Hi Dojo,
I'm trying to find an easy solution.
I have the name for the DisplayKey as a data point in the service template.
These are the elements, only in two of them we will find the DisplayKey:
This is something I have tried, but I guess the problem is that I get multiple results:
Do you have any better idea for it?

If you only want those 2, I believe it will be necessary to add the names of those elements as input data to the service template.
There are possibilities to source that information from a script or connector.
In the code of those it's possible to go over the elements to find the display key and if it finds it, to provide the name of that element as input data to the service template.
This solution does require some coding therefore, and it depends on where the source information for the service template is coming from.
Ticking "Include all matching elements in generated service" helps of course 🙂