DataMiner Usage-based Pricing

DataMiner is available as Perpetual Use Licenses or in two flavors of usage-based models, namely the Pay-per-Use Plan and Subscription Plan.

Community Edition

Get started with Free DataMiner Community Edition, a complete platform that offers all DataMiner Functions with instant unlimited access to 8000+ connectors, 10 credits for data collection and control plane (e.g. 20 Managed Objects), and 10 credits for automation and orchestration (2000 script runs).

Install your free DataMiner System today and start experiencing the benefits of a data-driven operation.


Free for the first 7-days

Easy deployment of DataMiner in the cloud with just a few clicks1

DaaS offers scalability, enabling you to expand or reduce resources as needed


Free, renewable every 12 months

Download and run DataMiner Community on your own machine

Full control over hosting infrastructure configuration, security, and maintenance

1 Creating a new DataMiner System
2 subscribe for a year and enjoy 12 months of access while paying for just 10 months.

The Community Edition is designed to let you explore and test all the DataMiner Functions only limited by the capacity for data collection and control plane; there might come a time when you need to increase this capacity. If that happens, you can either create a new system keeping your Community Edition separate or upgrade your existing Community Edition to a subscription or pay-per-use credits. Either way, pricing for this system will then follow one of the models below, this means, other services will be charged.

Pay-per-Use and Subscription Plans

A subscription or pay-per-use commercial model allows you to scale your system beyond the limitations of the Community edition, also with the option to deploy the system on private infrastructure or as a service, referred to as DataMiner as a Service (DaaS).

Services are charged based on DataMiner Credits, a single product and price. Prepaid credits are deducted monthly based on the actual service consumption. When subscribing to Monthly Utilization Allowances (MUA) for the different services, you unlock substantial savings.

Fore more information check the FAQ section or contact Sales to get a price estimate