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First name | Jeroen |
Last name | Geldhof |
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All actions, set and read, are put on a command stack. It's possible that there are commands being done while the set command is put on the command stack, delaying the execution of the set.
View QuestionHi Bruno. If it's a change that is useful independent of the user, then it's in general interest that the changes get validated and end up in one of the next official releases of the connector. The changes...
View QuestionIn general you shouldn't generate dummy elements, because these will count for your license count. I assume you use the Rack Layout Manager. There it's possible to define 'Other Devices' in the Other...
View QuestionHi Ashwiny. I don't believe it's possible yet to overwrite this message and will most likely require new software features to make it possible. New features can be requested on following page.
View QuestionHi Daniel, Although I can't guarantee the compatibility, typically not much changes to the functionality of the Alerter and the communication with the DataMiner agent. I don't think you'll need to reinstall...
View QuestionIn the right-click menu > Actions > Export... you can export the elements to csv.
View QuestionIn the db.xml file we indeed no longer include the ElasticSearch db from 10.2.0 and 10.1.3 onwards. Below is an example of a similar setup. The data is offloaded to both Elastic clusters. As far as...
View QuestionHi Marieke, to my knowledge these are indeed still used to access DataMiner updates and connector updates. I believe that the DCP credentials and the credentials are not the same. I...
View QuestionIn case you have a staging DMA, it's advised to install and test it first on the staging DMA. For a new protocol (I assume you mean a protocol with version, although we do a lot of quality assurance,...
View QuestionHi Richard, A shared hostname is a possibility in case a virtual IP is not possible. Unfortunately we have recently detected some issues with this and we are working on fixes for them. There's no release...
View QuestionHi Ryan, Can you try if the Absolute alarm monitoring is a solution for your use-case?
View QuestionHi Ana, The icon of a connector application is always defined directly in the connector code indeed. To my knowledge it's not possible to open an svg from a folder. If you have the svg file, you can...
View QuestionHi Enrique, I guess you mean our html-5 mobile application. This application, like Glenn mentioned, has a different use-case than our Cube application. The Cube application is our most complete client,...
View QuestionOk, found it. First it's necessary to delete Functions Files, only after that it's possible to remove the connector.
View QuestionHi Ladan, This indeed looks like a software issue and can be forwarded to our Techsupport <>
View QuestionIn the connector code it's possible to add a user level to single parameters. Using the user level in the security settings it's possible that way to prevent certain people of seeing the write-part of...
View Question1. The online DMA (primary DMA) will stop polling the elements, and the offline DMA (backup DMA) will begin polling of the elements. Also the virtual IP will be removed from the primary DMA and activated...
View QuestionNo, DataMiner can't be installed on Linux. DataMiner is depending heavily on the Windows environment. It's using for example the users and groups of Windows. It also depends on .net framework, IIS,...
View QuestionHi Stefan, they should indeed be removed. When a domain group is removed from DataMiner, these users should indeed not be present anymore on DataMiner. I would suggest to take a log dump using the Log...
View QuestionNormally an InitVar on itself should indeed set the variable at page loading. It helps to display the content of the variable while debugging. Give it a try without the Execute and the ExecurteSetsOnInit...
View QuestionFollowing code will give you the instance with a specific Guid object. var domHelper = new DomHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages, "my_module"); var domInstanceFilter = DomInstanceExposers.Id.Equal(myGuid);...
View QuestionHi Reza, if I understand it correctly the elements are not part of the service, but through a subscription on connector level to the enhanced service element it has an influence on the enhanced service...
View QuestionHi Marco, As far as I understand your question you already have an object that is using the 'hide' or 'show' behavior based on a parameter value, and you're searching on how to set the initial value when...
View QuestionHi Zean. Yes, as long as it supports TCP Server mode. In other words, the Serial Gateway needs to have a TCP socket that DataMiner can connect to. Any data that DataMiner sends to that TCP socket is...
View QuestionIn addition to the response from Toon here are also some links that can help you. Information about the trending techniques used by DataMiner.
View QuestionHi Antony, I’m not sure if I understand your question correctly. Do you mean within DataMiner? Or do you mean within a 3rd party NMS? If it’s within DataMiner you can open System Center –> Agents...
View QuestionYes, it should indeed switch to the other DMA when the heartbeats fail and when the mode is set to 'automatic'.
View QuestionI don't believe there are other generic protocols. For testing commands we typically recommend postman, which allows composing GET, POST, PUT HTTP requests. I would refer to the proxyServer / proxyUser...
View QuestionWe don't have minimum requirements for dashboard gateway servers yet. I'd suggest to regard it as a 'Microsoft web server' where the requirements depend on the traffic they expect.
View QuestionYes, that should be possible using the [var:] placeholder. See Placeholders for variables in shape data values in the DataMiner Help.
View QuestionIt is possible to pass additional parameters to the automation script. You could configure it so that it contains the name of the even. As you suggest you could then parse the schedule.xml to find...
View QuestionIt can be found under RESOURCES>Other Resources>Technical Information>DataMiner System Requirements
View QuestionBy changing the polling speed of the Cube client you can change how often the spectrum component requests the trace. You do need a connection that is quick enough to handle the data. You can also change...
View QuestionI believe that the DB records are stored in UTC time, even if the DB server is on local time. To change the server time in your use-case you should stop DataMiner, Cassandra and OpenSearch DB software....
View QuestionUnfortunately this is not yet possible. A new feature has been requested to make it possible to filter with multiple grid selections in a GQI data set.
View QuestionIf you only want those 2, I believe it will be necessary to add the names of those elements as input data to the service template. There are possibilities to source that information from a script or connector....
View QuestionI have come across the same issue and worked around it by not selecting the protocol and only search on element name. In the parameter selection you then can't select the parameter from a list. Difficult...
View QuestionHi, It's indeed required to have a fixed IP on the database servers. In DataMiner the access to the DB is happening through that IP. Also if you have multiple nodes in the Cassandra cluster you'll need...
View QuestionHi Min, I believe notice alarms need to be manually cleared by selecting them and from the right-click menu clear them. I'm not sure why it's a manual process though. But no need to restart the DMA to...
View QuestionIt would be nice to be able to ask for the top 10 most severe elements or services (number of alarms / severity of alarms) of the last 24h / week / month
View QuestionHi Vikas, This issue has also been reported to us by the same person and a task has been created under their maintenance contract. A solution is being investigated
View QuestionHi Sam, I don't believe this is currently possible. It is possible to create a feature suggestion on The logical location where such a thing...
View QuestionThe first moment you enable trending, in first instance the trend graph will use data from the client to display the trend graph. In the background the trend data is offloaded to the database. After running...
View QuestionSomething like this is possible using GQI in Dashboards. Using a Get Parameter Table by ID you can retrieve the table as shown in your screenshot. After that you can do all the filtering you want and...
View QuestionHi Jeff, I believe this will be a new feature suggestion. You can post it here:
View QuestionHi David, from the earlier information it doesn't look like a grid layout issue, but something with the child shapes in the children panel. Can you share the details of the children panel and also of the...
View QuestionI received following feedback: It seem that after the upgrade, the Active Directory syncronizatión is working fine again. Maybe yesterday, when I looked at it, it hadn't been 1 hour since the upgrade...
View Questionwell, we got it working. When we wanted to revert, we stumbled across entries in the DMS.xml that still were showing the old server names. We guess that the files were saved too early, before Dataminer...
View QuestionYou can send an email to your DataMiner contact person to register the protocol entry and to provide you with the details to use in the protocol. Just registering it with us will not validate the connector...
View QuestionHi Mieke, from the current little experience we've gained it is important to have in mind what functions the device does and what resources will need to be made available from the device. In case there...
View QuestionHi Thibault, I believe in this case it's best to create a 'driver issue' ticket for the Evertz Magnum connector under the maintenance contract in You could already include...
View QuestionOne possiblity is with a service protocol that monitors the table of that switch element. An alarm template can then be defined on that service protocol. Another possibility is a manager element that...
View QuestionSome devices use a USB to serial adapter internally. In that case the connected PC indeed adds a COM port for that adapter. So if the device is directly connected to a DMA server, DataMiner will be...
View QuestionHi Yohann, Following link provides an overview regarding the compute requirements for Cassandra (when running on the DMA server, or on separate nodes).
View QuestionHi Carlos, Can you check if the elements require credentials to be configured on the element? If they do, can you try re-configuring them?
View QuestionIt is possible, but you'll need a flux capacitor, some plutonium and a fast car. All jokes aside, Thijs is correct indeed. In case the visio is attached to a view or service, and the new visio file has...
View QuestionNevermind, I found you need to create a shape in the Grid Template Editor and define the On-Click event there
View QuestionHi David, Regex is not an option yet. Feel free to create a feature request
View QuestionA package has been created and uploaded on the Catalog, which contains a dashboard that gives an overview of the elements and the amount of alarms. There's a time range selection as well.
View QuestionEdib, can you check the agent status in system center. The 'hosting agent' is the DMA where the element is running on. Can you also check if that element is active? I can find a DMA with ID 995 with name...
View QuestionOne way is to create an aggregation rule that counts the number of rows in the table and then display that aggregation value in Visual Overview.
View QuestionThe way I got it fully working with the alarm color was by creating a grouped shape where the group has the XPos, YPos and Element=* In the group I then have a Parameter shape with *|ALARM and that shape...
View QuestionNot directly, but maybe with a workaround. There's a possibility to do a GQI query to an 'ad hoc data' source, this script could retrieve the notes using an slnet call. In turn the result of the GQI query...
View QuestionHi Sebastian. I checked the Dashboard from our Empower event and there the format is dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss In your case it's MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt I would suggest to first try with an entry in the...
View QuestionTo my knowledge there is no added technical value to having the Cube client open on the server instead of on a dedicated client PC. Mostly it's a habit because most of the times there is no dedicated...
View QuestionTurns out to be a problem when users have multiple sessions open and Cube doesn't know which session to attach the interactive automation script to. According to feedback this should be resolved in newer...
View QuestionHi Chris, In the alarm template it's only possible to define alarm monitoring, but I found following in the code reference. It's not the background color, but the text color that can be changed in the...
View QuestionThe problem was related to the size of the table that processed the query. The issue was fixed by creating a new element that processes the table before reading it from the dashboard.
View QuestionThere might be a workaround. I experienced that when you drag the popup balloon to a screen that is later removed, the popup balloons appear on that location still even when the screen is no longer attached....
View QuestionHi Miguel, Not sure if it will help, but can you check if upgrading to the latest versions resolves the problem?
View QuestionHi Tom, can you check following settings on the MaintenanceSettings.xml file of the DMAs?
View QuestionThe first reason I think of is that the values can be different. For example a read parameter can also display exception values, while the read values only have the settable values.
View QuestionTo my knowledge no, it's currently not yet possible to get that information in Cube. The Stream Viewer for SNMP connections doesn't show the GET command and the response as separate entries. Most likely...
View QuestionHi Mark. There's a good use-case on our blog. If you want to learn more about this specific use case it's also...
View QuestionI gave it a try by disabling the 'Remember me' checkbox, but it still automatically tries to log in with the domain user. I don't believe it's currently possible to disable the behavior that it automatically...
View QuestionI had a quick look, but I don't think we have integrated this yet. On their website they mention multiple output possibilities. The...
View QuestionIn case of a failure on the DB cluster, Skyline is responsible for making sure that DataMiner doesn't crash on that event. However the DB infrastructure and the database consistency is the responsibility...
View QuestionHi Bing, please check that they are running a standalone Cassandra cluster as described in the data storage architectures page :
View QuestionHi Jeroen, Is there a way to connect a device to this serial gateway of which we are sure communication is already working through another gateway and where we are 100% sure about the settings? That way...
View QuestionMaybe a bit late to respond on this question, but it can be useful in case someone looks up this question. SRM requires ElasticSearch. One single node is a risk since it's a single point of failure. ...
View QuestionWe currently use ElasticSearch 6.8. Following link shows a table of supported distros. We currently use Cassandra 3.11.8. Any supported distro should be fine....
View QuestionHi Bernard, I believe a new feature will be needed for this. It would indeed be interesting to also allow overwriting the TTL for alarms on a protocol level.
View QuestionMost likely one of the Measurement Point actions did not do the set on the input switch correctly. The Decimator 8 has an internal switch. Were you able to follow the link provided by Jim to configure...
View QuestionThis is a feature we rarely use anymore. Typically we create an alarm table which is maintained by the incoming traps. The oids can then fill the related columns. With an alarm template the user can then...
View QuestionI did a workaround by setting the initial value of the variable to 'Select Service' and to add a Clear Filter button next to the filter field which fills the variable with 'Select Service'. Since there...
View QuestionInstead of a virtual IP you will have a shared hostname. This can be done in two ways: Add both IPs to the DNS server with the same hostname, so the client retrieves both IPs when resolving the hostname....
View QuestionHi Ben, Unfortunately there are no fixed requirements for the central DB setup, as this depends on the intentions for this DB. The very bare minimum requirements to run a Microsoft SQL server can be...
View QuestionFiles are being synced from main to backup DMA on DataMiner level. For the database a Cassandra cluster is set up and Cassandra itself is responsible for keeping the data in sync. Using 'nodetool status'...
View QuestionI think that would be a new feature. I'm also only aware of the option with the alarm filters.
View QuestionProblems where you see a difference in behavior between client machines are typically related to Cube not being up to date. Have you checked that the Cube version is the same on these two client machines?...
View QuestionWith "marking", do you mean changing the labels of the inputs or outputs? Have you used following guide to link the labels to these Visio objects?
View QuestionI know someone who has done this in the past by flipping a DNS entry or changing the IP on the servers when they wanted to switch over from one dashboard gateway to the other gateway. This was a manual...
View QuestionI believe that this is currently not possible yet. I've tried on DM10 and also there I'm not able to do this action. I would suggest to request a new feature request with your Skyline contact. What you...
View QuestionI would remove the failover before the migration. Just deselect the 'failover' checkbox in the failover context window to remove failover, and stop and clean the offline DMA. Then take a full backup...
View QuestionI found this tutorial. Maybe it helps to make sense of the different settings.
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