Elasticsearch 7.x & AWS compatibility

At present, DataMiner only supports Elasticsearch versions in the 6.x range. However, instead of looking into support for Elasticsearch 7, we are now investigating the option of becoming compatible with …

Sneak peek: Spectrum Media Controls

There is no longer any way around it. As an operator, you know that the growing radio spectrum pollution forces you to closely monitor your entire operating spectrum.Unfortunately, we can’t …

Improved rate calculations

Rates have become an essential addition to many of the DataMiner SNMP driver tables since they provide more meaningful statistics than just an increasing counter value. However, the accuracy of …

Service providers are migrating to full IP architectures – the DataMiner DAA app makes this happen

A particular operational challenge for service providers today, is the complex provisioning process of the IP- and SDN-controlled network, as a part of their DAA architecture. While there are solutions available for provisioning a technology from a specific vendor, what you really need is to make this complex process run across any technology or vendor with the scale required. That is where DataMiner comes in, managing this provisioning across technologies, vendors, implementations, and at full scale.