Miao, Does the script contain any commented-out line of code that has a .ShowUI() call? This will also incorrectly flag the script as requiring interaction. You can work around this by avoiding this...

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11 Votes Selected

Hi Benjamin, This will happen when using a Cube version that was installed with an MSI Launcher (shared) package. These packages are found in the C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\Tools\Installs folder on...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi David, nice to hear you like the new feature. As you found out, it is indeed limited to 4 pinned items at the moment. We plan to remove this restriction in a future version, as soon as we have worked...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Ruben, This should be possible. Cube only needs a TCP connection to port 8004 on the DMA, as long as the connection setting has been set to "Remoting", the destination port is set to 8004 and polling...

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10 Votes Selected

As of DataMiner 10.0.10 the default browser engine has changed from Internet Explorer to Chrome (RN26662). The VLC video player is an ActiveX control that only works in IE. In order to keep using IE instead...

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10 Votes Selected

Cube will contact to retrieve the protocols and updates, so the firewall rule should allow hostname and TCP port 443.

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, When Cube gets stuck with "application not responding", it can be caused by either a blocking call or deadlock (resulting in 0% CPU usage of the main thread), or by intensive processing (resulting...

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Hi Miguel, The incorrect username and initials has been fixed today with RN35584 and will be available in 10.3.0 CU1 / 10.3.4.

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Alexander, This has always been possible using the MSI installation package that can be found on any agent in \webpages\tools\installs\DataMiner Cube.msi. Recently in DataMiner 10.2 we have redesigned...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Miloš, If you are on a recent version of the Cube Launcher, you can modify the settings for the button and select "HTTPS only" as the transport. Alternatively, you can add the button again. In the...

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8 Votes

Hi Dominik, APIGateway was first released in 10.2.1 feature release and should not be present in 10.2.0 main release packages. The upgrade action that is responsible for installing the MSI package could...

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8 Votes Selected

You can change the default browser engine via Cube > System Center > System Settings > Plugins. You can also configure protocol-specific overrides, e.g. if a certain older device only works with...

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8 Votes Selected

This is the location where Cube stores the upgrade packages downloaded from DCP via the Update Center. There is currently no automatic cleanup of this folder.

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8 Votes Selected

There is a scheduled task "Skyline DataMiner LDAP Resync" in the Windows Task Scheduler that performs a sync every hour, on the hour. You can manually trigger this task to see the changes reflected in...

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Hi Tim, You can grab the latest DataMiner Feature release upgrade package (10.4.3 as of writing) from Extract this .dmupgrade file...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Edson, There is a commandline option for that, see

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7 Votes

StreamReader uses an internal buffer (default size 1024) because it would not be very efficient to read one byte at a time from the source stream. When the StreamReader gets disposed at the end of the...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Dave, This link will download the Cube installer, which will in turn download the latest Cube from the DataMiner agent you are connecting to, and optionally from the latest public online version depending...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Jeff, If you are uploading the upgrade package using Cube or the TaskBarUtility, the client will upload the package to the connected DMA, and that DMA will forward the package to all other agents in...

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7 Votes Selected

The popup in your first screenshot is Cube not trusting the certificate of the agent you are connected to (A). That will probably be solved by fixing the hostname in MaintenanceSettings.xml to match with...

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Internet Explorer as a standalone webbrowser application will have its support ended by 2022 indeed. However, the Internet Explorer browser engine (MSHTML) has support until 2029 (see references). This...

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7 Votes Selected

Cube has a setting to limit the number of open cards (default: 16). The same value is used to display the warning in the screenshot: if you open more than 16 elements inside a service, it can potentially...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, Filtering the netstat list on port 8004 may not give the full picture. When a client connects to the server using .NET Remoting, an outgoing TCP connection is established from that client...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Martin, New version of DataMiner and Cube are typically released every month. You can find the exact update schedule here: If...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Ive, This specific error (Cannot accept SOAP messages (text/xml)) occurs when using Remoting when no channel has been registered, typically when using polling mode. The issue should have been fixed...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Ive, gRPC has not been made available publically (*) as an explicit selectable connection method, for 2 reasons: Changing the default connection setting to 'gRPC' in a 10.3+ Cube would break older...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Donnell, At first sight this does not look like a permission issue but rather a problem with long path support in both Windows and DataMiner. The path in question here exceeds the MAX_PATH limit of...

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Hi Nils, The Cube installer on is intended to update itself to the latest version, however, this requires internet connectivity on the client machines. There are 2 main ways to deploy...

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6 Votes Selected

Some troubleshooting options: Inspect the Cube Launcher logfiles for more details. As the error message mentions the correct Cube version I would expect it was able to access the VersionInfo.ashx endpoint...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Robin, It looks like the hostname that was configured in MaintenanceSettings.xml contains a wildcard * It should contain the actual hostname of this specific dataminer agent, e.g.

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6 Votes Selected

A new Cube version with a fix has just been published on the preview track. If you don't want to wait until the next automatic update check, you can fetch it with a manual "Check for updates" via the bottom-right...

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6 Votes

Hi Bernard, This is the result of Cube not being able to download the CefSharp browser plugin from the agent. If you check the Cube logging in the first tab, you can see the exception details which may...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Michael, Yes, this tool hasn't been updated since 9.0 and is still compiled against the .NET 2.0 / 3.5 Framework. Installing the .NET 3.5 component in Windows is one option, but if it is just to run...

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6 Votes Selected

If both clients connect with the same user to the same DMA and experience different behaviour, the clientside protocolcache could indeed be the source of this issue. To clear this cache, you can safely...

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6 Votes Selected

The connection setting in Cube must be set to "Auto". The ConnectionSettings.txt file on the agent(s) must contain GRPCConnection (see link from Seppe). Cube will attempt to retrieve ConnectionSettings.txt...

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5 Votes Selected

The ConnectionSettings.txt file is unique per agent in the cluster and does not get synced automatically. When the connection type is set to "auto" in Cube, it will retrieve the ConnectionSettings.txt...

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5 Votes Selected

You can find these in C:\Skyline DataMiner\System Cache\Info\startupinfo.txt

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Shawn, While performing an upgrade, there is a moment in time when the old SLNet.exe process shuts down and before the new SLNet.exe process starts up. During that timespan clients can temporarily...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Gilles, If port 80 is closed in IIS on the DMA, the Taskbar utility requires a valid (trusted) certificate configured on port 443 in IIS for hostname "DATAMINER-03". If you uncheck the setting, a certificate...

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Hi Paul, 1. In this scenario I would say there is currently no immediate benefit, and as you can see in my response on point 2 there is quite some configuration work. It could be useful to wait until...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Arunkrishna, This is a default security prevention in Internet Explorer and is not related to the certificates or DataMiner configuration. You will need to add the DMA to either the Trusted Sites or...

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5 Votes

Hi Jens, This works the same way in the visio shape as it does in the filterbox. In your case the pipe character | in your regex will be interpreted at a higher level, as a separator of different ParameterControlOptions....

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Hi Ana, Package is 10.2.0 CU0. Unfortunately, the client independent updates feature is only available starting with 10.2.0 CU3. From that version onward you can start using the latest...

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5 Votes Selected

The jumplist on the pinned taskbar item was a proof-of-concept from the last Inspire. These items will only appear if you have installed the Cube version from The jumplist functionality...

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5 Votes Selected

The VLC ActiveX plugin for IE runs on the client, so VLC needs to be installed on every client machine that wants to display the video stream.

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5 Votes Selected

One thing we have seen in the past is that certain cache folder permissions in C:\ProgramData\Skyline are not set correctly, causing extra requests to the server and delays whenever opening a card in Cube....

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5 Votes Selected

There is a global permission flag General > Elements > Data Display > Device webpage access that can remove these webinterface pages, but there is currently no configuration to do this on a protocol...

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5 Votes

Hi Anna, This looks like the same issue as reported here: Can you verify if you are on a DataMiner main release...

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Hi Timothy, The ViewLog.asp webpage is encountering that 500 error internally while retrieving the raw logfile from the /logging/ folder. It might be worth checking what happens when trying to retrieve...

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Hi Sean, The webbrowser control in Visio will be reinitialized whenever the URI changes in the Link shape data, similar to opening a new tab in a browser. The note in the docs as you have found will preserve...

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4 Votes Selected

There is most likely an issue with downloading or installing the CefSharp webbrowser engine. The Cube logging (first tab) should provide more details on what goes wrong (e.g. unable to download the file...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Jens, Ultimately it is up to the IdentityProvider web service (Microsoft Azure in this scenario) to decide which authentication steps are required. We have seen different behavior based on IP address,...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Alex, The independent client update functionality that Ben highlighted on the Inspire 2022 event was introduced in 10.2.0 CU3 main release and 10.2.6 feature release (see RN33360). When you have a...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Timothy, At the moment there is no functionality to dynamically hide items in the contextmenu. There is only the options="level:5;..." specification to check against the current user's security access...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, Your assumption about the installation link on the collaboration portal is correct, this is the new Cube Start Window that automatically downloads/executes the correct version of Cube depending...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, From this screenshot alone there is no conclusion that traffic on ports 23404 <-> 64398 is related to DataMiner traffic. Is this a phenomenon that you can reliably reproduce? If so,...

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3 Votes

Hi Wouter, You can download the latest feature release here: Then extract the and versions.txt files from its

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Chian, For performance reasons, partial tables in Cube do not support realtime updates when applying a filter or when sorting on a specific column. At the moment you filter/sort, a snapshot across...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, 1) When upgrading to 10.3.0, can a DMS cluster still run without enabling the gRPC port? Yes, as Seppe mentioned the default communication channel is still .NET Remoting over port 8004. Note...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Dario, This is not a limitation from a DataMiner setting or option, it is an issue that will only occur in the XBAP version of Cube. I am currently not able to simulate this locally so it may depend...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Arunkrishna, This setting ("commonServer.ui.Webbrowser_Engine") is stored on the DMA in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Users\ClientSettings.json. After saving the setting in Cube, you could have a look at this...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Paul, When using GRPCConnection, most of the options for RemotingConnection (including polling) are no longer applicable. The only 2 options for gRPC at the moment are the serverport and the endpoint:...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Nils, The actions in the contextmenu on a table parameter can be used for more complex scenarios than a simple parameter set action. They can require multiple arguments, directly invoke a QAction in...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Ruben, You can manually clear the Cube browser caches by closing all open Cube applications and deleting these folders: %LocalAppData%\Skyline\DataMiner\DataMinerCube\CefSharp\UserCache %LocalAppData%\Skyline\DataMiner\DataMinerCube\Edge\Data...

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3 Votes Selected

Another alternative is to use the already-configured IIS HTTPS on port 443 as reverse proxy. This requires the IIS ApplicationRequestRouting plugin to be installed and enabled. The "Reroute API Deployment"...

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3 Votes

Hi Jeroen, You can look for the file starting with 0c78787f8ee98a8aa8ff74d699d0c3e0_ in the subfolder of %AppData%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\ with your SID. Instead of deleting it, I would recommend to rename...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, I recently ran into a similar issue. Both agents were still empty and only had the Administrator account with the same password. It turned out that one of the agents was not properly added...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Ive, This can occur with the IE and Edge browser engines if the browser shape is displayed in a layout where it is not completely visible, e.g. scrollviewer (or here a grid layout?). It should not...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Sam, I created a recording of the installation process. In this example I have a config file with 3 agents preconfigured that I place alongside DataMinerCube.exe in the default C:\Program Files\Skyline...

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3 Votes

Before DataMiner switched to the Roslyn compiler with RN20746, it used the System.CodeDom.Compiler library. This uses the C# compiler that is included in the .NET Framework and can be found at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe...

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Cube will create a separator if the page name start with 3 or more dashes, for example <Display pageOrder="Alarms;----------;General" /> Is it possible that one of the parameters is positioned on...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Randy, this is not yet possible, we have task scheduled to implement this (DCP155036).

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Please note that the minimum client requirements for DataMiner 9.6.0 specify .NET Framework version 4.6.2 As Ive pointed out, we do...

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3 Votes

Hi Gerwin, This is currently not supported, but should only be a minor feature request. For the use case you have in mind, would this HTTP header have a static value that can be saved in the visio document,...

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3 Votes Selected

When using Cassandra, this is time-based (last 7 days) and is subsequently truncated to the last 500 items. When using MySQL, this is record-based (last 200 logins + last 500 actions). These limits are...

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You can send the SetDataMinerInfoMessage manually from code, or use the easier Force sync... dialog in the Avanced menu of SLNetClient Test tool. The files in C:\Skyline DataMiner\icons\* are for a different...

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Hi Manuel, At the moment this not possible, unfortunately. However, this is only during the version checking step of launching Cube. If you have an existing Cube open (for example by connecting to another...

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2 Votes

Hi Shawn, The file information displayed in the Cube About window is generated once at startup of SLNet and cached throughout its lifetime. For everything in the Files\* folder that makes sense, as a...

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2 Votes Selected

There are 2 things you can try out: In the Cube settings > Computer > Performance you can try unchecking the "Use hardware rendering" option. This requires a restart of Cube to take effect....

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2 Votes Selected

On a DataMiner server, the WebView2 runtime will typically not be installed out of the box. You can grab the Evergreen Bootstrapper or Standalone installer from here: WebView2 - Microsoft Edge Developer

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Hi Laurens, At the moment this limit is hardcoded in SLLog and cannot be configured through settings. The goal was to limit the logging to reasonable chunks of data and avoid situations where a process...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Nathan, There is currently no global overview of where each visio file is used. However, it is quite easy to export this information with an automation script. I have made an example that writes it...

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Hi Jeff, Services with a protocol internally consist of the actual service and a hidden element with the same name as the service. If you assign the protocol during service creation the ID of the element...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Alexander, can the answers on this similar question help you?

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Michiel, This was not part of the initial feature requirement for uploading element-specific documents (RN21997). These files would only be stored on the DMA where the element is hosted and would be...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Bernard, When adding an agent to the Cube Start Window, it will automatically check if HTTPS is available or not. If it is, it will be preferred over HTTP. If any issues are encounterd when trying...

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Hi Robin, At the moment Cube only supports HTTP on TCP/80 or HTTPS on TCP/443 ports to communicate with the DataMiner agent. Even if you launch Cube through other means, the embedded webpages in that...

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The auto-logoff setting of Cube ("Time before automatic disconnect") is based solely on keyboard and mouse input to the Cube window(s). Sending and receiving of DataMiner messages has no impact on this....

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Hi Gerwin, This should actually work, both with a SetVar shape or with InitVar on the page. I created a recording to illustrate: The buttons at the top are SetVar shapes with the following shape data:...

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Hi Gerwin, Just to inform you that we have an internal proof-of-concept of a "session variable overview" window. It should allow you to see which variables are active in a certain context, their current...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Michael, this appears to be an issue, I have created an internal task to follow up (DCP162752). As a workaround you can manually place a file named CustomerLogo.png in the  C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Jeff, This was not intentional, it is an unfortunate regression issue that was introduced with RN30167 and we expect to have it fixed in the next release cycle for 10.1 CU6.

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Hi Henrique, This is a known issue that will be fixed in the next update 10.1.0 CU1 which is scheduled for release at the end of next week. In the mean time, there are 2 workarounds available: - Download...

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Note that starting from DataMiner 10.0.9 feature release and 10.1.0 main release, with the introduction of RN26251, large values are already displayed with a thousands separator to improve readability....

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If HTTPS was available at the time of adding the agent, this preference will be stored. If it was available, we first try HTTPS and fallback to HTTP. If it was not available, we first try HTTP and fallback...

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Hi Catarina, The <LDAP> and <SNMP> elements are automatically synced between failover agents. However, <AzureAD>, <ExternalAuthentication>, <SNMPv3> and others are not. When...

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1 Vote

This is indeed normal behavior. See the documentation: "There is no alarm for a parameter in "Normal" state, so there will be no bubble-up: parent levels will be displayed in gray/Undefined instead of...

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Hi Euler, DataMiner supports RADIUS for authentication, either with a simple username/password, or with an additional challenge/response like a 2FA code. Configuration takes place in DataMiner.xml as...

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