We want to reserve some DMAs within a DMS for specific purposes and as such would like to restrict any new elements being added to those DMAs by general Engineering teams (with element addition rights) or indeed accidentally being built on those DMAs even if they have spare license capacity.
Is there a way to restrict or lock a DMA from being picked when adding a new element, unless it has been specifically unlocked?
Hi Alex,
As far as I know this is not a possibility at the moment.
What you can do is create a correlation rule that triggers if an element is created on those DMAs. This correlation rule could notify you by mail or you could even trigger an automation script to perform custom actions.

Hi Michiel,
Just our of curiosity, would it be possible then to have an automation that verifies who added the new element and on which DMA node it was added, and if it is on one of those specific restricted DMA nodes and it was done by a user that is not whitelisted, that then the automation would also move it to another DMA node automatically?

In addition Alex if you feel this is a feature that is missing in DataMiner you can add it to the feature suggestion list: https://community.dataminer.services/feature-suggestions/

@Ben: Indeed this would definitely be possible through an automation script.
This is already a bit more advanced, but to get you started you can use the following code to get information from the alarm or in this case information event that has triggered your correlation rule:
ScriptParam paramCorrelationAlarmInfo = engine.GetScriptParam(65006);
string alarmInfo = paramCorrelationAlarmInfo.Value;
string[] parts = alarmInfo.Split(‘|’);
Hi Alex, adding to the feedback of the colleagues here, we notice that more and more customers manage the infrastructure on-boarding process fully automated. We have the DataMiner IDP app to do exactly that. Depending on the DataMiner Configuration Item type (CI Type), the provisioning of the elements may happen on different nodes on the cluster. This would not prevent operators to ‘override’ this behavior as such, but by automating the on boarding process, you may already be a big step forward. KR, Steven