
Ben Vandenberghe

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First name Ben
Last name Vandenberghe

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4500 DevOps Points
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I've added below a few more points that might be useful when considering TCO.  Not all are completely documented, but I thought it might be of help also. Cost of a Perpetual Use License What is the price...

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17 Votes Selected edited answer

USE CASE : smart powering of on-prem devices used for ad-hoc services With DataMiner we do a lot of resource planning & orchestration for ad-hoc services (e.g. MCRs, contribution links for sports...

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This illustrates some of the points I raised in the earlier response, I thought it might help.

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14 Votes

Further to Glenn his points.  TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) is a really important one.  License cost is only a fraction of the entire picture for this kind of solutions.  You can compare it to buying...

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14 Votes

Hi Abdul, Converting the core DataMiner application into a set of containerized microservice is currently not on the immediate roadmap.  Assuming that’s specifically what you were referring to.  Maybe...

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14 Votes Selected

Hi Mark, If you double click on a parameter, you drill down to the parameter level view.  In that case you will find at the top the following tabs: DETAILS TRENDING HISTOGRAM TEMPLATES. If you click...

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13 Votes Selected

Hi Ladan, The program is unfortunately not accounting for past activities, i.e. DevOps Professional points only start counting from the day you join the program.  But if you are working day to day with...

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13 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, DataMiner Cube is our desktop client.  It was running in the past also in IE, but that capability has not been further supported by other and newer generations of web browsers.  But it is...

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13 Votes Selected

It's a message broker system.  Yes it can be integrated with DataMiner, but one of the key things here is to be always specific about what we are talking.  Because this is something that can be looked...

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USE CASE : smart control of heating of dishes in satellite teleports I saw a nice and simple, but very effective automation with DataMiner, done by a major teleport operator.  The dishes in a teleport...

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12 Votes

Correct - some of the more advanced features of Visual Overview are not fully supported in the mobile version.  But note that there is also an option to render an alternative version of your Visual Overview...

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12 Votes

Hi Mark - any feedback or suggestions for changes can be added to the Feature Suggestion section of the community, which you can find below the MORE menu item above.

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11 Votes Selected

Very interesting observation! Definitely worth some careful thoughts and considerations. And it will become more and more relevant towards the future as evolution becomes more and more continuous. And...

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10 Votes

Hi Daniel - it is not possible with the scheduler or automation script, but it can be done with the autoslide option: Arguments for DataMiner Cube | DataMiner Docs These are arguments that you have to...

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10 Votes Selected

Just to be clear here Philip, everybody joining the DevOps Pro program has that tag with their rank next to their name, irrespective whether you work for Skyline or not.  Having said that, as you indicated...

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10 Votes

Not really an answer to your question - but I kind of figured that out just recently and thought it was interesting > if you use the workspaces (4 bullets in your header that allow you to shift between...

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10 Votes

Hi Bernard, Further to the response above, I have managed to find some data related to inter-node traffic in two real life DataMiner Systems. DISLCAIMER: note again that these are just examples, and...

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10 Votes Selected

Value can be many things of course, and one individual may value certain aspects more than others.  But this is indeed a great question, as too often the natural reflex is that Open Source is free, and...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Wale.  When you replicate an element from one DataMiner System to another, it essentially forwards the raw values of the metrics of the element from the source to the destination DataMiner System. ...

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10 Votes Selected

Yes - but in that case the review and validation services would have to be covered with service credits, and the effective time that would be required would depend on complexity of the driver, the amount...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Yohan - if you want to perform spectral measurements, and derive variables from that (such as the Peak in your example), you need to create 1) a spectrum script that performs the measurement that you...

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Hi Christine - to my knowledge this is not a lack of capabilities of DataMiner, but a bug in the SNMP stack of the device that needs to be managed, a bug that causes an incompatibility with the SNMP standard. ...

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9 Votes Selected

Yes - you can go to 10.2 and keep SQL as your storage.  The migration of SQL to a Cassandra / Elastic cluster can be done at any time after the update, and the data migration can be done automatically...

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9 Votes Selected

In addition to Edson his information, you can also consult: Setting up Azure Active Directory Domain Services | DataMiner Docs If you are interested to explore more options, you can also find those here:...

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9 Votes

Hi Pramod, AI capabilities in DataMiner are part of the standard solution, i.e. any DataMiner System has those capabilities.  We strongly believe that considering the trends in the industry (all-IP,...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Yohann, currently this is not supported, SRM licenses are applied system-wide. If we were to contemplate such a feature, I'm also not sure if it would be linked to Views.  I would say that it would...

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To my knowledge that is not possible as a standard function, this is only available indeed on a measurement point, or alternatively indeed if you would intervene on a driver level.

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Martijn - you want to link to the view and one of the tab pages I guess, in which case you use the following syntax: View ID|tab page index Linking a shape to a view | DataMiner Docs

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8 Votes Selected

Just on a side note Mark - have you been introduced to the DataMiner DevOps Professional program?  You can find all relevant information and the link to subscribe here Sign Up as a DataMiner DevOps Professional...

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8 Votes

Hi Kris - if you take the URL, don't take it from the browser, go to Share (three dots on the top right) and take the URL from there, and use the EMBED option.  That will remove the chrome.

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8 Votes

Is this the option that you are looking for:  Overview of page and shape options | DataMiner Docs

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8 Votes

Here you can find how to extend the Chat Ops in Teams: DataMiner Teams bot | DataMiner Docs

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8 Votes Selected

At the bottom in the component library, amongst the Feeds, you have a Trigger.  You can link that to your GQI fed component, and choose an interval to refresh.  Not sure in which version this was introduced...

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, Currently that's not possible.  I'll arrange for a separate full listing for you, and we will soon start work on the Catalog front-end to further expand it extensively in the context of our...

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Jens, This refers to a legacy capability called Work Flow Manager (WFM), which was essentially a custom programmed plug-in for DataMiner Cube.  You would code the WFM and put it as a DLL on a DataMiner...

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8 Votes Selected

Hi, on the User Settings you have "Configure Group" on the left bottom.  You go there and select the group for which you want to change the preferences.  This will launch the same User Settings window...

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Filiep, A DIS license is charged per user per year.  One user license is free of charge available for anybody who owns a DataMiner System. I hope this is the information you were looking for, feel...

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8 Votes

Hi Kawssar, Welcome to the community! Yes, that is perfectly possible, DataMiner can interact with log files and ensure that the proper notifications are available in dashboards for your operators, when...

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Hi Bernard, as you will understand, it is very difficult to put hard numbers on something like this, because there are a lot of factors playing into this. Some observations that might help: Cube client...

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8 Votes

This is working for me.  Maybe it was related to the higher number of closed tasks that had to be fetched in your case? 

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8 Votes

Fully agree with Laurens.  We have on multiple occasions developed drivers that ingest e-mails and process those.  I recall use cases with e-mails that contained transmission schedules in the broadcast...

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8 Votes

Changes and evolutions of firmware on products is covered by the DataMiner Maintenance & Support contract.  So if you have an active DataMiner Maintenance & Support service, changes and evolutions...

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8 Votes Selected

Hi, the Generic Ping driver has a traceroute capability Generic Ping | Catalog (

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7 Votes Selected

I believe the information you are looking for is displayed in the Cube client, go to your user icon on the top right, click About, and go the tab License.

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Sam - that might happen.  What MS Visio generates is an XML file that describes the drawing, and everything in it.  This includes a 'mathematical' description of all the shapes, along with all the...

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7 Votes Selected

Using the auto-slide function you can show Cube with 4 alternating workspace, showing different views?  Arguments for DataMiner Cube | DataMiner Docs

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7 Votes Selected

Did you consider the other option to make your DataMiner System cloud-connected to enable the live dashboard sharing function?  This can be achieved with very little effort, in a matter of an hour so...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Jim - not sure if I fully comprehend the situation you have, but is it showing the updated information when you reload the dashboard?  Because if I read correctly, you are using a GQI and those are...

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7 Votes Selected

There are definitely evolutions in the latest version of DataMiner that need to be considered in the context of this type of use case.   I would recommend considering the following options: The latest...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Jeff, While we always try to avoid that, in some cases it might be inevitable.  I'm not aware of anything on top of my head, but all information on that should be always communicated here: Skyline...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Fares - the plan is to integrate / migrate the Alerter features and capabilities into the Cube client application, which since a while also resides in the system tray (and to use standard Windows notifications). ...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Wale, as both products are quite different, there is no automatic migration from one to the other, and you would have to indeed recreate any existing dashboards in the new Dashboard app.

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Javier, this is probably what you are looking for:  DataMiner Help

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7 Votes Selected

Hi, if you click on your user on the top right, and go to Settings, and then to Connection, you will find a "Time before automatic disconnect" that you can disable.

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Nathan, We are working on getting more roadmap visibility in the community, for all products and solutions, but right now it is still a bit basic as you will see from the link provided by Michiel....

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Martin, That is not possible currently.  But you can disable the News item and/or the DataMiner TV item in the User Settings (in the section Cube > Welcome Page).  Note that alternatively you...

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7 Votes Selected

The capability is definitely there Kawssar, i.e. several customers have deployed drivers that ingest e-mails and parse data from those.  I know use cases of customers (broadband providers) that get e-mails...

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7 Votes Selected

As to the first part of your question.  The notice is not related to a specific time span. It indeed applies to a specific parameter, and more specifically it is related to the life cycle of an alarm...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Ahmed, Most definitely.  This is one of the focal points of our R&D efforts in the recent years, as this type of technology becomes increasingly more vital to being able to efficiently monitor...

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7 Votes Selected

A good way of looking at this feature Enrique is to compare it with a spam filter on your e-mail box.  If you have for example alarms that are constantly toggling on and off (e.g. due to a poor alarm...

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7 Votes Selected

No, currently there are no plans to support Lucidchart as an alternative to MS Visio.  There seem to be options to import Visio VDX files into Lucidchart (available in the free version) and to export...

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7 Votes Selected

Jeremiah, If I understand correctly they would like a list of all possible alarms that can occur in the ecosystem managed by DataMiner?  If that's correct, that is a daunting task to be honest.  Because...

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Hi Martin, And welcome to the community, very happy to see you joining.  And we understand what you are saying.  And in fact we will try to address that also to some extent with the Use Case Library. ...

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7 Votes Selected

Daisy chaining is typically used in the context of devices that interface for example via RS-485, and it refers to the fact that they share the same physical cable connection.  The RS-485 cable runs from...

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7 Votes Selected

The alternative approach is also to right click in the Surveyor Console and active the "Drag-and-drop editing".  While active you can drag and drop elements to move them from one view to another.  If...

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Hi - this would be addressed with the Advanced Settings in the Measurement Points of your analyzer. Here you can find more information on how to set up Measurement Points: Configuring measurement points...

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6 Votes Selected

In case you were looking to make your DataMiner System cloud-connected, here's already the link to the documentation:  Connecting to | DataMiner Docs

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6 Votes Selected

While there are general use cases, in my opinion it can be very individual and depending on the business and target users.  Of course our custom commands allow almost anything to be implemented quite...

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6 Votes

Hi Mark - thank you for your suggestions.  Just FYI, while the suggestion will be reviewed, I have already added some alternative ways of working to your item, which could maybe be useful: Adding a 'trend...

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6 Votes

Probably it is normal behavior, but it can be fixed.  If you mask an element, the critical alarm will still exist, but its status is Masked.  I assume that your SMS filter is now filtering out the Critical...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Dominique - I have no hands-on experience on this, but wanted to see if I can already help you out.  Firstly, did you check on this documentation Positioning shapes dynamically | DataMiner Docs about...

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6 Votes

Hi - which video are you referring to?  Some video on this Dojo community site, like in the courses?  Or are you referring to something in your DataMiner System?

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6 Votes

Hi Syed - there is quite a big delta between the two releases that you reference, and hard to describe in a few words.  Over here you can find all the release notes of all the changes since version 10.0:...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Stefan, in the system-wide search (through the search box in the middle of the Cube header bar) you cannot search for values of metrics.  So that is not possible if you want to search for values such...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Dino - DataMiner has a system-wide blinking option for alarms that are not acknowledged.  Making alarms without owner blink | DataMiner Docs Note that this blinking then applies everywhere, so for...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Elvio - Jarno provided an option to display content that you need to put on your DataMiner System.  I believe you were maybe asking if you can take an external web page, which is accessible from the...

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6 Votes Selected

Slightly off topic but then again maybe relevant: certain actions on Alarms in the Alarm Console are also available as in-line action buttons.  You can right-click on any column header in the Alarm Console...

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6 Votes Selected

I have not heard of any optional licenses in Teams that would be required.  You just have to install the DataMiner App, which comes free of charge (but potentially you have to ask you sys admin to allow...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Jorge, On the top go to View and click on Info Pane. Ben

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6 Votes Selected

I believe you have to enable the soft launch option. Ben

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Naveen, Firstly, of course this is not exact science, because there are many unknown variables.  Variables that you do not know, nor anybody else.  But let's see if we can break it down. Assumptions:...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Javier, you can do that by going to the so-called Information Template. right click on an element of that type select Protocols & Templates in the right click menu click 'view available...

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Hi Philip, Eventing is more efficient and more responsive.  With eventing, any changes will be pushed to the DataMiner Cube client instantly, so as events happen they would appear on the screen of the...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Christhiam, Indeed, TR-069 is a very relevant standard in the context of CPE data collection, i.e. a DataMiner EPM solution deployment.  DataMiner does not offer TR-069 out of the box though.  While...

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6 Votes Selected

This is not natively supported indeed.  But it is very good user feedback.  Let us take that back to the team, and see if how easy or difficult this would be, and see if we can get it on the roadmap...

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6 Votes Selected

Yes.  We plan on providing further details on the roadmap here on Dojo, and to generously communicate on what he have in the pipeline for the DataMiner Cloud Platform, and the various individual modules...

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6 Votes Selected

Did a quick test, and this confirms the below.  The replicated element has a 'web page' (as this is defined in the driver that it uses), but it fails to construct the URL, because it has no polling IP.

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That will likely not work.  A replicated element receives the raw data for all of its parameters from another DataMiner System, where the source element is managed.  The raw data is reconstructed into...

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6 Votes Selected

Is there a reason why the Spectrum option is not enabled on all the agents in the cluster?  Because by default it should.  From a licensing perspective, the number of licenses required is the lower one...

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6 Votes Selected

If I'm not mistaken there is a new capability coming up in one of the next releases to support something like this.  The early demo's I have seen show a tree view selection control, where a user can select...

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6 Votes Selected

I'll leave it up to the technical experts to get back to you Bruno on this one, but I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight some important design principles and best practices related to the design...

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6 Votes

Hi, if you go to the top right of the community, you will see your user icon.  Click on that and select "View Profile".  Somewhat lower on that page you will find "DevOps attestation", where you can...

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5 Votes Selected

No, there is no advantage at all.  On the contrary, it is recommended to run the Cube application as a desktop client application, and using IE is no longer supported from 10.3 onwards.  More information...

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5 Votes Selected

That's indeed the case Jaime.  User management | DataMiner Docs

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5 Votes Selected

Ad Hoc Data Sources are a great way of doing that.  If you host your app on one DMS, and use an Ad Hoc Data Source to pull a list of elements and their alarm state from another DMS, you can display that...

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5 Votes

I'm not sure about the details on the ports, but I can confirm already that indeed when you use the dashboard sharing, then the user will access the dashboard through DataMiner Cloud /

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5 Votes

Hi Dennis - data can be fetched with either a connector or with an ad hoc data source.  The choice is defined by the use case you have.  What is the difference: A connector will talk to the database...

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5 Votes Selected

That's currently not supported, and probably not something coming up soon.  You could maybe embedded the dashboard in the app (and use the embedded version of the dashboard - on your dashboard you go...

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5 Votes Selected

That would surprise me.  The Freeze option is a client UI feature, it shows the then current trace and stops updating with new upcoming traces, until you Unfreeze it. Not sure what the Active Switch...

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