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First name Jordy
Last name Ampe

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The renew session can be required if the cloud session couldn’t be renewed automatically for too long (eg. no internet access or something else being wrong). The manual renew session step can be done...

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11 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Seppe, I think you should be able to use this message to know if the DMS is registered with (= cloud-connected). As far as I know there are no other messages to know what 'agents'...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi, adding some information: There is currently no way to set a fixed refresh time or window. The refresh token is valid for 7 days. The CloudGateway DxM will try to refresh the token before its...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Reinout, I just tried it with my local agent where it works out of the box with my windows user. For DaaS I suspect you will need to select 'Explicit credentials' and fill in your username and password,...

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5 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Felix, When a custom command is triggered, the automation script is ran in the name of that user's linked DataMiner account, so you always know who clicked the button. You are able to fetch the private...

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4 Votes

Hi, I am happy to tell you that we added an example on GitHub on how to easily add buttons to Adaptive Cards with the ChatIntegration nuget (version 1.2.1). ChatIntegration Examples on GitHub: ChatOps-Extensions/ChatIntegrationExamples...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi, We are aware of this issue and a fix is in progress. We will inform when this fix has been released. ETA for this fix is in the beginning of next week. Wkr

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Felix, We added a new example "Executor Input Example" for custom commands on how you can know who executed it. You can deploy it from the catalog: Custom Command Examples | Catalog (

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3 Votes Selected

Hi, For DaaS Express there shouldn't be any need to make adjustments to (custom) appsettings. Can you pinpoint for what it exactly would be required? The log files of DxMs are included in log collector...

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3 Votes

Hi, at this exact moment there is work being done on a new catalog which will be available very soon. In a next iteration of this new catalog it's planned to have private catalogs only visible inside...

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi, This is indeed the same Cloud Pack to get cloud connected. If you are cloud connected and your connection is working fine, the Teams Bot should work out of the box. For Teams/chat Integration...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi, We have implemented a way to skip the confirmation of a custom command in the DataMiner Teams bot/ChatOps. More information can be found at change log | DataMiner Docs

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2 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi, the issue has been resolved. Updated the status on DCP Status ( Wkr

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2 Votes Selected

As a reference for the DxM server requirements: Dataminer Cloud Platform : DMZ Setup - DataMiner Dojo

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2 Votes

That is indeed the expected behavior. The cloud connection stays valid and working for the DMA that now has been reset. If you want to unregister the DMS from the cloud you can by following the docs 'disconnecting...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Felix, Currently we don't support adding Actions (nor functional inputs) in the Adaptive Cards via the DataMiner bot ChatOps. As you found out there is a way to still add Actions and it indeed does...

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Hi, A fix has been made in DataMiner CoreGateway 2.13.4, which is now available for installation via the Admin app on the Nodes page of your DataMiner System(s). ( change log | DataMiner...

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2 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi David, To extend on Brians answer: It is possible to put your webpages under a path that is allowed for remote access via so you can access them, for example /monitoring or /dashboard...

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2 Votes

Hi Thijs For Remote Cube we indeed require HTTPS to be configured (with a valid certificate). This is noted in the list of requirements on the internal docs page. I'll follow up to move these requirements...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi, To give an update on what is happening: the CloudFeed DxM was still trying to use  NET 5 and we are working on a new version/release with NET 6. We will post an update here when it's available to...

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Hi, Currently for Chat Integration only text is supported. This would be something Domain Cloud Ecosystem could implement but it's not planned on our road map right now. (For Custom Command it is possible...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi, We noticed that there was an issue with the Cloud Pack indeed still installing the wrong .NET 5 version. The correct and required .NET 6 version is also only included from a later DataMiner version...

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Hi Romain, Please follow these docs to connect your DMS to the cloud: The Cloud Pack can be found here:,...

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Hi, Here we provided some examples with different kind of inputs/outputs: ChatOps-Extensions/CustomCommandExamples at main · SkylineCommunications/ChatOps-Extensions (

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2 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi, The DataMiner Teams bot/app does not make use of Office 365 connectors, so there will be no impact or change. Wkr, Jordy

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1 Vote Selected

I'll let someone else reply for the DataMiner part, but for the DxMs regarding the cloud functionality almost all the communication between those DxMs goes over NATS in the cluster. An example where NATS...

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By browsing to <dms>-<organization> you can test/see that APIGateway is not reachable, otherwise it would say “APIGateway is running”. In this case make...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi, The confirmation cannot be skipped as how it is implemented right now. What I do see is that you send a chat integration message below with an email address, right? You can put that in the confirmation...

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1 Vote

Hi, As far as I know you (currently) can't access those on a DaaS system. They are behind the user login to enable remote access to the web apps or cube. It is possible to use User-Defined...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi, the Orchestrator DxM tries to collect some information about the server like what NET version is installed for example. We will investigate and follow up with this issue. Wkr

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Hi, We just release an increment to allow access to files hosted in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\public\ via remote access. (Remote access | DataMiner Docs) Wkr

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Hi, Certain DataMiner versions already include the needed .NET version. From DataMiner Feature Release 10.3.3 or DataMiner Main Release 10.3.0 [CU3] .NET 6 is included. Wkr,

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1 Vote Selected

Installing the Cloud Pack will/should not affect your DataMiner startup or DataMiner installation as they are separate services running next to each other. To eliminate the cloud pack being the cause of...

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1 Vote

Just to add some information: The DMZ server needs the CloudGateway, Orchestrator (and CloudFeed) DxM The DataMiner servers need the other DxMs. If you are on a recent version of DataMiner (some...

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1 Vote

Hi, The issue has been resolved in Cloud Pack 3.1.3 (with DataMiner CloudFeed 1.3.0, see - Change Log), which can now be download from DataMiner Cloud Pack Download. Wkr

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1 Vote Selected

.NET 5 has been removed and replaced with .NET 6 since DataMiner 10.3.9, see the dataminer change log: General Feature Release 10.3.9 | DataMiner Docs. Note an upgrade won't uninstall .NET 5 as it could...

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1 Vote

Hi, can you try to upgrade your CloudGateway DxM to a more recent version and then run the ConnectionTester again? There is one of the endpoints that returned an error in the older versions of CloudGateway,...

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0 Votes

Hi, following the documentation from Accessing your DMS remotely with DataMiner Cube | DataMiner Docs, you are indeed supposed to set the connection settings to use gRPC (see ConnectionSettings.txt) ....

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0 Votes

Hi, We have implemented a way to skip the confirmation of a custom command in the DataMiner Teams bot/ChatOps. More information can be found at change log | DataMiner Docs

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Hi, This issue has been fixed in Orchestrator 1.5.5 where we improved the management of processes, see Orchestrator change log | DataMiner Docs). Wkr

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0 Votes Selected

Hi, We just released support for Adaptive Cards with ChatIntegration and also had issues with serialization/dlls during development. We found another easier way of doing it. We added a helper method...

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The issue seemed to be the DataMiner CoreGateway not being able to setup a connection with the DMA. After restarting the CoreGateway service everything started working.

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