Streamline your regression testing strategy: tips for integration of interactive Automation scripts

Streamline your regression testing strategy: tips for integration of interactive Automation scripts

Integrating interactive Automation scripts in regression tests can be challenging, especially when the test framework lacks UI execution support. Exploring alternative testing methods may not be the solution either, as they often prove time-intensive and incompatible with the QA portal. To tackle these issues, a thoughtful design methodology right from the start is crucial. That's why we've introduced a best practices guide in the DataMiner Documentation that emphasizes a design approach centered around flexibility, reusability, and seamless integration, providing valuable insights for a smoother testing process.

Let's take a step back. Are you familiar with interactive Automation scripts yet?

Interactive Automation scripts go beyond the standard Automation scripts by incorporating interactive elements in the UI, such as widgets and dialogs. If you're already familiar with everything IAS-related, great! For those looking to enhance their expertise, explore our beginner-level guides:

* Quick tip: Complete a Kata tutorial and earn 75 DevOps Points!

To overcome the above-mentioned challenges in incorporating interactive Automation scripts into regression tests, a go-to guide has been added to the DataMiner Docs. Here's a taste of the tips provided in the best practices guide:

  • Use the Model View Presenter (MVP) design pattern: Implement interactive Automation scripts using MVP to ensure the separation of your logic from other components.
  • Use JSON parameters for user decisions: Replace decisions users would make during interactions with JSON parameters to enhance script flexibility. This approach will allow you to easily adapt to different scenarios without requiring code modifications.
  • Write generic and reusable code: Avoid separate logic paths for interactive and non-interactive runs, ensuring code adaptability.
  • Adopt a single-script approach: Adapt behavior based on provided input parameters to eliminate the need for separate scripts, simplifying maintenance.

Benefits of the recommended approach include flexibility across interfaces and simplified maintenance and scalability. Whether triggering the script interactively, non-interactively, via Visio or a low-code app, you can provide the necessary input, maintaining consistency and facilitating ease of execution. Moreover, the unified script design eliminates the need to manage separate scripts, which reduces complexity and establishes a foundation for scalability.

Explore the full best practices guide in the DataMiner Documentation for detailed insights into transforming your regression testing strategy with interactive Automation scripts.

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