
Michiel Vanthuyne

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First name Michiel
Last name Vanthuyne

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Short answer: without compaction, Cassandra will perform less well, and you'll run out of hard drive space. Long answer: When a write comes in, it’s written to the commit log, and to the active Memtable...

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Hi Mieke, This is not possible, user rights are always assigned to groups. You can however assign a user to multiple groups. So if you would create a group with only access to the "Service Template" module...

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13 Votes Selected

Next to the costs aspects Ben and Glenn mentioned, DataMiner also has far more capabilities than monitoring. In fact, I would say that for DataMiner, monitoring is only the baseline. DataMiner is truly...

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13 Votes

Hi Mieke, Trending for discreets is identical regardless of whether the value is an int or a string. Average calculation is done based on time. if during e.g. a 5 min time interval the value was "ON"...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Laurens, is the <https> tag in your maintenancesettings.xml configured correctly with the new dns name? If this tag is not set correctly the logs will not be accessible.

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Maxim, this is an issue in Ranorex we recently discovered in Ranorex version 10.5.1 and reported to Ranorex. I currently have no information if this also occurs with other versions of Ranorex. This...

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Hi Michael, from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards, Chromium is used as the default embedded browser instead of Internet Explorer. You can force it to use IE by using the "useIE" option on the link shape. More...

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7 Votes

Hi Koen, this is fairly straightforward: The alarm template on the parent element will generate alarms on the parent element for parameters that are not exported to child elements. The alarm template...

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Hi Alain, if your server supports https, I would suggest also using https for the embedded link. That should fix the security notification and allow the default single sign on to work.

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6 Votes

Hi Agostinho, this feature is using the properties and can be configured in the PropertyConfiguration.xml. You can find more info on this help page: enforcing motivation of alarm actions

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Hi Mahito, You can use a comma separated format to indicate input, output, state. For example a shape with "Execute" shape data "Set|[DMAID]/[ElementID]|[ParameterID]|1,15,1" will set the crosspoint...

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6 Votes Selected

I think it is currently still beneficial, as in a failover setup both failover agents are continuously synchronizing all files, settings, and the databases. While virtual machines allow you to spin up...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Jochen, Spectrum monitors do not require any special support in the connector. Typically I would expect this is due to a missing "Configure scripts & monitors" permission for the group your user...

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5 Votes

Hi Edson, There currently is no official procedure to move an app from one DMS to another. It can be done by copying the entire folder from C:\Skyline Dataminer\Applications to the destination DMA (and...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Bethany, From 10.1.1 onwards, DataMiner needs some extra network ports for the NATS and NAS communication, as explained in the help. As the authentication takes too long, I suspect some communication...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Stefan, This should be possible using the [param] placeholder, so something like Parameter: 12345:[param:Encoder*,14018,*[Property:CHANNEL_ENCODER]*]

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Hi Joachim, Do the hyperlinks contain a "filterElement" attribute? If so, the hyperlinks will only be shown for certain elements, and visibility may depend on if the user has access to those elements...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Dominique, this cannot be done directly. In your connector you could however add  Traffic Download (kbps) and  Traffic Upload (kbps) non-table parameters, and use the history set functionality in...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, in the IIS manager application, you can select your server, and open the "Server Certificates". In the actions pane on the right-hand side, you will see several options to create certificates:...

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Hi Ana, Often using a grid layout is a good way to do this, DataMiner cube will automatically adjust the grid to use the available space as well as possible. You can find more details on how to use the...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Rajesh, when assigning a Visio file to the view, you can select which page number to use as the default page at the bottom of the dialog.

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Jens, There is no guarantee on this. It depends on the changes that were done in a certain version. If these changes had no influence on the communication between client and server, it will work....

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4 Votes

It's not possible to do this directly, but you can create a router control configuration using the two tables, and embed the router control configuration in the visual overview.

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4 Votes

Hi Joerg, can you try if the problem is fixed by running ConfigureIIS.bat from C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools ?

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4 Votes

DataMiner supports two types of TCP/IP sockets: 1 for alarm forwarding, which is sending unsolicited messages for each alarm, and one that allows requesting information on elements and parameters. You...

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4 Votes Selected

You can "unlink" the child shape size from a parent group, by making some adjustments in the shape sheet. In the example below, you can see that the size of shape "Sheet.3", is a formula based on the size...

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Next to the points Sammy mentioned, it is also possible to set up measurement points for each Spectrum device, allowing a single spectrum analyzer to automatically perform measurements at different points...

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4 Votes

Hi Bruno, to clarify, the "all rows" in the condition editor does not mean that the value of all rows will be joined, but rather that the condition will be applied to all rows. This means that for each...

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Alarming is a matter of preference and also greatly depends on the capacity and load of a system. Therefore there are no fixed or recommended alarm templates that I'm aware of. The trending we use for...

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4 Votes

The Windows and Linux OS drivers allow to monitor the available space per disk. This info can also be aggregated, but does not provide specific details on e.g. video files. Some NAS systems support monitoring...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Pedro, you can specify a specific time interval by using the "Range:Start=<dateTimeTextA>,End=<dateTimeTextB>" syntax. In order to make the times dynamic you can use one of the time placeholders...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Ryan, I'm not aware of the RSL protocol being used by NATS or DataMiner, would it be possible that there is another application on those servers or a device in those security zones that is using this...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Yuki, Is the video source url added in the proxy web.config settings file as described in DataMiner Documentation?

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Alexandre, The "Parametercontrol" shape needs to be a separate shape within your child element group. So your structure needs to be like this: children (group linked to view) => child (group linked...

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Edit: This only applies to the formatting of the datetime when set as "Current Culture" in the cube settings. This does not impact the values of the timestamps. See the answer from Ive for a more detailed...

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Hi Oliver, It depends on how you want it to look exactly. If you want shapes for all elements in the view and subviews and do not care how they are positioned, you can use the "Recursive" option in the...

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3 Votes

There are a number of visio placeholders that would allow you to display certain times as text: [DataMinerTime], [localtime] and [UTCTime]. Futhermore, you can also use the [SUM:] and [subtract:] placeholders...

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Hi Srikanth, Credentials are securely stored either as element settings or as element data, depending on the implementation. This is independent of the connector/driver version used for the element.

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Joseph, if upgrading to the version Miguel mentioned is not possible for you, you could pin the DataMiner Cube application to your taskbar. It's not the same as going back, but it's faster to re-open...

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3 Votes

Hi Paul, this feature is currently under development and should be available in one of the upcoming releases. To make it a bit more convenient for now, you can consider pinning the DataMiner Cube application...

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3 Votes Selected

This configuration should work for pages in the same visio file. If the page is on another element/view/..., make sure to also add a link by using a view or element shape data with the name or id of the...

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3 Votes Selected

As workaround, you can click the user icon on the top right, and you will see the name of the cluster you are connected to in the menu.

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3 Votes

Hi Pramod, Spectrum monitors can probably provide a solution here. A monitor will periodically run a script that takes data from the spectrum analyzer. Also, it can do some analysis on this data, e.g....

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Elaborating on Bert's answer: these errors are actively logged since RN 29910 (DataMiner version 10.1.7). On a more recent Windows OS, you can make the configuration of the LongPathsEnabled option in...

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2 Votes

Hi Nicolás, There are two levels of security that impact the dashboards. First, you need to have the "Add" and "Edit" rights for dashboards. These can be configured from the user & groups section...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Thomaz, The filter string you are using includes the * wildcard, meaning it will match anything ending with the matching label. If you use [data:Label] instead of *[data:Label] this shoud give you...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Arunkrishna, Inside the inline Visio, the element shape is not aware of the service context, and therefore the full element state is shown. You can fix this by adding the 'ServiceContext' shape data...

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Hi Steve, An important note with this feature is that it only works on "Active alarms linked to cards" tabs in the alarm console. It will not work on regular "Active alarms" tabs or history alarm tabs....

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Hi Pascal, At first sight, the configuration of your shapes looks correct. Please make sure that the shape with shape data "Element **" is within the group with the shape data "Element *". There is also...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Gelber, The encoding tag will tell the xml parsers, both in your editor such as visual studio and the parser used inside dataminer that the protocol file may contain unicode characters. The Protocol->Type...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Luis, could the failure be related to regional formatting? Some areas of the world use the dot '.' as decimal separator, while others use the comma ','. If the pipeline server has a different regional...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, There was no change in the default colors in 10.2. Also, the color settings in the DataMiner.xml are not overwritten on an upgrade, as this is a custom configuration that can be made by the...

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Hi Stefan, In your current configuration, you are setting the pageVariable, but referring to a session variable in your second shape. If you also add the "pageVariable" option in your second shape, you...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Ross, you could do something like this: List<object[]> rows = new List<object[]>(); foreach(Port port in rootobject.ports) { object[] row = new object[5]; row[0] = port.ifname; //assign...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Hugo, you can change this in the "Cube sides" page from the user settings dialog. The default is 16 cards per page. If wanted, you can change this setting for all users in a group using the group settings.

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2 Votes

Hi Jorge, When editing a spectrum monitor, if you add alarming to one of the spectrum monitor parameters, under the "advanced" settings you can set up the number of earlier traces and future traces you...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Bernard, this can simply be done by adding a "level" shape data item to the shape or page, see

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Hi Thomas, the quickest solution is probably to include the label in the displaykey by adding it as the first part of the naming or namingformat definition in your connector. See

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Ken, you can find the installers for the versions matching your server version by navigating to https://yourdma.domain/tools

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2 Votes Selected

This is indeed the expected behavior, alarms on exported parameters only influence the element state of the DVE child elements. This is done to avoid duplicate alarms in the alarm console on both elements....

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, For Visio files, for a limited amount of time after the change was done, you will be able to find a .zip file with details on the change in the "recycle bin" folder (C:\Skyline DataMiner\Recycle...

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Hi Alberto, posting this as a second answer as I cant' add images to a comment. In addition to the filter Pieter suggested, you can add a second filter wildcard or regular expression condition on the...

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2 Votes

Hi Michiel, I'm not sure if this is the case for the QAHelperBaseClasses, but in general, you can choose if a referenced .dll is using a specific version or not in the reference properties. In some cases...

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2 Votes Selected

Using the latest version of the DataMiner Cube desktop application, you can also choose "select unused versions" from the hamburger menu in the cleanup dialog to only remove versions you are not actively...

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2 Votes

Hi Stefan, instead of the thumbnail, you can embed a complete spectrum component, see

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Hi Alberto, This looks like something that will probably require a fix in the software. Can you create a task on the collaboration platform and attach a Visio file where you have this issue to help us...

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2 Votes Selected

This is possible by configuring DataMiner as a proxy to forward the stream to video thumbnails in a visual overview. You can find more info on this in the help.

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2 Votes Selected

According to the Adobe Flash Player End of Life page on the Adobe website, the flash player no longer loads flash content from January 12, 2021. So even with the player installed, the pages will not load....

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Nils, This can be done using services, in a service you can partially include an element by including only certain parameters of the element. You can find more information about creating services in...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Kaio, there is currently no such annotations shape in in the visual overview framework. However, there are a few alternatives you can try: A setvar shape, setting a session variable that is not used...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Enrique, We currently do not have support for multiple SMS gateways. 20-30 SMS/minute seems to be the technology limitation of SMS for a single channel, but several manufactures have devices that support...

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2 Votes Selected

From 10.0.13 onwards, you can set a session variable from an automation script. See help - Linking a shape to an Automation script for more details. Using this feature and show/hide options, you could...

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2 Votes

I'm taking a guess here, but possibly the subscript needs to be recompiled after the upgrade and this causes the main script to fail. On any subsequent run, the subscript has already been compiled because...

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2 Votes Selected

I think a rate alarm with a delta equal to the smallest decimal or step size of your parameter should achieve what you want.

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2 Votes

Most of the Visio alternatives I have seen are limited to diagram/flowchart drawing, while Visio has a lot more possibilities, and is highly extensible with new shapes. You can find a lot of stencils around...

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2 Votes

The recommended way is to use the update center in DataMiner Cube. There you have an overview of your installed and ordered drivers, and you can simply download and install the drivers. Other alternatives...

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2 Votes

Hi Bruno, Generally speaking DataMiner X can be considered stable, and your customer will be able to use all the new features DataMiner X has to offer, but as you know there is no one-fits-all advise...

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2 Votes Selected

Another option, that can also be used for storage clusters is to create an aggregation rule on a view containing the Microsoft or Linux elements. For Microsoft platform elements, you can aggregate the...

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Hi Bernard, As far as I'm aware this is not possible directly for Visio drawings. As a workaround you could use the autoslide URL option, and create several workspaces with each a different page of the...

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2 Votes

Hi Marco, If you want to do this on connector level, you can look into the "RowTextColor" option. Please check Options overview | DataMiner Docs for more details. See also the example below <Param...

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1 Vote

Hi Ramesh, If using an external service is possible for your configuration, you could also consider using a service like the Azure Key Vault, Keys are stored in the Azure cloud, and there is an easy to...

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Hi Yvon, This is not possible the URL directly in the "link" shape, but you can do this by specifying the application in the "link" shape, launching the necessary browser and passing the URL as argument....

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Hi Gabriel, This is currently not supported. All properties are text-based in the background. As a workaround, you could use a fixed string format to display the DateTime, but this will have the disadvantage...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Rodrigo, Are you using the correct pid's? Typically, in the DVE child element the values from the main (chassis) element will be exported to the child protocol using a different parameter ID. Can you...

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Hi Timothy, At first sight, it looks like possibly the word "Description" in the column header is replaced by the row key in the alarm description. If you have access to the connecter, can you try renaming...

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Hi Ciprian, yes you can use the link shape to start an executable file and pass parameters. Use the format "pathToExecutable|parameters|tooltip" in a link shape. You can also include placeholders. For...

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Hi David, typically the "octetstring" SNMP type should be correct. However as one of the bytes has value "E7", this is outside of the normal range of the octetstring and as a result the string is displayed...

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Hi Alexandre, If you do a search for "weather" on, you will get an overview of several software and hardware options that are already integrated with DataMiner. Of...

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Hi Christoph, This is definitely an interesting question! As far as I know, this has not been done before. My first question would be how would you like to use DataMiner in your testing pipeline? Would...

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Hi Carl, did you add the DLL references in the DLL references block under the advanced part of the automation script?

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Hi Pascal, thank you for the extra clarification. If I understand the setup correctly, you can solve this by using Row shapes and the [TableIndex] or [ParentTableIndex] placeholder. Configure the group...

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Hi Rob, A possible solution could be to create two services: one for the main and one for the backup group. You can then dynamically include the devices based on the alt. config parameter.

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Hi Marco, As far as I know, this is not possible via the API. In DataMiner Cube a workaround is possible by making these configurations: In the spectrum element, enable "visualize measurement points"...

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Hi Muhamad, the average of the values between 4:00PM and 5:00PM will be calculated at 5:00PM and in DataMiner Cube this will be displayed as a flat line between 4:00PM and 5:00PM, together with a lighter...

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Hi Amar, I've used the below code in a connector QAction to create a traditional measurement point with parameter sets, based on data from a table. With some modifications to fill in the ScriptInfo property...

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Hi Jeroen, can you try setting the xpos of the calibration shape to 00 instead of 0?

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Hi Arie-Jan, by default, DataMiner will attempt to communicate with the SMSEagle modems over HTTPS using port 443. I would recommend reconfiguring the SMSEagle also to use HTTPS/port 443. If you prefer...

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Hi Jacques, as such elements are typically used during events such as a concert or sports event, our Service & Resource Management solution can automate this for you. You can find out more about Service...

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Hi Jens, this is not full logging, but it can help for debugging custom GQI connectors. If you try/catch the errors in your code, you can throw a "GenIfException". This will then be visualized in the...

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Hi Arun, If none of the users has a need for the column, you could change the width of the column to 0 in the connector.

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