
Wale Oguntoyinbo

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First name Wale
Last name Oguntoyinbo

A man that feasts his eyes on the Kings daughter must prepare his body for the fists of the palace guards!

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On the DataMiner Compute Requrements page you will find a note that states: Important: If you intend to run e.g. DataMiner, Cassandra and Elasticsearch on a single server, the hardware requirements in...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi, A couple of log files to check that might indicate what the problem could be : - C:\Skyline DataMiner\logging\SLDataMiner.txt - C:\Skyline DataMiner\logging\SLDBConnection.txt - C:\Skyline DataMiner\logging\SLErrors.txt...

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You could leverage other modules. An Automation script that sets a manual trigger in your protocol which makes the API call. In turn a task in Scheduler where you have the flexibility to set the exact...

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Click on the Root view in the surveyor tree, then click Elements on the view card which presents a list of all elements on the system. In the Filter box you can use the following quick filter: protocol:"Cisco...

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6 Votes

You can cleanup unused protocols, visios and alarm filters on a DMA. Find addtional information here: Cleaning up unused files on a DMA. Note however that this will delete the files.

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6 Votes Selected

The latest REST API version 5.0 brings in additional functionality to do write operations like configuring resources. It also introduces a Statisitics API to query servers and running services. Its currently...

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6 Votes Selected

One way is to check Programs installed in Windows.

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6 Votes Selected

Not a programing solution but if it suits your use-case you could instead read/write in the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) format using the OpenOffice SDK which will not require a separate license. ...

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5 Votes

A similar question has been asked here: Linux Platform - HP Parameters, hope it helps. SNMP needs to be enabled/configured on the iLO interface of the HP server and the driver should then be able to poll...

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5 Votes Selected

I encountered a similar error on a DMA running version 9.6.10. The issue is addressed in RN22912  released in 9.6.11. Probably it is the same case here and a DMA upgrade should resolve the issue.

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The Davis Vantage Pro 2 is a possible solution. Catalog:

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4 Votes Selected

Dataminer has a built-in user 'Administrator' which is the local administrator of the windows server. If you have access to the credentials you can login to the agent with this and reset the password of...

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4 Votes Selected

To configure the parameters you mentioned, click on the element you created and navigate to the Configuration page on the element card. From here you can make the necessary updates to the parameters....

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4 Votes Selected

The SLNotifications.txt log file does indicate when an email is being sent out after a configured alert is received:

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4 Votes Selected

There is no migration solution for legacy Reports & dashboards to the new Dashboards.  A similar question asked here sheds more light on this. There is a concerted effort to enrich the Catalogue...

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3 Votes Selected

When I perform these actions, Right click> edit in visio Right click> edit mode Set a new active visio file There is an entry in Informations events with a parameter description of 'VDX edited'....

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3 Votes Selected

A couple of things can be done: Set the order of Network Adapters. For example your cabled connection can be first followed by your Wi-Fi connection. Use hostnames instead of IPs in your DMS.xml and...

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3 Votes Selected

You can check if the Cassandra node is listening for connections on port 9042. If its not you will have this issue and will probably need to restart the Cassandra service.

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3 Votes Selected

I believe installing from deb or rpm packages will normally take care of updating the necessary init or systemd files automatically which handles auto-restart.  If the installation is done via tar files...

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You can give this Generic Failover Status connector a trial. With this you can monitor/trend the failover state of a pair of agents. It also shows details similar to what you willl find when you view the...

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3 Votes Selected

You can using the Devcenter tool (C:\Program Files\Cassandra\DevCenter\Run DevCenter) export the schema/keyspace (SLDMADB) of your current installation and create it on the new server.

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I think what you are missing is the location of the default job section. It should be within the <Sections/> tag along with other job sections. From the WSDL the Fields tag needs the following data....

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When the communication between the client (Cube) and the server (DMA) is via .Net Remoting (Eventing) the DMA will open a random port on the client. This port will be in the port range for TCP/IP defined...

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The Palo Alto Networks Firewall Series is a generic connector and supports a wide range of Palo Alto PA-(200/500/4000/5000) series firewalls. You can give that a try.

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2 Votes Selected

The connector will need to be updated to get these additional certficate information.

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2 Votes Selected

I see more flexibility in using a connector to send your messages rather than an Automation script (AS).  Your connector can keep tracks of certain message types that needs resending and keeps on doing...

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2 Votes

Hi, Similar question answered here: Passing Script Parameters using a correlation action to C#.  Hope it helps.

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2 Votes

Not certain what the error means but there is some guidance here on troubleshooting WebSocket errors. Hope it helps.

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2 Votes Selected

Not 100% cartain but I think there might be incompatibilities in Schemas between 3.x (where your export was done) and 4.x The error might be due to the fact that some table properties are no longer supported...

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This is possibly related to RN30581. A work around is to place file manually here: C:\Skyline DataMiner\WebPages\CustomerLogo.jpg  then restart cube.

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2 Votes

A round-about way of knowing the version is to check the Cube version if included in your backup. The name of the folder in the (Webpages\DataMinerCube\Application) directory indicates the DM version....

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An example running in windows PowerShell: curl.exe --request POST 'http://localhost/API/v1/soap.asmx' --header "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" --header "SOAPAction:"...

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2 Votes

Hi, was this a sudden ramp up of disk usage immediately after the upgrade or this has happened over-time and its just coinciding with the upgrade. If its the latter, the quick solution will be to increase...

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There is a 'Measurement Configuration' page that lists all detected interfaces. On this page you can enable or disable the monitoring of interfaces. Enabling an interface will make it available for monitoring...

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1 Vote Selected

An alternative solution would be using Dashboards and GQI. This will give you more flexibility in filtering, sorting and selecting Top X in the table.  You could then embed the dashboard in your visual...

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1 Vote Selected

Can you try the following: Clear the visio cache and see if it that already helps. Do you see a continuous 'Loading' message banner at the bottom of the page?  If you do, clear the message and check...

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Similar questions asked below that go into detail. Its sometimes an indication of high resource usage amongst other things. 1) Alarm Notice : Failed to write to an IPC Port 2) Warning notices – Failed...

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I had the same issue a while back and at the time simply settled for skipping the SSL authentication like you by adding 'SslMode=None' in the connection string in cube. However upon digging further the...

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You can find a nice explanation in this question of how average trend values are calculated. Hope it helps.

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1 Vote

You can also setup your own offload database where you can offload trend data to and keep for as long as you wish. You can produce your own reports with your database. The structure of the offload database...

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You can try either of these to query current or historical alarms: POST dms-activealarms/_search { "query": { "match": { "RootAlarmID": "1234" } } } === POST dms-alarms*/_search { "query": { "match":...

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Howdy, Your observations are majorly correct. I was able to reproduce this issue. (DMA 10.2.8 & Cassandra 4.0 node on Ubuntu) The tool is not working correctly when JMX authentication is enabled...

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Some additional options available here in a simlar question:

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1 Vote

Yes, simply define in the db.xml of each agent the hosts of the ES cluster seperated by commas.  <DBServer>,,</DBServer> DBConfiguration.xml file only comes into...

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This question sheds some light on a workaround that changes the temporary location using symbolic links. Highly recommended to test this in a staging environment first.

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The Cisco Manager connector supports a wide range of Cisco catalyst switches including the Cisco 2960. You can find additional details in this Dojo question as well.

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1 Vote Selected

The 'Execute' shape data field should be added at the child-level shape data that represents a table row i.e where you define ChildType etc. I dont think you need to define the 'enabled=true' option.

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Howdy, Can you run dcomConfig.exe as an administrator and see if that helps. Path:C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\dcomConfig.exe

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In general to use the web services you first need to: Call the Connect method to request a connection ID. Call any other method remebering to pass along the connection ID you received in step 1....

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By default the snmpd.conf file presets the OID range you can poll. You can modify this range as shown to get access to other paramters. Look for the 'Access Control' section in the snmpd.conf file.

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Can you check that this line is not commented in the cassandra.yaml file:<authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator>.

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The ToS (Type of service) or DSCP value of inspected IP packets is part of the data stored in the Netflow Solution in DataMiner. When creating dashboards this data is also available to present as you wish....

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1 Vote Selected

Hi, I did a quick scan of our catalogue and don't see any previous integration with this third party ticketing system. Irrespective of this my advise will be to reach out to the vendor to provide you...

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0 Votes

This is not related to the offload database. More details of what the offload database is can be found here. You should shift your investigation to the protocol itself. The sets could be failing for a...

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0 Votes

You can reduce the log level if you haven't done so or turn it off completely. The level order is ALL < DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL < OFF. You can adjust this for the level and...

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I don't have any experience with the Cassandra plugins in Grafana but if your main objective is as you put it 'fetch metrics from alerts and information in Dataminer' my recommendation will be to use the...

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In a production environment I would recommend you take the following steps: As you already stated; End the failover configuration. Setup your new DMA server and add it back as a failover pair. See...

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0 Votes Selected

I've had a somewhat similar issue before. In my case data could not be polled from another DMS. Turned out the user was not part of the 'Performance Monitor Users' group which gives access to performance...

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0 Votes

Hopefully your issue is now resolved. More details can be found here in 'Adding a SET command to a shape shortcut menu'.

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0 Votes Selected

Hope you were able to sort this out as it looks like you are on the right track... I assume here ETH port status is a table parameter in which case: Set the value of the shape data field (Parameter)...

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If you are referring to restricting who can view and edit this dashboard, you can do that upon creation of the dashboard by filling the Security box or if already created you can further set user access...

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0 Votes

An experimental proposal: If any of the modems you have has the functionality to act as an SMPP server and allows SMPP clients then all you need is: An SMS Gateway software (e.g open source like Kannel)...

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0 Votes

With the agent running go to System Center > Agents. Delete any agent that shouldnt be in the cluster. Ideally you should have only one agent listed as this is a single DMA. Try the upgrade afterwards...

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This is a known issue fixed from Cassandra version 4.0.5 (CASSANDRA-17581). As a workaround you can try: nodetool -Dcom.sun.jndi.rmiURLParsing=legacy <command>

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You can find information on offload DB setup and configuration here: 1) Setting up an offload database. 2) Configuring data offloads in Dataminer.

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0 Votes Selected

Thanks Micheal. Your suggestion works well.

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Not my area of expertise but recently had a similar situation where we needed to introduce a delay between a SET/GET pair. Once we understood the device behaviour we made use of the next attribute of the...

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Since you have a good idea of how long it will take for the script to run if you iterate through all your CMTS, you should be able to override the termination of your script after 12 mins by adding this...

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Hi Shawn There is currently no of the box solution akin to exporting alarm templates for example. If you would like to see this feature please add it as a feature suggestion. However it is possible through...

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