
Alberto De Luca

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First name Alberto
Last name De Luca

Technology specialist, based in London

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I've worked with different OS versions running in prod, it was just fine from a DM perspective. Different OS versions can have different password complexity requirements for users, this might lead to some...

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12 Votes Selected edited answer

I'd ask for "returnActiveAlarms" for cases when the chat is available but not the alarm console. Perhaps a "returnConnectedUsers" could also help to coordinate during incidents

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New to this possibility, tbh, but I'd assume you'd need to be a DM admin for the destination cluster and have sufficient rights on the cloud side to fetch the related connector. Have you already tried...

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8 Votes

This is a good one, Srikanth - not aware a full list, subscribing to get more insights from the community, but I believe it's possible to refer to the different "Event ID"s. I seem to recall there would...

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6 Votes Selected edited answer

I understand the additional security layer for local users where pw is not saved, but what would be the benefit for domain users in your scenario? I mean, one of the general advantages of having domain...

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6 Votes Selected edited answer

Wouter, Rene, Jens adding an additional trace here. Based on this drawing, I'm led to think that only 1 connection is required from a CUBE client random port (random but in the 49152-->65535 range)...

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5 Votes

Elvio, it's an interesting use-case. As Ben suggests, there can be many scenarios to explore: -indeed when using .kml maybe you're also entitled to the usage of Google Maps in your system; -positioning...

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5 Votes Selected

Salut, Bernard I believe the expansion recommended by Jarno might be the best option if Teams is in use - at some point, perhaps a fork will be needed for companies who prefer Slack...

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3 Votes

Hi Stephane, I understand you'd like to keep a restricted level of privileges, however from a functional perspective, even if some scripting work-around can be identified, you're still stating that a user...

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3 Votes Selected

As shared in the above comment - this might be another option if you have a few clients that are not updating the versions: HTH

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3 Votes

Ian, I think once the offload is set, the above usage should be possible. I'd check if the option below allows to tune the offload based on your requirements: Still haven't played much with GQI, I'll...

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3 Votes Selected

10.2 requires the set of NATS port to be enabled. I'd check those ending in *22 from this list:  A restart,...

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3 Votes Selected

There could be several ways, the best approach would of course depend on the considerations that apply in the specific environment - so I'm subscribing to see the other suggestions coming from the community....

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

You may need more expert eyes on this, but from the looks of it I'd say the API session expires by the time the report is complete. To see if that's the case or not, you may try a few things: - test...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, Sharing what's been my recent experience (though not in the context of a full cluster migration, just a few DMAs migrated to newer VMs) as I'm keen to hear from the forum on this one. Trimming...

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

To move elements you can export to CSV, change the view ID associated to your elements/services and patch it to be the view ID of your newer container/destination: you can also specify multiple IDs for...

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3 Votes

Great question, Alexander Basing on the release notes of 9.6 CU 23 and 10.1, the MySQL-->Cassandra process in a failover set-up looks the same (cfr. 2.3 in both RN docs). I guess that the choice would...

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Philip, how do you connect CUBE? By using a host name or by specifying the IP address? If you can't use the BPA, perhaps you can check via CUBE when adding the DMA agent - I cannot remember if this...

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2 Votes

I think the key question is if you can open up for separate servers to run the DBs. From the SSD specs you're listing for the drives, I'm led to think you're considering to run everything local - if that's...

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Michiel, just sharing from my past usage - tuning in to receive other insights as well. I believe it can be sufficient to define the Main-to-StandBy communication just through the Failover Configuration...

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2 Votes Selected

This might give you a quick list to check the integrations that already part of the catalog:  If you are unsure, starting by checking the components...

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2 Votes

There is a basic Cube GUI that can run some checks: System Center> Agents >( rightclick or select agent)> Failover > Sync Status it has option to check boxes and force the sync of a given...

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2 Votes Selected

Thanks Dojo, I'm leaving the question open for a few more days. In the meantime I've logged a feature proposal here

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2 Votes edited answer

Adding a different example here: we do use the "view Comments" too, this helps us to check if multiple comments were added for a single alarm entry in console. On average, in this use case, when multiple...

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2 Votes edited answer

Hi Nigel, some protocols have the "Clear Missing" command in the element card, on the top of the table - this helps when clearing rows related to e.g. input feeds no longer existing on the device - some...

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2 Votes Selected

Do you get the same behaviour (failover DMA taking over without getting the VIP) even if you force online the offline agent? Are all the addresses in the same /24 subnet?

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, would this be different from handling the corresponding severity values at protocol/alarm template level?

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2 Votes Selected

Alain, Ive, I've added a feature proposal as I can see the benefits here - as well as having some sort of native correlation that can send any new local user their access instructions when they are added...

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2 Votes

I had the same error code - is this answer of help?

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Found my old post with the same question here: If the...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Toon, Tried a different client and the two Visio GUI sections seem to match ("Advanced Editing" VS "Shape Data Panel"): issue 1 seems sorted then As for the filtering, I have this kind of table, where...

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Bert, Rene, Jens Sharing an inbound rule I wasn't aware of - found it while looking into the Inbound rules on the local Windows firewall: is this a rule added by default when installing recent versions...

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1 Vote

Not familiar with the drop-down menu shown in the above screenshot, but I agree with Wouter that it seems to mix up values from the possible "Alarm State" of an element and the actual element state. Adding...

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1 Vote

More info on your use case can help: indeed it's just a matter of the protocol connecting to the target you want to monitor. Worth mentioning: in general, syslog is so dense of information that I'd personally...

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Adding just my thoughts on this - other admins might have different views. Ref point 1, till the disk issue is sorted, I'd say the back up without database is your only option: if nothing else, you are...

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Adding a new answer just to share an additional screenshot (hiding internal info such as element names). It seems correlated Alarms don't have the same behaviour of single ones: for the single alarms,...

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1 Vote

Hi Shawn, Just found there is also an HTML dashboard component - thought this might also be worth exploring

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1 Vote

The current landing screen provides these sections: I'd check if your MOTD could come in as data feeds that can be embedded in a similar way? E.g. operators can be notified that 2 new drivers are available...

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1 Vote Selected

That's an interesting perspective - including "All parameters except..." a few you don't need - but I don't think this is made possible yet (will subscribe to see if other users know a way to achieve this)....

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1 Vote Selected edited answer

There are several strategies you can follow - normally you'd need some input from the system owners (e.g. if a set of ports is known to be unwired / admin down, and if they want to ignore them in the monitoring...

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1 Vote edited answer

Quoting Jeroen, A) if it's within your DMS, all you need is in System Center (where you can get your DMA IDs) or alternatively in the DATA section of any VIEW card: There you can select your Elements...

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1 Vote edited answer

Added a feature request here:

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Thank you for that link, Ive That's already a good hint, and I've tried that but it seems to allow a "copy" of the elements - can't manage to actually "move" them from the original views. for the use-case...

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1 Vote

Is the proposed solution actually working to "move" the elements with a different key combination or in a newer release? The post is marked as solved - as I guess in most cases "copying" services (or...

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1 Vote edited answer

For your use case, you can experiment with just views and dashboards. I see several possibilities depending on your environment. What you put in the title is not an option, though - as you cannot raise...

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1 Vote edited answer

I seem to have an option to use the current value as baseline (right click to display): I haven't used this very much so far, but perhaps you can see if by skipping the last 24h you can achieve the desired...

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1 Vote

Thanks for this feedback, Ben: indeed I wasn't even thinking to convert into VDX from Lucid Chart, I guess that opens up for internal testing if any procurement team pushes to move away from the Microsoft...

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1 Vote

Hi Johan, Are you on a Cassandra DB? If planning an upgrade from 9 to 10.x, check for ports that became mandatory (such as NATS config). These are some of the steps that come to mind: 1. checking the...

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Is the parsing needed as input of another script or module? Otherwise, I'd expect that when loading "history alarms" in console, if the "History" & "Correlation" tracking are selected (hamburger menu...

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If you can add a "Service" layer, my preferred approach would be to define some kind of "redundancy group" across the two TS inputs: do you have the state of the selected input as a parameter? If so, you...

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Bert & Jordy, our system has notices for IDP too: I believe there was a different kind of license to get rid of the annoying RTEs, keen to understand if these notices will also go away with an upgrade...

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Miguel / Edib - sharing below some more context: I was hoping we can embed in console the host-name of the DMA hosting the element,  as it figures in the "Element Edit" wizard: that's the name that most...

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On average, I'd expect aligning native severity on the source system is always the best approach - especially if alarm data can be extracted by both systems (i.e. DMS and the the source of SNMP traps)....

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0 Votes Selected

Sharing some more screenshots as the dashboard seems stuck loading: Perhaps I need to something missing in these options: can I use a DVE protocol or should it be the protocol for the parent elements?...

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0 Votes

I can retrieve a "SUM" option in this CUBE section - what about the min/MAX? Does the latter need the option added at protocol layer?

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0 Votes

Richard, I'm assuming that by "pair" you're referring to a DMA in 1+1 failover config (1 VIP shared between main & stby agent). If so, the host name of the machines will be different - could this...

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0 Votes Selected

Sharing some screenshots of what can be done by default, in console, with the current DM releases: I've added some reference also to the RCA suggested by Ive - when that feature is also configured, possibilities...

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0 Votes Selected

Ref. "Switching to Polling", You'll find some info here: & here:...

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Hi Tomas - is this of help for point 1?

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0 Votes Selected

Subscribing as I have a similar use case - I can refer to this kind of data in System center for the past sessions: wondering if there is a way to retrieve at least some of these stats (e.g. for the active...

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Based on testing, I believe 9 ports are open on the client side in the attempt to establish the communication for Eventing - sadly, none of them is working for me, but based on testing with DM,...

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0 Votes

Seems like the + - 1 index is back This type of RTEs seems not clearable via the context menu:

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0 Votes

I haven't got any "negative index" ProtocolThread RTE now - so will doublecheck at the next occurrence if any (we had a system upgrade, so will confirm if still happening). At present I find only "positive...

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0 Votes

Sharing the memory trend for SLDataGateway after the upgrade to 10.2.10 The slope seems more tolerable, yet it's still present:

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0 Votes

Fresh install is a must-have to avoid issues with timestamps pre-dating the destination cluster. For this reason, I'd keep the fresh install and wouldn't use the backup, but rather rely on CSV upload...

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0 Votes Selected

Salut, Joel Is the info at this link of any help?  Scroll down...

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0 Votes Selected

I'm not on 10.2.9 yet, but this seems different from older versions. In 10.2.4, I just need to specify the view ~ how do you get that "Configure" tab?Is it a 10.2.9 feature (for any dashboard) or is it...

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0 Votes

Posting an answer so that I can add a screenshot.. I had a similar question here, Steve, but for a pop-up generation on click:

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0 Votes Selected

I'm curious about this one - subscribing - till now I've always considered fully separate use cases and differentiated between what would be a local DB and any other "offload" applications. So, not really...

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Wondering what is (or was) the use case here: Cube clients can connect either through "eventing mode" or through "polling", with the latter being just some sort of quick workaround (plan B solution) that...

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Adding here the comparison between local time settings on the Windows Client and the Cube client on the same machine: Time settings in Alarm console don't match what I have on the Windows host, this...

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0 Votes

With reference to this feature request, in the comments section a clear reference had been left also for...

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0 Votes

I have a similar use case in one cluster, Ruben. I've achieved the 1st part by adding a domain "admin" account: this works fine to get access to the system and so on, however I have not been able to test...

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0 Votes edited answer

Adrian, not sure if this can match in full your use case, however I'd try by templating the 3 elements of the example (so that these are available in the service template) and then use a "condition" to...

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0 Votes Selected edited answer

Thomas, this is the trend data retrieved: This the alarm template for the parameter: I've added my interpretation below - I think the lower Delta was originally missing or at a different value - would...

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0 Votes edited answer

I believe since DELT was introduced you no longer have a correspondence between the DMAid in the element ID and the agent hosting that element, the info about the hosting DMA is in the "DataMiner" column:...

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0 Votes Selected edited answer

It's an interesting use case - I think Michiel is right and this is currently based on groups, so it's worth grouping the parameters in a way that optional parameters can be conveniently disabled. I think...

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0 Votes

Licensing might need to be considered for this - normally a DMA is licensed to a single customer. I think would eventually allow to share screens between 2 or more customers...

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0 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Arunkrishna, I've had a few occurrencies as well, I'm now running 9.6 CU 24 - didn't pay too much attention as I'm led to think this Alarm Type can be induced by adding elements with an existing alarm...

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0 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Jeroen, Not sure if this external link can help - haven't tested any of the syntax suggested there - but if I understand correctly, you have a requirement to replicate the "Search" behaviour of the...

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0 Votes edited answer

Jens, I haven't noticed this behaviour - but if the local path is used also as some sort of buffer before transferring the backup to the remote path, I think the above suggestion will work - however, if...

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0 Votes

Hi Sri, I believe there is an option to build a custom AMI under this section - but it would be at AWS admin level. Perhaps something can be saved with just the OS and management and polling NICs, and...

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0 Votes

Looking at the stack trace, if the address below is the actual interface you have to poll, I'd suggest to check any ACL on the communication channel between DataMiner and the polled IP - I'd expect to...

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0 Votes

@Sebastian, I've tested the line below, but I'm not able to get it working: tried with and without the element property and also with just one placeholder instead of three, but the shape is no longer displayed...

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0 Votes

Thanks for clarifying, Karl - Would there be any feature in future to notify admins of the presence of a newer range? E.g. 1.x.x.x vs 2.x.x.x - this might be a feed in the catalog to which customers can...

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0 Votes edited answer

I'd try by redefining the group from scratch: ungroup the button shapes / include the additional one you have added - check it has the same properties of the other shapes that were part of the original...

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0 Votes

Hi Michiel, you mention a main shape - is there a group? I recently was encouraged to troubleshoot the linking within the single shape, and it helped - are you able to display all the button states if...

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0 Votes

Alex, have you tried by forwarding just the "Active" alarms of an element? When the full element is masked (not just the alarms) and dragged to the alarm console, the console has no entries by default...

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0 Votes Selected

Yannick, can't see any benefit in asking the same questions here - we have already an email thread shared with Skyline and Telestream.

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0 Votes Selected

Thanks for the tips - I was indeed wondering what was the best way to make it point to the DMA where we connect. Would there be an option for customers too, at some point, to have a local DMA together...

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0 Votes

When I've used the DELT feature, I've realized moving elements is easier if we're not moving much data. Capacity wise, the migration process seemed faster across DMAs that were both running Cassandra DB,...

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0 Votes

Hardware monitoring is a possibility for known agents (HP/DELL) as Phil recalls above. That's all polled via SNMP. One more thing worth considering is that in terms of iLO/iDrac, most of the networks...

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