
Arunkrishna Shreeder

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First name Arunkrishna
Last name Shreeder

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I would check the failover status window from System Center --> Agents --> Failover and then continue the investigation. Usually, the log file SLFailover.txt (in C:\Skyline DataMiner folder) contains...

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9 Votes

You can also force a specific version to Cube to use, as mentioned in DMA configuration related to client applications | DataMiner Docs.

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4 Votes

Hi Mieke, There was a similar question asked sometime back : How to recover a deleted element - DataMiner Dojo. Perhaps the answer by Brent will be useful ?

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Wale, You can find info about about SLASPConnection here : Reporter - SLASPConnection.exe | DataMiner Docs. The log in your case mentions 'Removed DMA:'. Was the DMA with IP

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Hi, This link discusses your issue and provides workarounds : HTTP error 500 | DataMiner Docs.

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3 Votes

Hi Philip, A lot of issues with respect to Cassandra cluster migration were fixed in DataMiner 10.2, that is why as per Migrating the general database to a DMS Cassandra cluster | DataMiner Docs, it is...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Henri, There is a file named Security.xml in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner. Can you open that file and check if it has all the information you need ? It contains the security configuration (users...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Guilherme, When you have DataMiner not starting up after an upgrade, one of the places you could check is the SLDataMiner log file. This log file should 90% contain the state of the DMA when it got...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Laszlo, The settings would be copied after the failover configuration. But before that, you need to ensure the cassandra and opensearch nodes are reachable from the backup agent.

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Can you install the URL Rewrite exe from URL Rewrite : The Official Microsoft IIS Site and verify if you are able to reach that page ?

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2 Votes Selected

Can you check this link - Amazon OpenSearch Service | DataMiner Docs ?

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You can open it as Administrator and then try to edit it using a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++.

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Which version of Windows Server is this ? Can you install the URL Rewrite exe from URL Rewrite : The Official Microsoft IIS Site and verify ?

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Hi Andrew, I believe those drivers cannot yet monitor GPU metrics.

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Hi Yvan, my understanding is that a restart of the DMA is needed only when you make the change directly to the xml file. Doing it on cube should not require any restarts.

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2 Votes

Hi Thomas, If your SLDataMiner log file is stuck at 'Initializing Cloud Bridge..', you might need to uninstall and reinstall NATS; have you tried that as per Investigating NATS Issues | DataMiner Docs...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Bing, I did some checks and I could not find any passwords - encrypted/hashed stored in the log collector package. However, this is if you set the passwords from System Center --> Database. If you...

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Hi Joerg, The timetrace table stores historical alarms : DataMiner general database - NoSQL Database - Cassandra | DataMiner Docs. If you do not need historical alarms, you can truncate this table -...

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1 Vote Selected

Rerunning the upgrade package resolved the problem.

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Hi Richard, Some requirements for virtual servers are documented here : Regarding virtual servers | DataMiner Docs. One tool we use to check the disk read and write speeds is Crystal Disk info : CrystalDiskInfo...

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Hi Jordy, It looks like something is stuck while the DMA is starting up. If you open Windows task manager and go to Services tab, do you see all SL* services running ? Have you checked SLDBConnection...

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Hi Nathan, Please refer here : Configuring a user group | DataMiner Docs. As far as I am aware, you cannot create your own template of user permissions. You can only use the presets available there.

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Hi Aston, The elastic installer uses the primary IP of DataMiner. I believe in your case, due to the presence of multiple network adapters, this primary IP could have gotten mixed up. Can you confirm...

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Yes, the DataMiner license you have will each have a limit to the number of elements that can be created. If you go to About --> License, you can see the limits of your license.

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Do you mean parameter ID of the table itself ? You can go to the table and double click on the name

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Hi Stefan, You can open this file : "C: --> Skyline DataMiner -- > Logging --> SLElementInProtocol.txt".| Copy the content of this file on to a single column in excel. Then, select the column,...

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Hi Arturo, If your backup contains the security.xml file and the folder C: --> Skyline DataMiner --> Users, then the user and group configuration should be present when you restore the backup.

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You can follow one of the several upgrade paths mentioned here - a sample one is upgrading from 9.6 to 10.3 : DataMiner 9.6.x to DataMiner 10.3.0/10.3.x | DataMiner Docs.

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Hi Alberto, You can in general check if the DMA has any connectivity issues to its database, or if the database process has high memory usage or struggles with weekly processes such as compaction or if...

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Hi Greisen, Can you perhaps check if this answers your question - Dashboards and Low-Code Apps | DataMiner Docs ? There are some differences between dashboards and low-code apps, such as the latter allowing...

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Hi Bing, After a quick search, Windows Servers 2012 and 2019 are based on Windows 8 and 10 respectively, which is mentioned in the client requirements page. So I believe there shouldn't be any issues...

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Hi Stuart, Do you mean you want to start understanding the basics of DataMiner ? You can find them in our documentation: Basic concepts | DataMiner Docs.

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Hi Wale, You can truncate the timetrace table, which holds the historical alarm data. As per Drop table or truncate table in Cassandra, which is better - Stack Overflow, assuming you are using the...

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Hi Tyler, Would it be possible for you to create your own self-signed certificate to aid this case ? You can follow this link to do so : How to create self-signed SSL/TLS certificate? - DataMiner Dojo....

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Hi Aldin, Can you try the workarounds suggested here ?

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Hi Diego, The nats-streaming-server is associated with the NATS service. This is used by DataMiner processes to communicate between them. More info : General Main Release 10.1.0 - New features (part 1)...

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Hi Andrew, The best way to go about would be to check internally on a test DMA with MSSQL. If you are able to achieve this on the test DMA, you can go to production. But normally it is not advisable to...

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Hi Brent, I am facing a similar issue in a cluster of 4 failover pairs. Assuming the DMA IDs are 1,2,3,4 the element has DMA ID 4 but after it was deleted, the associated files are present in Recycle...

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Regarding the lock violation issue, I connected to the DMA today to check if it could cause any side effects and to identify which file is being violated, but I couldn't find any. According to previous...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Daniel, This seems related to Import file exception on driver - DataMiner Dojo, can you please check ?

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0 Votes Selected

On a different note, if you have time difference among your cassandra nodes itself, you can run into this problem : Cassandra cluster node in unexpected state | DataMiner Docs.

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0 Votes

Hi Ive, As per General Feature Release 10.3.2 | DataMiner Docs, you still need to explicitly enable gRPC in the ConnectionSettings.txt file. Can you check if gRPC is enabled there ?

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0 Votes

Hi Ryan, I am unable to find this protocol in our Catalog. Is this your own protocol ? The best way to check this would be using Wireshark. You can easily see what frames are being sent over the port 4222...

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0 Votes

Hi Alberto, Another way is, in your cube app, you can provide a name for each agent. For example DMA01-Main, DMA01-Backup as alias; this will then reflect on the left top corner on cube. With this, you...

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0 Votes

Hi Laszlo, Apart from the 2 answers, indeed copying the Protocols folder on Windows level will work. In this case, you need to ensure that the source and target DataMiner versions remain the same.

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0 Votes

You can also directly go to the Protocols and Templates module from System Center and click on the Upload button at the bottom right corner to upload a protocol (.dmprotocol) file.

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0 Votes

Hi Dominik, In this link - Backing up a DataMiner Agent using DataMiner Taskbar Utility | DataMiner Docs, you can look out for 'Configuration backup'. This will not backup trend data.

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0 Votes

I believe you are getting that error because the VM on cloud which was hosting your DMA was probably torn down. Getting the VM back online should bring your DMA back up.

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0 Votes

Yes, you can run the following on DevCenter :

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0 Votes

Hi Bert, NATS is a open source messaging system which is used by DataMiner processes to communicate between themselves (General Main Release 10.1.0 - New features (part 1) | DataMiner Docs). The file...

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Hi, Your questions were answered in this post : devops dataminer guide - DataMiner Dojo.

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, Having Elasticsearch provides you with advanced functionality - see below : Applying alarm filters in the Alarm Console | DataMiner Docs (Search for [selected text] in new tab) Applying alarm...

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0 Votes Selected

You can configure outgoing emails here : Configuring outgoing email | DataMiner Docs. You can test the connectivity between your DMA and mail server by pings, telnet etc. or use a wireshark capture perhaps...

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Hi, You need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable; you can follow this guide : --> this will help run nodetool...

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0 Votes

Hi Jardel, I am supposing this is the driver you are looking for ? Catalog ( If so, the element configuration is present in that page. Can you have a look and let me know ?

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Hi Ioannis, On top of what Ive mentioned, you can follow this guide to do so : Configuring a custom alert sound for an alarm tab | DataMiner Docs. Note you can only do it only alarm tabs wise.

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0 Votes

Hi Marcel, I believe you can proceed with installing DataMiner and Cassandra on your Windows OS. Once everything is completed, you need to go to db.xml file located in C:\Skyline DataMiner folder and...

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You can go to C:\Skyline DataMiner\Protocols\<Protocol_Name>\<Protocol_Version> and locate the alarm/trend template and rename it carefully. After that, you need to do a DataMiner restart....

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-3 Votes

Hi Jeroen, Polling only happens on the hosting agent. Can you check the SLNet and SLDMS logs for any communication issues ? I believe rebooting the server might work as it will restart these processes...

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