driver 65 Questions Ask question Search Order By: NewCategoryClear Filter 2 Votes 1 Ans What is HTTP Long-Polling vs an HTTP Request? Solved1.60K viewsBen Vandenberghe [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Posted new comment 6th August 2020driver HTTP integrations long polling 2 Votes 2 Ans Videoflow DVP1000 driver capability reference Solved1.48K viewsMarieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Edited question 7th August 2020driver Videoflow 3 Votes 2 Ans Why are duplicate DCF interfaces generated? Solved1.58K viewsBlake Smethers [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 28th July 2020DCF driver 3 Votes 1 Ans Can DataMiner interface with serial devices (eg.: RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485,…)? Solved1.69K viewsGlenn D'Haene [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 7th July 2020data source driver serial 5 Votes 1 Ans What if a firmware version of a device/system is updated? Is this covered in DataMiner? Solved1.68K viewsGlenn D'Haene [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 7th July 2020data source device driver firmware update « Previous 1 2 3 4