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First name | Lander |
Last name | Vanhaverbeke |
Description | DataMiner Cube developer. |
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The launcher is fully backwards compatible. It can connect to any DMA that has either of these files stored on the server, in the location 'Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\DataMinerCubeStandalone': ClickOnce...
View QuestionYou can define the checkboxes that need to be checked in the InitialValue property, ;-separated. So in your case you can set InitialValue to the following to check them all by default: uiBlock.InitialValue...
View QuestionFor partial tables, the client only has the active page in memory. Any action that applies to the full data set (sorting, filtering), will result in updated subscriptions to the server. Depending on the...
View QuestionThe search in the header looks for the query string in the name of these objects: Elements (excluding hidden elements) Services Service children with an alias Redundancy groups SLA's Views...
View QuestionHey, You can clean this up by starting the Cube start window, click the cogwheel on the bottom right, and then "Cleanup...". You will see a list of cached DataMiner Cube versions (these are the folders...
View QuestionHi Bernard. Yes that's possible. Just copy this file from one PC to the other: %localappdata%\Skyline\DataMiner\DataMinerCube\CubeLauncherConfig.json
View QuestionYes. You need these files: Copy them from the server (Skyline DataMiner\Files) to your client, and you should be able to run SLNetClientTest.exe. Note: the files needed to run SLNetClientTest.exe can...
View QuestionHi, You can create an element and a view with the same name. You can't create multiple elements or multiple views with the same name. They have to be unique so they can be identified in flat lists. I...
View QuestionDataMiner X is DataMiner version 10. It's not a different "type", but just a new version. A lot of new features and improvements have been introduced with DataMiner 10, and the UI got a a big update, so...
View QuestionIf the launcher is installed, you can use cube:// URL's. You can use the same syntax as for XBAP URL's, for example cube://MyDataMiner?element=MyElement:visual:Pagename Note: because of security, not...
View QuestionHi, You can check this by opening the dmp file in Visual Studio. In the dump summary, check the Process architecture. 64bit dump of 64bit process: x64 32 bit dump of 32 bit process: x86 64 bit...
View QuestionHi Maxim, Often the column description is suffixed with the table name, to make them unique. These table names are automatically hidden when displaying the table in Cube, if they meet these conditions:...
View QuestionHi Ive. There is currently no way to configure a delay. Maybe the WantsOnFocusLost is an option in your case? Then the script will return (engine.Show() will return) once the focus is moved to another...
View QuestionUnfortunately, there is no way for Cube to know which process this is. You can try killing suspicious software and see if you still get that warning. If you have a touch screen, it could be TabTip.exe....
View QuestionWhen clicking 'Save layout', the table layout (column width, position and visibility) is saved per table per protocol per user. So yes, it is applied to all elements running the same protocol (for that...
View QuestionCurrently this is not possible yet, but I agree this would be useful. We'll discuss this within our squad.
View QuestionThe Microsoft Platform protocol can be used to do exactly that. It's impossible to capture all it's features in a few screenshots, but the page list might give you an idea: You can find more detailed...
View QuestionYes, right click on one of the elements in the surveyor and choose Multiple set. In the following window you can choose the desired parameter, row index (in case it's a table cell) and value. On the right...
View QuestionCube will periodically check for updates of the launcher on This can be disabled by disabling the task in Windows Task Scheduler named "Update DataMiner Cube", followed by the user...
View QuestionI don't think this is possible. The aggregation rules of a view are a part of that view, so you need permissions on that view to access them.
View QuestionThe option is available via the cogwheel button, next to the filter. I will make sure this gets updated in the help.
View QuestionIt seems the problem was DMA related, not with that specific protocol. Restarting the DMA resolved the issue.
View QuestionIf I understand your question correctly, and you want to connect to a demo DataMiner system to see what it can do, I suggest you contact sales: They will be able to help you with this.
View QuestionYou can use a regex filter for complex conditions. In your case that would be: "Compression Type":regex:"H\.264|Uncompressed"
View QuestionWhen using the default installation of the launcher you can use the /Install /Silent options to install silently. You can find all command line arguments here. When using one of the MSI installations,...
View QuestionIt means an external application is attached to Cube, "reading" the UI. When there are a lot of controls visible (for example a big table), this can have an impact on performance. Cube does not know which...
View QuestionHey Jens, The launcher currently doesn't support theming. Feel free to suggest this feature here.
View QuestionHi, You can't hide all stopped elements automatically, but you can hide an element explicitly. You can do that in Cube by editing the element, expand the advanced element settings, check the 'Hidden'...
View QuestionThe EPM card will display the KPI's displayed in the 'classic CPE/EPM manager' plus data from all rows linked to that object (either via viewImpact or via cell exposers). Duplicate rows (direct view tables...
View QuestionCool idea, Bruno! This is currently not possible. Feel free to request a new feature for this. It could be extended to be able to override any setting via the launch arguments. A "hack" may be possible...
View QuestionCurrently a silent install is not supported. The install procedure is very straightforward though: when you download Cube (from the DataMiner landing page, or from and execute it for...
View QuestionAlthough enhancing a view with an element was implemented (RN19316) to use in a CPE/EPM environment, it is also usable in a normal environment, and without the CPEIntegration soft launch flag. There is...
View QuestionHi Mieke, You can let the user download a file using the IAS DownloadButton. You can download any file that is accessible through https from the users browser. If the file isn't on a location that is...
View QuestionHi Yuki, It is not possible in Cube to hide everything but a single view. Two possibilities you can look into: Keep using Cube, with a Workspace with that view configured to be displayed at startup...
View QuestionHi Blake. I don't see any mistakes in the code you provided, so it looks like this is caused by a bug in web IAS. At the very least there is a difference in building the layout between Cube and web. Can...
View QuestionThe error could be a bit more clear. That being said, I'm not a fan of allowing object for a string field. Assigning an object to a string field could indicate the developer is doing something unintended....
View QuestionAll regex matching in Cube is using the .Net Regex. You can find the language reference here: You...
View QuestionThe left panel is just a filter to find an EPM object. Once you open the EPM card, it doesn't matter where you opened it from: it always displays all data about that object. So all chains, all pages, all...
View QuestionFor the client side: The Cube launcher is signed, and checked using SHA256. Saved credentials are stored using the Data Protection API of Windows, using the CurrentUser scope (i.e. only the current user...
View QuestionHi Trong Huynh. I don't think that's currently possible. With references like {pid:1005} the Value of a discreet can be made dynamic, but not the Display. This is a good idea though, and would probably...
View QuestionHey David. I suspect the NTFS folder permissions were changed, making some necessary files inaccessible for IIS. Can you run SetNtfsPermissions.js in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools and see if that helps?
View QuestionCurrently it's not possible to automatically share the configuration of the desktop app (launcher). You can share the config file manually (located at %localappdata%\Skyline\DataMiner\DataMinerCube\CubeLauncherConfig.json)....
View QuestionHi, I see you created a task (145551) to investigate this problem. We will use the collaboration platform to further communicate about this.
View QuestionCurrently this is not possible: a hyperlink executes one action. I would advise to add these actions as separate hyperlinks. Depending on what the script does exactly, you could also create a hyperlink...
View QuestionYou're right about the convenience during investigations: often an investigation is a combination of checking things in the client, and checking things on the server (files, logs, etc.). So it is then...
View QuestionHi Gabriel. Can you check the Views-tab of the group in the User/Groups tab of the System Center? You have the Rights-tab (where you can choose the rights/permissions of the selected group), but you also...
View QuestionCurrentCulture is the culture of the thread, which is normally the culture of the OS, unless overridden. I suppose some other QAction sets the Thread culture to InvariantCulture. Depending on the order...
View QuestionThanks for the extra clarifications in the comments. It's currently not possible to make the topology cell name dynamic (by referencing a parameter or property or something like that). If there are views...
View QuestionHi, Besides the suggestions others have made, check with SLClientTest if Cube is receiving the view structure from the server. This should indicate if this is a client or server issue. Attach the recording...
View QuestionYou can retrieve the rows through a table subscription or via a GetPartialTable message. The alarm level of the row is available through the InstanceAlarmLevel property on the index value.
View QuestionHi, currently there's no way to install DataMinerCube in another location. Can I ask why you want to install it under ProgramFiles?
View QuestionI had the same problem (upgrading from 10.3.1 to 10.3.6) and could do the upgrade with the taskbar utility (so not from Cube). I didn't reinstall or do anything to NATS. I've created a ticket for this...
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