
Jarno Lernou

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First name Jarno
Last name Lernou

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Hi Jordy, The clientapps.lic was used in previous DataMiner versions, but nowadays consider this obsolete. Kind Regards, Jarno

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15 Votes Selected

Normally you should be able to show the closed tasks on the List view (see screenshot below). You can do this by going to the Filter section and click on 'Looking for closed tasks?". I was not able...

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13 Votes Selected

Hi Blake, for this you have multiple solutions. You could indeed launch an Automation Script when clicking the button. Another approach is to add a parameter in your connector that you can trigger to increment...

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9 Votes Selected

You are correct, The so-called Stencils are shipped with DataMiner since RN22643. Normally you should be able to see a 'DataMiner' entry in Visio on the Shapes task pane when clicking More Shapes. You...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Paulo, Although the approach of Matthias might work, it uses an SLNET call so we should be cautious when using these. Another option that might be worth mentioning is using the following method Method...

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8 Votes Selected

I think you can accomplish this by using the following shape data in your shape: Element: [this element] Info: DESCRIPTION Options: Control=Textblock|VerticalScrollbarVisibility=Visible In my example,...

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Currently, this is only possible by changing the raw Discovery Profile JSON located (by default) under "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Documents\Skyline IDP Discovery\Discovery". Duplicate the SNMP_MIB_II.json...

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Stefan, I personally like the regex in the condition the most as it is clear to anyone coming to the Visio and is aware of basic regex. An empty parameter (=not initialized) can be evaluated like this:...

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Hi Thomas, I'm afraid this won't be possible. These are unstructured text files without any easy ability to sort, besides searching on timestamps. Kind Regards, Jarno

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Philip, Ian gave some nice suggestions. Next to that, a lot of things are going around in our Community. we are deploying a lot of new solutions & applications. Our developers are also actively...

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7 Votes Selected

Yes, this is possible by using the ParameterControl shape data. As indicated in the help, you can use the write parameter and you're good to go. If you would like to use the read parameter, then you will...

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7 Votes Selected

I think the biggest difference is that the latter call (SetParameterByPrimaryKey) is trying to resolve the display key based on the primary key that you specify. The SetParameter method is using the display...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Carlos, This is a good remark which has been addressed to the Data Exploration Team. For now, there is no real built-in replacement. I'll reference the tasks below for further follow-up. DCP225450:...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, I had possibly the same issue. On DataMiner 10.2 before CU4, there was no .NET 5.0 installed. You will have to use the DataMiner Cloud Pack with .NET5.0 embedded. This will be unnecessary from...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Christine, You can also embed the Dashboards into a Visual Overview. Furthermore, there's an extra embed query option to only embed a single dashboard. Add the following data to a normal shape: Link...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Aldrick, the ClientSideRowFilter indeed performs a contains when giving a filter. I believe you should be able to do the filter by making use of regex: "MAC State":regex:^online\(pt\)$ The ^ represents...

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Hi Gina, It is not really recommended to use SLNET messages in general as these messages are not officially supported nor documented. In this case, I would advise you to explore our Skyline NuGet packages...

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5 Votes

Hi Jana, Is this a connector that you have developed yourself? If so, I would suggest to use the DIS Validator tool to get to know where the issue is. Kind Regards, Jarno

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5 Votes

Hi Stijn, I think you need another option: CloseWhenFinished Reference: Linking a shape to an Automation script | DataMiner Docs Kind Regards, Jarno

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Bernard, If your system is connected to, you are lucky today ;). We have a ChatOps extension available which does exactly what you want. SkylineCommunications/SLC-AS-ChatOps-Users...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, Glad you make great use of our community! Typically we try to give some recommendations through the Visio style guide | DataMiner Docs. However, a recommendation on the resolution that fits...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi, Adding to the answer of Jeroen, the procedure is also described in the help: Moving the Cassandra database to a different disk drive | DataMiner Docs

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Tomoya, an option you could follow is to make use of Visio Groups. Make a group structure where you have a 99% transparent shape with the Execute command and use another shape for the button-layout...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jeff, I believe the particular feature of interest is Slowpoll for you. A similar question has been asked (How does slow poll work? - DataMiner Dojo). Perhaps the answer is what you're searching for?...

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Hi João, I think you can accomplish this by making use of Basic conditional shape manipulation actions (ref. DM Help). You should try the following shape data: Element : 11. STP_KU_Foxcom_DTH_PL7611_35K...

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5 Votes Selected

I have tested this and it should work if you add the following Shape Data to your page. Execute: Script:Stencils_Demo|myElement=[this element]|myParameterPid=150;myParameterValue=1|||NoConfirmation|SetTrigger=ValueChanged...

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Hi Javier, I believe a similar question was already asked. Maybe you can find the information that you need over there?

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5 Votes Selected

In our script, we load the script parameter like this: ProfilesInstance = LoadScriptParameter<Dictionary<string, Guid>>(engine, ProfileInstanceParamName); By using the "In" key, we get the...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Romain, From DataMiner 10.1.2/10.2.0 onwards, DataMiner Object Models can be used for the modeling of any type of administrative or business-related objects within your system. Of course, along the...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Paul, I'm wondering if you have special logic behind the scheduling? If you don't, you might want to consider the built-in features in Alarm Templates. Scheduling an alarm template | DataMiner Docs...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Ryan, For now - as far as I know - this is not yet possible and we need to change this upon your request. Feel free to send more information to Skyline Techsupport ( Kind Regards,...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Leander, Have you tried adding inline CSS, if you cannot use a reference to a file? Kind Regards, Jarno

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4 Votes

Hi Bhavana, Great to meet you! The Nimbra Manager is not one component but rather comes as a solution delivered for you. It involves all the necessary connectors, alarm & trend templates, aggregation...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Henri, I might be wrong but there's no straightforward way to easily accomplish this. I'm not saying, it is not possible, but it'll require some tricks to get there. There are also some details we're...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Jose, Normally the pie chart is constructed by making use of the 'Parameters' shape data. You will have to reference each individual element ID/parameter pair if you want them to be included in the...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Jens, Could you perhaps try to move the seperator placeholder inside the reservation placeholder? [reservation:[Sep:,?][this service]?Property=Service State]

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4 Votes Selected

The TableRowFilter can have multiple filters by using the following syntax: TableRowFilter:*PID*=*value to filter*;*PID2*=*value to filter* (PID : parameter ID) if PID == PID2: the filters are combined...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Gregor, There might be more, but what I usually recommend is to check the DataMiner Dojo courses (DMS Correlation - DataMiner Dojo)  and the Dataminer Help (DMS Correlation | DataMiner Docs). High...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Jens, I'm using the Standalone Elastic Backup Tool - DataMiner Dojo, which is shipped by default with most recent versions of DataMiner. As far as I know, the automatic backup procedure cannot be configured...

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Hi Tiago, Having a file on location "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Documents\DMA_COMMON_DOCUMENTS\QuickGraph.txt" You can just use the following Shape Data: Link : #http://<DMAIP>/Documents/DMA_COMMON_DOCUMENTS/QuickGraph.txt

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, If you want to use the write-functionality of the KPI stencil, you will need to follow some steps. This is something that you'll need to do once, as this is a generic way of making the sets...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, you can try to add a new Shape Data field called 'Tooltip' and add the text in the value. More information is available in the help.

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4 Votes

As far as I know, This is not supported by DataMiner. The below is an extract from the help: Up to DataMiner 9.6.11, either HMAC-SHA or HMAC-MD5. From DataMiner 9.6.12 onwards, you can choose between...

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4 Votes Selected

There are two ways to perform actions after a Provisioning of Elements. As you are saying, you can configure a script to update properties (or any other actions that can only be done with an Automation...

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4 Votes Selected

IDP currently supports IPv4 discovery and provisioning and will release in next release support for IPv6. In terms of numbers, we are not limited in the size of the scan range, however, scanning the whole...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi James, I think you are already in the right direction. You can indeed use the 'Info' Shape Data field to get there. When using 'ELEMENT NAME', it will show you the element alias. When using 'FORCE...

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Daniel, Am I right in assuming you are using the connector 'Haivision Media Gateway'? If so, you might want to use the 'exception' value that is implemented. If you pass along '-1', it should show...

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3 Votes

Hi Rajesh, The syntax is described here: Generating shapes based on child items in a view or a service | DataMiner Docs The ChildrenFilter allows indeed for property values. If the name of the property...

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Hi Ryan, This should be no problem. We are revealing some metrics on the DataMiner Docs and as you can see, this should not be a problem. Profile manager benchmarks | DataMiner Docs There was also a...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Stefan, As Miguel indicated, this is not possible with the built-in functionality of Aggregation Rules. Besides a connector change, you could also consider making a dashboard with a GQI that does the...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Dave, Throughout the year, the team has made a tremendous effort in the feature set of Dashboards. One of the features is the so-called, Generic Query Interface (abbreviated as GQI). This allows you...

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Hi Zhing Hang Lee, Nice to meet you! In order to see the baseline, you'll need some configuration in the connector of the element. You can use the following type attribute | DataMiner Docs to enable...

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Stefan, Someone from the software team will most likely give you a better and more thorough explanation or workaround, but I had encountered this as well before. I tried to restart the processes related...

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3 Votes

Hi Marian, Nice to meet you! The Device Discovery wizard requires a network discovery element using the Production version of the connector Skyline IP Network Discovery. Alternatively, advanced element...

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3 Votes

Hi Daniel, Thank you for your feedback! I've made a small example and will add a screenshot to give you a better view of what is possible. You can add a custom title as empty text, but you can also change...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Randy, Are you able to follow the recommendations/tips from the topic you've shared? If you think all steps are taken, maybe we are overlooking something. Does the user see the Stencils being loaded?...

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3 Votes

Hi Benjamin, The Catalog contains all integrations we have. You can simply search for Microsoft Platform to find information and downloads. (Catalog) Beneath the ranges of the connector, we also have...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Ken, you might want to check the following page: Advanced analytics features in the Alarm Console | DataMiner Docs for Alarm Grouping through AI, i.e. Automatic Incident Tracking. This DataMiner Analytics...

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Hi Jeroen, The elements available and/or managed by IDP are registered through element tables. Besides the element IDs, also the names are stored in certain places. Edit: All element name changes gathered...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Luis, Your reasoning is in the right direction. The regex replace placeholder is very powerful and it will also show its strength in this use case. I have made a simplified example with the simple...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Johannes, Yes this is possible. In your service template, you can simply add multiple times the same element. In my example, I did make everything fixed, but you can make this more dynamic. In my case,...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Joel, I have tested this on a Visual Overview linked to a View and it seems to work fine for me. The use case to only include the property option in a FilterComboBox is a little bit strange, so I assume...

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Hi Yuki, regular expressions in the fullFilter are supported since 10.2.0/10.2.2. From that version onwards, it is possible to use regular expressions in this type of filter. For this purpose, use the...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, The shape data you are looking for is VdxPage. More information can be found over here: Making a shape display a particular page of the current Visio drawing | DataMiner Docs Current options...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Hugo, I checked and simply putting \n won't work. Instead, you will need to get the new line in the Visio shape data or the text field of the shape. To get it to work you will need to first press and...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Paul, There's is a concept of Buckets in Correlation, which is very well explained in the answer on the following question: Correlation - Why isn't my script executed for every new alarm? - DataMiner...

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3 Votes Selected

As far as I know, there are no straightforward ways to divide or multiply values in a Visual Overview. There's however a new feature available with dynamic units, Add the following Shape Data: Options...

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3 Votes

Hi Adrian, the only way I can think of is to use embedded VDX pages. You can accomplish this by: making a tab page with just one rectangle shape on it. Add VdxPage shape data on the rectangle with...

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The shape with the 'Execute'-Shape Data is an enhanced shape linked to an Element. In groups, the subshapes will always inherit the 'Element' context from their parents, unless you use NoCopyElementProperty....

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3 Votes Selected

As far as I know, there's no official preference. On the official website, there is however a matrix that can be used to check if the distro you like is available for the given Elasticsearch version (at...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Philip, the answer to the following question might be what you're looking for: How to apply a table parameter filter on index instead of display-key / naming key? - DataMiner Dojo Kind Regards, Jarno

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Hi André, The unit is pixels (more information on DataMiner Help). The height of the band, either relative (e.g. 3*), absolute (e.g. 200) or auto. When empty, a default absolute height of 64 pixels is...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Miaio, The protocol Action should be able to do what you want. Inside the action, you need to use the Protocol.Actions.Action.Type set to clear and Protocol.Actions.Action.On set to parameter. An...

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3 Votes

Hi Mahito Murakami, Yes, this is possible by adding '__saved_' prefix before the name of your session variable (DM Help)

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3 Votes

Yes, this is possible (DM Help). You can combine two conditions by making use of a boolean expression. Show : <A>and<B>-A|123/45|125|=1-B|123/46|125|=1

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Unmanaged elements can be managed when they can be linked to an existing CI Type, i.e. the Provisioning part must have the same protocol and protocol version. When they get managed, no major actions happen,...

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For the IDP App, we use a generic HTML file with some CSS that is able to receive one URL argument 'img' that points to the location within the Webpages or Documents folder. The CSS ensures that the image...

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Hi Ladan, I'm not sure if this is really a bug, rather this is expected behavior. According to the help, you can use the ChildrenFilter feature based on Protocol only on group shapes with sub shapes that...

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Hi Jeyaram, There's a similar question already asked on here. The answers might be of interest to you.

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3 Votes

Hi Chris, most likely you have forgotten to place some option on your child shape. I have created a small example that does work. Group 1 Children = Element Group 2 (child of Group 1) ChildType = Element...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Tim, You can do the same action as you did with the grouping, but now for the filter. Using the filter, you can select only the relevant columns that you would like to show in the table. Kind Regards,...

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2 Votes

Hi Emanuele, No, unfortunately this is not possible today. Kind Regards, Jarno

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Robin, Wouldn't it be possible to set the session variable in the script as well? Passing Automation script output to session variables Kind Regards, Jarno

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2 Votes

Hi Yuki, I think your best option is to simply duplicate the alarm and trend templates through Protocols & Templates in DataMiner Cube. More information here: Creating an alarm template | DataMiner...

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Hi Pascal, Your index contains hyphens ('-') and this is likely the cause of your problem as this is the character used for defining multiple conditions after each other. You can change the default separator,...

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Hi Luis, Miguel is correct in stating you don't need Java by default on the server/VM hosting DataMiner. However, if you choose to have self-hosted storage, i.e. typically Cassandra Cluster + OpenSearch...

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Hi Stefan, As far as I know, there's no built-in method to search in multiple tables in one go. I'd suggest creating an Automation Script that helps you with this. Although it may not be the most elegant...

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Hi Jaroslaw, It's your lucky day as we have this already available in the Catalog for you! Feel free to have a look at your system by deploying this Visio! Downlink Redundancy | Catalog Kind Regards,...

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Hi, This is available in the Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common nuget, through the following method: Method GetViews | DataMiner Docs. All of the nuget packages we officially support are listed...

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Hi John, You should use Extended conditional shape manipulation actions | DataMiner Docs for this. This is nicely documented and should look something like this: Hide : <A>-A|Value|[var:MyVar]|=0...

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Hi Philip, When making complex and big Visio's, it is worth looking into this option. If you have a rather small Visio or only need to reference the parameter only once, it does not make sense. The advantage...

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Hi Ailton, You can make use of the RegexReplace placeholder: [RegexReplace:\/(.*),[this elementid],$1] Kind Regards, Jarno

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Hi Joel, Typically, InitVar (Initializing a session variable | DataMiner Docs) is used when you have simple a use case or when you don't care about the scope of the session variable. The more advanced...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Zean, I hope everything is fine with you! As you indicate, the parameter with ID 420 is the display key. For both conditions, I think they are individual columns (which happen to also be part of the...

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Hi Vincenzo, Sorry to hear that your upgrade process is not going well. A failure during an upgrade could be related to a lot of different causes, therefore typically we require more in-depth information...

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Hi Apurva, Nice to meet you! This is actually built-in functionality that you can use right away. Simply drag and drop the complete 'Protocols' data onto your Dashboard or Low Code App. Kind Regards,...

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Hi Tiago, You can normally do this by using a tag in the manifest.xml on your Visio. SetAsDefault element | DataMiner Docs Kind Regards, Jarno

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Hi Roberto, Welcome to our community! IDP has many great capabilities, where Facilities | DataMiner Docs is one part of it! Navigating to the DataMiner IDP application, in the Visual Overview you can...

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Hi Rebecca, Sure, this is possible although you'll need to copy the template from the C:\Skyline DataMiner\Services folder available on the DataMiner agent hosting the service. Of course, it could be...

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Hi Sachin, Most of the versions are supported, i.e. 2013, 2016, 2019 and also some more explanations can be found on other Dojo questions. For example, VISIO 2021: Anyone running it with DataMiner 10?...

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