Process Automation 1.1.2 release

Process Automation framework 1.1.2 is now available for download. After a few releases containing many new features, it was time for a short break. We’ve spent time on improving user …

Project Collaboration empowers Agile teams

Curious to see how our teams use Project Collaboration as a tool to work Agile?  Below is a real use case where many Agile practices are applied that help us deliver valuable …

Integrate custom actions with SRM Framework 1.2.10

SRM Framework 1.2.10 is now available for download. SRM Framework provides a flexible solution for the management of resources and the orchestration of the associated virtual functions. The framework offers …

Highlights in DataMiner 10.1.2 Feature Release

Time flies… We’re happy to present the second release of the year. In this blog, I will highlight some of the changes present in DataMiner Feature Release 10.1.2.  In DataMiner 10.0.13, we announced the option to connect your DMS to a Cassandra …

Making the transition towards IP

Easier said than done, right? That’s why we’re investing a lot of time to help you make the transition from an SDI to an IP infrastructure. The upcoming webinar with …

DataMiner Project Collaboration thumbnail

Project Collaboration empowers the Agile Partnership

The Project Collaboration module, which is part of the DataMiner Cloud Platform, has been launched! This new cloud module facilitates agile collaboration for distributed DevOps teams and is specifically tailored towards managing deployment and continuous evolution …