
Edson Alfaro

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First name Edson
Last name Alfaro

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1261 DevOps Points
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Hi Dominik, The best option here is to contact our licensing team at and ask to disable the ticketing option so they can provide you a new license file. Don't forget to...

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13 Votes Selected

Hi Carlos, We have a cool video explaining how to integrate Azure AD users in Dataminer and of course, if your AD has 2-factor authentication, Dataminer will request it. Authenticating Azure AD Users...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Nejra, You can also use our Factory Reset tool to uninstall Dataminer. Factory reset tool | DataMiner Docs Regards.

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9 Votes

Hi Jens, The way IDP works with LLDP tables is through an automation script that collects the data from the LLDP tables in the elements and then makes the relations with the DCF interfaces available,...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Alexis, The Linux platform driver should work over almost every Linux distribution. SNMP version should be the same for all as is based on the standard MIBS, the SSH version it's possible that needs...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Jaime, A good start could be checking the communication from the client PC to the server, because it seems that port 80/443 is not answering correctly. Configuring the IP network ports | DataMiner...

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5 Votes

Hi Paul, As Miguel mentioned, you need to click on the "localhost" tab to see more details. Based on the timestamps in the image you sent, is probably that the upgrade was not executed. Lately upgrading...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Dominik, We normally don't recommend to add existing DMA's to a DMS, as during the merge you can have conflicts with the view IDs, protocol versions, element names, etc. In case you need to merge...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Javier, Thanks for starting at Dojo! The new Dataminer Dashboards combined with our EPM Solution I think could address the requirement you have. The EPM will be in charge of making all the relations...

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4 Votes

Hi Tomoya, Thanks for posting on Dojo! Of course, Dataminer is supported over virtual platforms. In our System requirements document, you can find a chapter Regarding Virtual Servers.

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Hi Yuki, We normally use a numeric index for every row in a table, you can identify it because it is marked with a yellow icon. Then we have what we call Display Key (little gray icon) which is the value...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Randy, DCF is supported since version I'm using latest SLC Main, and it is also working. CISCO Nexus | Catalog ( Regards.

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Jonathan, In America we have some nice implementations based on SCTE standard for XMS2 and XMS3.

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3 Votes

Hi Sebastian, Normally Dataminer looks for the logging the IP Address 1 that you see in your agent from System Center. Validate if the IP that the logging app is looking for is the same as the one as...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Esteban, During the same connection and command execution window, you should send the log off command via SSH as well, I think it could be just an extra line in the code to do that. Regards.

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Shoop, If you are talking about the videos on this Dojo Community, some of them are hosted in Youtube, so it's possible that you are experiencing a content restriction per site; if you can provide...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Jaime, It is possible only if the HTTP sessions/parameters have the proxyserver attribute that can use a hardcoded Proxy IP or a value from a parameter. The Bus address field in the element configuration...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Dave, This is the list of folder we recommend to exclude from any antivirus operation: C:\Skyline DataMiner C:\Program Files\Cassandra C:\ProgramData\Cassandra C:\ProgramData\Skyline C:\ProgramData\Skyline...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Javier, I totally recommend to start using the New Dashboards app to look for specific information  from Dataminer, a very useful tool is the queries, so you can enroll to the course and start playing...

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2 Votes

Hi Jonathan, Normally all Cisco devices running Cisco IOS will work with our Cisco Manager driver. Just in case they are running a different OS (NX-OS or IOS-XR) we would need to use a different driver....

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Dominique, Yes it does, we have made recent implementations over Cisco Manager, Cisco Nexus, and Huawei Manager to export configurations using SFTP or SCP. Regards.

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Jordy, You can take our Wellav CMP Database Reader that connects to a MySQL DB of another system to poll some parameters for alarming and trending of the devices contained in that NMS. Regards.

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Hi Andy, As the cluster configuration shares information between the system, such as views, security settings, DMS configuration, etc., we don't recommend to merge as they are different in some ways (e.g....

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Mike, One of our users has that AV installed at Dataminer servers, it was configured with some exceptions because at some point we detected with a process explorer that our processes were examined...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Bruno, Another option I've seen is through a custom driver that could allow you to create a new element and inside of it you could select the source elements/interfaces, define the parameter to be...

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1 Vote

Hi Jeff, Of course there is a way, in the driver itself we can get the answers of the device and present that in a parameter, e.g.: Regards.

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Muhammad, thanks for posting on Dojo! There are different types of protocol updates. The type of update is indicated next to each protocol version in the list of available updates. The available type...

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Hi Jose, I recommend to use the following tool before running the upgrade. VerifyClusterPorts.dmupgrade - DataMiner Dojo Regards.

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Jose, As the failover config is still present so it's possible that some ASP config is still looking for the virtual IP. I would recommend to mark the check box in the failover pop-up to "activate"...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Jorge, Another approach is to use the filtering options with some wildcards in the alarm template to only alarm the production interfaces leaving the other ones without monitoring and the user can...

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