
Sebastiaan Dumoulein

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First name Sebastiaan
Last name Dumoulein

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Hi Matthijs, That's a great question! Yes, the full DM upgrade will override the web only update, even when the web update was of a higher version.

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15 Votes Selected

Hi Joel, 'Substring' starts with a capital which is probably the reason you're seeing this exception. Creating automation scripts in DIS would also indicate any syntax errors that are encountered while...

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15 Votes Selected

Hi Sebastian, Modifying the JSON files is currently the only way. However, during empower it became very clear that duplicating pages and panels was a highly requested feature. I'm happy to say we're...

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13 Votes Selected

DataMiner Cube doesn't 'set up' internet access. Instead, it tries to contact some end points to provide additional functionality or to enhance the user experience. If the client has no internet access,...

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Hi Tiago, This is the dynamic table filter syntax (see docs). An example filtering on the primary key:

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11 Votes Selected

No, we currently only have support for Microsoft Visio. Please see the following question for a detailed explanation:

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I also ran into this issue and apparently it's due to the caching of images on the side of LinkedIn. They launched a tool, Post Inspector, that will help you clear the LinkedIn Preview cache. This should...

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Hi Jens, This is a feature request that is on our backlog (so currently this is not possible). You can track the progress of the feature request using DCP204049.

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Hi Joey, We have an item on our backlog which will enable displaying the output of an automation script. The idea is that a script will have an 'On completed' and 'On failure' event handler which can...

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Hi Leander, This is an error coming from our web API which is thrown when a client requests a dashboard that does not exist. As you know a low code app exists of dashboards which can act as a pages or...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Emmanuel, This can be done by using a 'Trigger' component on your page. This component's sole responsibility is to give a trigger to other components to refresh their data. You can link this component...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Gabriel, Regex101 does not contain the .Net flavor (see their GitHub). You can use though. I believe you're pretty close with the regular expression: ^(?!(Online|Offline))...

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10 Votes Selected

If you want this to be done for all users, you can add a 'Select' operator to your query and reorder the columns by clicking the arrows. Reordering the columns for the current user can be done by...

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10 Votes Selected

When opening a Visual Overview for the first time, the Visio file (Vsdx or Vdx extension) is downloaded from the server. The Visio file is in reality a container for different files (xml data, images,...

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Probably additional security was added afterwards which causes the 'Profiles' tab to be hidden. You can check your permissions in the 'User/groups' tab of the system center. The 'UI available' item needs...

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We don't have this functionality out of the box in the Visual Overview. However, we can get to something similar if we get creative! With the [DataMinerTime:Format=ss] placeholder we can show the current...

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Hi Jim, This is an issue which was patched in and is available for download as of today (see here). Technical detail: It's a race condition in the web API which is typically resolved by restarting...

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Hi Sebastian, This isn't available out of the box. You could use the 'Page load' event to generate an entry every time the page opens. These entries could then be used to aggregate upon. Additionally,...

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Hi Stacey, It's never an easy answer when it comes to performance so let me cut some corners and point you to the 'Network' tab of the 'Developer tools' (F12). There you'll see that each GQI query actually...

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Hi Bruno, It's currently not possible to edit a shared dashboard. We're actively working on this and it should be available in the near future. For now, you need to unshare it, make the changes and share...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Ive, This data is currently available when using the 'GenericInterface' soft launch option. When enabling this, a new data source called 'Bookings' will be available.  See the Help for more info on...

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9 Votes Selected

Clicking on the close button of the loading notification will write an entry in the logging that contains the IDs of the shapes that are still waiting on data. You can find this in the general Cube logging...

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Hi Shawn, You can find all previous web upgrades in in the tree on the DataMiner server upgrade page. I'll check if we can add it to the DataMiner web upgrade page as well.

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Wouter, We have chosen this approach because feeds typically originate from a table, grid, or timeline that supports multiple selections. To ensure a reliable method for handling multiple values, we've...

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8 Votes Selected

When our web applications can't use web sockets, you'll see the following error in the console: Upon seeing this, you can check the following things: Are web sockets installed on IIS (more info)....

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Hi Jens, The GenIf folder contains the logging for GQI queries (the previous abbreviation of the Generic Query Interface was GenIf). It contains all requested data for an executed query and allows...

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8 Votes Selected

You can simulate the search functionality with 2 basic Visio functionalities: Add a text box that sets a session variables, this will act as a search. Add a 'Show' condition to each service based...

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Jarkko, You're correct, the line chart currently does not support dynamic units. I believe this is also the case for the trend graphs in Cube. It will certainly be a nice feature which is why we have...

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8 Votes Selected

There is an experimental component available when using the 'ReportsAndDashboardsAlarmList' soft launch option. Be aware that components that are using a soft launch option are still open for change and...

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8 Votes Selected

This message appears when you open a new or updated shared dashboard for the first time. During the display of this message, the web application firewall (WAF) rules are being actively generated. The WAF...

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7 Votes Selected

Upon opening an application or dashboard created on a previous version of DataMiner, it will automatically migrate to the current version of the platform. This migration process can include a wide variety...

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Hi Rajesh, It seems to me that you are referring to the display time of a DOM field in dashboards or Low-Code Apps. This is actually the default setting for our web applications. Nevertheless, if you...

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Hi Ashwiny, This is currently not possible, but we have an item on our backlog for this. We're currently scoping this for the grid component. Is the component in your dashboard a table?

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Hi Jordy, First of all you shouldn't really see this error. It's only shown whenever requesting the mobile Visual Overview for an invalid session. A session is initially opened when opening/rendering...

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Hi Ana, Whenever you're in need of dynamic sizing of a shape, you can rely on the grid layout. Specifying columns and rows with '*' or 'auto' allows them to scale dynamically (either to the container...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, User accessibility is indeed configurable for Low-Code Apps. To do this, you can go to the settings of your app: There you'll find the possibility to configure: View access Here you can...

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Hi Ive, The bar chart is displaying bars based on the order of the data. Sorting your values in the query will thus reorder your bars in the chart. Sorting your data in GQI can be done by using the 'Sort'...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Jamie, When dealing with a topology structure I suggest to use different DOM definitions for every level. Fields in one DOM definition can contain one (or multiple) references to instances of another...

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7 Votes

Hi Mieke, Table actions are currently unable to have follow-up actions. We do aim to have this available in the future so that the approach for actions is aligned everywhere in Low-Code Apps. Note that...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Ive, We briefly discussed this with software development. Here are our thoughts: It's currently not possible to do this. We only support PDF generation as an attachment at this moment. Html content...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Bing, I believe this should already be possible: You could calculate the sum of your column in the driver itself and save it in a separate parameter. This way, you can leverage all benefits of having...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Gabriel, I believe you're looking for the ParametersSummary shape data (see Help). To retrieve the highest alarm severity, you could use: ParametersSummary   Max|[cardvar:_element]:4302|ALARM

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The maximum size of log files can be adjusted in the System Center > System settings > logging.

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7 Votes Selected

You need to add the URL/query parameter 'embed=true' Example: http://slc-uxdev-01/dashboard/#/db/mydashboard.dmadb?timespans=1605692262659%2F1605778662659&embed=true

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The current version of the ticketing app only provides overviews or filters on open tickets. A closed ticket can still be shown when using the ticket ID in the url: http://dmaip/ticketing/#/ticket/370/269....

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There are currently some limitations on the way SVG's and other geometries are drawn on the Visual Overview (not all Bezier and Nurbs curves are currently supported). Some workarounds: Transform your...

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I can't immediately spot what's going wrong in your configuration, the setup seems to be alright to me. In order to debug, you can place the entire reservation placeholder '[reservation:[this service],Status]'...

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This isn't supported out of the box by the Visual Overview. You have already listed both alternatives that are currently possible (embedding the ticketing app or doing a workaround in a driver). The dashboards...

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The light blue line indicates that these values are coming from real-time updates. Dark blue lines are data coming from trend data requests (this is based on database data). If you wait long enough, you'll...

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7 Votes

Hi Jens, The OnArgumentsProcessedInputArgs object contains a HasArgumentValue which will return false if the optional argument is not filled in (see docs). Additionally, you can also use the TryGetArgumentValue which...

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Hi Tim, The form exposes an action to change the mode. This could be triggered by any of the available triggers (on page load, on button click, etc.). Update: As Wout rightfully says, you also have...

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Hi Thomas, This is a known limitation of the 'Start from' query. You currently need to create one large query if you want to use feeds. We do plan to support this in the future. You can track the progress...

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Hi Oliver, Great use case and great question! Templates in a children shape are always statically sized. This means they can't stretch in any way. The closest we currently have in the Visual Overview...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Leander, Table actions currently do not support consecutive actions, we've added this to our backlog. You can follow the progress using DCP207235. Additionally I want to note that we aim to support...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Klaas, Unfortunately populating a dropdown using static values is not yet possible. (but we do have an item for that on our backlog). Instead, it always refers to dynamic data or certain DataMiner...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Mieke, This is currently not possible. I do see the benefits of being able to execute any action on a regular interval using the trigger component. This is something we can add with low effort. I'll...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Steve, Setting custom properties in the Visual Overview is currently limited to some specific use cases (e.g. rearranging dynamic positioned shapes). I believe the automation approach is a viable...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Reinout, Although you can indeed achieve this with a regular expression, I believe a better solution would be to develop a new custom operator that can parse JSON. This operator can then allow selecting...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Ruben, This is achievable by using the DisposeWebBrowserWhenNotSelectedPage=false option on the shape (see docs).

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Hi Alberto, You can use extended shape manipulations if you want to show/hide a shape based on a (complex) condition (see docs). The condition itself can consist of multiple parts (e.g. <A>and<B>)or<C>)...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, This question has probably already been answered (see here). The exploit seems to be different but I believe the explanation of Jens is still applicable.

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Hi Pengf, This is thoroughly explained in the help: see Linking a shape to an element parameter. This is also mentioned in the Visual overview course.

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6 Votes Selected

The maximum number of shapes can be configured in the 'Visual Overview' page of the user settings. This setting is used by the children shape which can dynamically generate a shape based on a certain...

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The browser only enables access to the clip board when using https. Currently this isn't checked in the dashboards application before displaying the context menu item. We have an item on our backlog to...

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You can dynamically filter a table so it only shows records that are in alarm. To do this, you can use the 'ClientSideRowFilter'. As the name suggest this is a client filter while the 'TableRowFilter'...

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The 3-D format is currently not supported by the Visual Overview and will ignore any configuration made in this section. A possible workaround is to style a shape with your desired 3-D format and then...

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First, link a shape to the element: Element   *MyElementName* Then set the Page shape data to ":alarms". Page         :Alarms

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6 Votes Selected

I believe this is not yet possible for elements and parameters. For views and services, you are able to configure this in the MaintenanceSettings.xml. <AlarmSettings serviceTimeoutMode=”displayTimeout”...

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6 Votes Selected

At development, we are unaware of any filtering issues in the ticketing application. Please add more details to your question so we can help you out. Edit: Some quick tips to debug situations like this....

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The Visual Overview supports multiple scopes for session variables. Each scope defines the lifespan of a session variable (and its value). Scopes: Page: The session variable only has a value in the...

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Hi Daniel, This is currently not possible. Do note that you can zoom in using the browser to increase all font sizes within your app.

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Mieke, The OnInit lifecycle hook is currently not called for custom operatos (see docs). However, we have a task on our backlog to support it.

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Leander, I believe your looking for the DomInstanceValueFieldDescriptor (see docs). However, compared to the DomInstanceFieldDescriptor, this one also references a specific value of that DomInstance...

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Hi Apurva, Starting from 10.4.1 you will be able to configure consecutive actions on buttons in your table. This will let you run the script of your choice, followed by another action that fetches the...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jim, This is probably the snippet you're looking for, note in my case I made the filter configurable in the data source so that you can easily reuse it. The code is also available on GitHub. _alarms...

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Hi Manuel, We're looking to enable the use of GQI results as options in a dropdown menu in the future. It's currently on our backlog, but we don't have a specific release date for it yet. Thanks for your...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jari, Great question, unfortunately this is something that is still on our backlog. There are no workarounds for this as far as I know. Edit: You should be able to track the progress using DCP188381.

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Hi Stijn, We indeed only show the names (and versions) of protocols that are effectively used in the DMS. This is done to avoid having too many (unused) items in the list, so the user can focus on protocols...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Joel, For a use case like this we need to refer to a feature which is still behind the 'GenericInterface' soft launch flag, called 'Custom operators'. A custom operator let's you implement a certain...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Peng, We still have an item on our backlog to provide a service relations data source similar to how we already have a view relations data source. The current priority of this is rather low as we didn't...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, This isn't available yet although we will be working on a feature that enables specific use cases like this. More specifically, we will be adding an SLNet callback to the ad hoc data source...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Rene, This is currently not possible but we could tweak this behavior in the future. We can do (a combination) of several things.: Change the default behavior for every filter to free form. Make...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Emmanuel, Interactive Automation Scripts in our web applications require web socket communication in order to achieve a good user experience. If web sockets are not available (for whatever reason),...

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The DOMInstanceID class has two public properties: Guid Id String ModuleId So in your case you can get the underlying Guid by using mcrCustomerList[0].ID.Id. Note that the ModuleId is useful when...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Mieke, I believe this has become the most requested feature for Low-Code Apps right now. It's currently sitting high in our backlog (DCP192320) so this will be coming soon.

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Hi Brecht, Pages are being initialized upon showing them in the Visual Overview. It's the initialization phase that requests data from the DMA (either through requests or subscriptions). Pages that have...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Michiel, Great question! It depends where the data is actually coming from. As you know, GQI allows you to query different data sets. We recently also added the possibility to create your own data...

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Hi Zean, Limiting user access to certain dashboards can be configured in 2 ways: Upon creating a dashboard, the user is presented with some security presets. Three presets are available: User...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jamie, Basic mathematic operations are available such as: Avg Max Min Subtract Sum Multiplying and dividing is not yet possible but can easily be added. Also note that these work based...

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Hi Alberto, These bevel visualizations are indeed not supported. One of the reasons for this is that these typically visualize buttons. We encourage any Visual Overview users to create buttons using states:...

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Hi Gerwin, As far as I know, it's currently not possible to know if an automation script is running. I'm not sure if that is really required though. At the start of your script you can set a parameter...

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Hi Ruben, This isn't possible out of the box, but you should be able to create this in a custom web page and display that in Visio. It should look something like this. Note that you can pass the data...

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Hi Gabriel, A handy trick is that you can nest placeholders as much as you want. Config: Result:

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No, the only way to achieve this is by setting up an executor monitor that watches 2 session variables and combines them in one new session variable (more info is available in the Help). These 2 session...

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Hi Alberto, You can use multiple placeholders directly in the text of a Visio shape. In your example of IPSource@MulticastGroup:Port you could set the text of the shape to [param:4500/541,47006,300112]@[param:4500/541,47008,300112]:[param:4500/541,47010,300112]

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The application pool is used for the following functionalities: API Legacy dashboards Annotations Video thumbnails None of these require a lot of processing. Therefore the CPU usage of the web...

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Hi Bruno, This is something that has crossed our minds already but was not seen as a priority. Can you elaborate on why you would want an html version instead of a pdf? Feel free to also suggest this...

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Hi Philip, i'll redirect you to the answer on a similar question.

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Hi Mahito, The Cube component is automatically switching between real-time values and averaged values based on the visible time window. The mobile monitoring component does not have this capability and...

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The following is true for a Visual Overview in Cube displaying the content of a url  containing the <dmaip> placeholder. The web-based Visual Overview handles this a bit different. This is the...

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