Dear dojo community,
Question about Failover configuration.
I believe it is not possible to mix the two failover methods in the same DMS, correct?
In case some DMA's in a DMS are configured for Failover using a Virtual IP but there is a need to add a failover pair using a shared hostname. Then the existing failover configuration needs to migrate to a shared hostname as well. What is the best way to migrate an existing failover pair from a virtual IP to a shared hostname? Is it advised to breakup the failover config and then re-create it using a shared hostname?
Interesting question - can I ask why the hostname config would be needed just for one pair of DMAs? Is it an intermediate step or just a new DMA pair that will be landed by a different set of users?
I haven't tested this myself, but I believe you're right as the documentation about Failover Config in Cube indeed suggests to always use only one method:
step 8 & 9 in the guide seem mutually exclusive:
Curious if out of CUBE a hybrid set-up could be tested - but to stay within what's recommended in that section, if the cluster is not too big, I believe each pair would have to be reconfigured - I think this is recommended also for SLNet and SLFailover logging.
I'd check also the DMS.xml of the pairs - the newest Failover configuration should be automatically synchronized between the two DMAs - and DataMiner.xml for the order of NICs:
In my sample I have only "Virtual IP" tags - worth checking how this evolves while transitioning to shared hostname: