
Edib Šupić

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First name Edib
Last name Šupić

Software System Developer at Skyline Communications

DevOps Program

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Hi Luis, base on this it seems like it's not possible to download a file to a folder outside of Skyline DataMiner(which would make sense from security point of view), so I think you should keep using...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Ladan, I don't see why embedding localhost would be any different then embedding regular URL you just have to make sure localhost is configured properly, for example you can't use X-Frame-Options =...

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3 Votes

Hi Michiel, Trying to use a hostname for your local agent to avoid dealing with DHCP / changing networks every day is not supported anymore since RN32951 (never was, but it "worked" well enough). Agents...

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3 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Dojo, after reaching out to our data-core team it seems like the issue is caused by using hostname instead of IPs(apparently support for it has been removed for a while now, and we were just "lucky"...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Daniel, there is a method to retrieve license information called NT_GET_LICENSES (154). I'm not sure if there is a standard way to achieve your desired functionality, however, one way to do it would...

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Hi Amer, You could set parameter from automation which in turn will trigger QAction. Hope this helps, Cheers

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2 Votes

Hi Jeeva, No, it is not compulsory to have 1TB for each. You can install both Cassandra and OpenSearch on a single 250GB drive and it will work fine. If you take a look at legend at the bottom of the...

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Hi Bruno, DataMiner has option to add Domain users/groups. You can find more details for adding single user here and you can find more details for adding whole domain groups here. Edit: You could...

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Hi Arunkrishna, Reason SLTaskbarUtility is being blocked is our fault and fix for it will be release in the next version, your IT didn't actually block anything. As for why we have folders in both "Program...

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1 Vote

Hi Seppe, I get following exception in Cassandra logs on startup: ObjectIdentifier() -- data isn't an object ID (tag = 48).  I'm using keytool from C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-22\bin. I tried with keytool...

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Hi Alberto, We have created automation script for your use case. You can download it on our Catalog. You can find more details about the script on our GitHub. You will need cloud connected agent for that....

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Hello Omer, IP address/host field refers to the IP of the device you want to poll, server is technically device as well, so in general when configuring HTTP you need to enter IP address of the device,...

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1 Vote Selected

Hello Mark, Can you please navigate to C:\Skyline DataMiner\Elements and try deleting unwanted elements directly from there? You should stop the DM before attempting to delete them. Hope this helps,...

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Hi Robert, In this specific case I don't think you need to change configuration files, connecting new agent should be done through Cube, details on how to do it can be found here. Can you please confirm...

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Hi Frans, according to devices documentation: The control is done with the use of a Java Applet and hence it is necessary to have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the computer for this...

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Hi Hideyuki, ASCII is a proper subset of Unicode, which means that Unicode includes all the characters that can be encoded in ASCII, plus many more. as we can see here all ascii characters are unicode...

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1 Vote

Hi Min, Even though it is possible to configure logging levels in general, please take a look at this, in the case of this protocol that won't work because all of these logs are already of the lowest...

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Hi Dojo, I've been able to resolve this issue. Remove NAS and NATS by going to Registry-> HKEY_LOCAL‌​_MACHINE-> System-> Cur‌​rentControlSet-> Servi‌​ces and deleting NAS...

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1 Vote

Hi Sam, it is possible to use conditional triggers for QActions. Please take a look at this. I'm assuming in your case you will create a QAction that triggers on the table parameter only when tableparameterId...

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Hi Harinee, Not sure if you managed to find your way around the issue yet, but if Bert says its scaling issue you can just tab to Microsoft button. If you focus Email input field you need to press Tab...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi David, I would like to help you get the points for Kata #2. Since you are running version of DM that has user defined APIs and you think the issue is lack of indexing engine I will go through steps...

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Hi Natalia, The RPC server is unavailable. (hr = 0x800706BA) means that specific process has crashed. In your case it seems like SLDMS has crashed. I don't think this is something you will be able to...

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0 Votes

Hi Chian, One thing you could do is define Normal alarm state for certain values. When parameter has that value green colour will be propagated. Cheers

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0 Votes

Hi Trong, Can you please have a look at this similar question? Note that here second example is linked to element alarm state and not parameter alarm state, but I'm hoping this will give you an idea....

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0 Votes

Hi Cedric, Sorry for the very late response, I just had a lot on my plate. It is possible to colour connectors: In this case we first define Element in Shape Data and assign it name of our element....

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, If you right click column names in alarm console you can Add/Remove columns, from there you can add Alarm ID or Root Alarm ID column, both of which will include host DMA ID. Alarm Console...

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Hi Cedric, This seems like a similar question to these ones, The problem of visualizing switching MAIN and BACKUP links in VISIO and How to change colors in a link ACTIVE /PASIVE when switching in VISIO....

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Hi Jonas, Can you try replacing '<' with "&lt;", '>' with "&gt;" and '&' with "&amp;"? You may also want to wrap entire string in <pre> tag to maintain the formatting. Let...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Alexandru, This looks like issue related to .NET runtime not being installed, can you please make sure you have .NET installed? If you don't please download and install .NET Runtime, that should be...

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Hi Peng, Is this what you are looking for? Let me know if this helps or if you have other questions. Cheers

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0 Votes

Hi Matthijs, when I tried upgrading directly from 10.2 to 10.4 I ran in to issue with one of the verification steps getting stuck, I had the same issue on 2 laptops. Issue was resolved by upgrading to...

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0 Votes

Hello Cristel, maybe you could try using SLNetClientTest tool to see what is actually being sent and to further understand what might be an issue. I would suggest starting with this. I would assume the...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Emir, based on information provided here, Sequence tag should only be used for polled parameters. I've tested it, and it does seems that default value gets sequence applied to it twice(for other...

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Hi Ajmal, can you please have a look at the logs C:\Skyline DataMiner\Logging? Some relevant ones to check might be: SLErrors, SLWatchdog2, SLDMS, SLDataMiner, SLNet.

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Hi Min, In this context locked means that some other process is using the database, and locking it to prevent other processes from interfering with the data. Could you please verify that no other process...

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Hi Jaroslaw, I remember having issues with infinite loops as well when I first started working on driver development. What you need to do in that case is create a write parameter with setter="true" and...

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0 Votes

Hi Merima, I have been able to locate identical error for an unrelated application, meaning that this issue is not related to DataMiner but to your Windows instead. I think you should first verify that...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Stephane, In order to identify errors from the QActions you can try checking the logs for the element that caused the errors. There is no guarantee that errors will be shown in the logs, it depends...

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0 Votes

Hi Rodrigo, according to documentation: DVE child protocols cannot be set as production protocol. Would it be possible to recreate DVEs after changing the version of parent protocol?

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