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First name | Bruno |
Last name | Dias |
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Custom command to view ongoing bookings and some metadata, such as booking status, service definition name, start/end dates. This command will allow DevOps team operating with SRM in a easier manner from...
View QuestionHi Jorge, This Scheduler action also supports the Dashboards from the (new) dashboards app. If you click on <Click to select> you should find them in the list of dashboards available to be sent....
View QuestionAnother alternative, instead of using an automation script, is to use the element export/import to CSV function. This allows you to export your element settings to a CSV file, you can change the file...
View QuestionHi Bhavana, With regards to your questions: The procedure to uninstall dataminer is available here: Uninstalling a DataMiner Agent | DataMiner Docs If you install dataminer back in the same server...
View QuestionPiotr, The recommended setup for a Cassandra and Elasticsearch cluster is to have DataMiner, Cassandra, and Elasticsearch hosted on dedicated machines. Detailed information can be found at Supported...
View QuestionHi João, It's possible to export element data by using DELT. Further details can be found in the following link:
View QuestionEven though this doesn't resolve the problem you had in SRM, to increase visibility over the paused/stopped elements, you can quickly create a dashboard to have on a screen a list of all paused and stopped...
View QuestionHi Henri, Could be that you're using the Report Engine to produce this but I strongly advise you to use the Dashboards app and then generate a report from it. You can follow steps these steps: Create...
View QuestionHi Daniel, Could be that your virtual element is running a connector that is making use of call in a QAction (NotifyDataMiner 106) that raises a timeout alarm in a specific situation? If the connector...
View QuestionEven though it's not possible to see the usage of the dashboard, you can find details about what dashboards were shared with you and some details by navigating to
View QuestionHi Fares, The alarm table component is only available from DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.5 onwards. Before this, the component is available in a soft launch from DataMiner 9.6.8 onwards. I recommend you upgrade...
View QuestionHi Alberto, A useful case is to enable automatic units conversion in your client app. This way, you will see parameter values like 1.500.000.000 Bps being displayed automatically as 1,500 Gbps. More...
View QuestionThis can be done by opening the view that includes the elements/services that you want to delete and open Data Display (Below This View). Here you can perform a multiple selection, by pressing CTRL + Click...
View QuestionHi Dominik, If I understand your question correctly, you're looking to know if you're using a software version from the Main Release or Feature release. A main release won't increment the last number...
View QuestionHi Alberto, This can be done by creating a Visual Overview for it, using the "Link" shape data. You can find further information in our DataMiner help - Linking a shape to a webpage The end-result will...
View QuestionDataMiner Reports can be also used for this purpose. It doesn't give you a CSV file but can send you an email with the bookings list or in a PDF file. You can customize the columns that are part of the...
View QuestionHi Ana, I use the 'Dock' shape data to force the a Visio shape to be closest to the edge of the Cube card. You can find further details in Docs: Docking a shape to one or more borders of a Visio drawing...
View QuestionHi Javier, On DataMiner 10.0.9 release notes you can find an explanation on how to use Microsoft Edge in compatibility mode to run DataMiner Cube. Make sure you only do this for the exact URLs of DataMiner...
View QuestionHey Kemaine, To have a DMA failover (one DMA team up with a backup server, which is constantly in sync, so it's ready to take over if the online DMA fails), you always need a pair of DMAs, so if your...
View QuestionWhen a Visio shape is triggering an automation script, per default it will show the following confirmation message: It's not the same as Set Parameters but allows the user to acknowledge the script...
View QuestionHi Jens, Maybe you can use Priority property in order to set a priority to each of your resources. Documentation only mentions that this affects resource selection in Booking Wizard. Could be that this...
View QuestionYou can take advantage of the following placeholders to do some Math in a Visio as well: Average | DataMiner Docs Max | DataMiner Docs Min | DataMiner Docs Subtract | DataMiner Docs Sum | DataMiner...
View QuestionMimicking how you would open the file in your default browser may work, so you can add 'http://' as prefix to your file path. In my case, it worked fined, based on a file saved in the DataMiner documents...
View QuestionHi Bruno, A good use case for the Profiles is to use as Mediation layer, in combination with Dashboards. Let's say you have different network devices (let's take Alcatel and Cisco routers as an example)...
View QuestionYou can use the [resource:...] placeholder to get the resource name. In case you have the Resource GUID, that can be easily retrieve from the following: [resource:<ResourceGUID>,Name] As a tip, you...
View QuestionIn the meanwhile, this dataminer server was restarted and the problem didn't occur anymore.
View QuestionThis is not exactly a solution but a tip to resolve this is to put all your placeholders in separate shapes and see what they return (just a new empty shape and put the placeholder as text). This may help...
View QuestionHi Jeroen, You can look in for a reference. Under the 'DataMiner Deployment' view you will find Linux Platform elements that are monitoring the Cassandra and ElasticSearch databases....
View QuestionHi Paul, This loading message means that Cube is trying to load some value that is configured in a shape from your Visio file. Perhaps it doesn't exists and it keeps showing loading. There's no way to...
View QuestionHi Bruno, That's possible by adding a new tab in your alarm console and apply a filter for 'Protocol': This will show you all active alarms that are coming from elements running 'Ericsson RX8200'...
View QuestionHi Dominik, A backup taken from the main DMA is eligible for the backup DMA as well, that's why there's no backup file in the backup DMA. As a best practice, I would recommend you to store the backup...
View QuestionHi Max, Is it possible to share which protocol are you using for this issue? Does it happen for other protocols? If not, I believe it can be a protocol issue.
View QuestionI found myself spending a lot of time fine tuning a layout of a Visio. For it would be extremely convenient to me to have kind of layout templates. Taking Microsoft O365 as an example, when I want to...
View QuestionHi Safri, You can see the system requirements on this DM Docs page: DataMiner Compute Requirements | DataMiner Docs
View QuestionAfter a Factory Reset, you won't have any groups present in your Security.xml, so the new user won't be acknowledged as Administrator So, in addition to the steps described by Jens, you also need to add...
View QuestionHi Thomas, I confess I never tested to embed a VLC player on dashboards but you can embed a webpage in a dashboard. If it works on a browser, it should work on dashboards as well. Did you already try...
View QuestionHi Nikolas, You can resolve this problem by adding a Inner Join operation with a 'Get Elements' query. The 'Get Elements' query will give you the element name and the 'Element ID' parameter will act...
View QuestionHi Yohan, This new Job field will be new metadata to be added to your booking. This can be achieved by adding a new custom booking property to your bookings. Then, you need to update the code that is...
View QuestionOther alternative is to use the Correlation rule engine, to define a rule that groups alarms based on property. The same is possible for Views, Services, Elements, parameter, table index, etc. Further...
View QuestionDashboards is a flexible tool that allows you to configure the dashboard tailored to your elements in your cluster or have a generic approach based on feeds that allows you to have a more dynamic visualization....
View QuestionHi Alexander, Not sure which connector you're using but most of the connectors that use DVEs should have a DVE Configuration table where users can adjust some DVEs settings, like the View Name where they...
View QuestionHarmonic NMX driver is using parameters from its Alarm table as Alarm Properties, which facilitates its filtering, Visio manipulation, dashboards, etc. With a shape linked to an Alarm, I could use 'Info'...
View QuestionThis has been resolved by using the request "https://{{test-server}}/API/v1/json.asmx/CreateJob" w/ payload in JSON instead of "https://{{test-server}}/API/v1/json.asmx" w/ payload in SOAP. A part from...
View QuestionJust an idea (never tried before): can you get it by retrieving parameter value from Element Alarm State parameter (from General parameters, PID:65008)?
View QuestionLooking to point 3) If the L-Band matrix configuration is static, this means, Antennas and demodulators are always connected to the same Input/Ouputs, you can use Resource Properties to achieve this, instead...
View QuestionIn addition to Miguel's reply, alarm properties can be used to add further information in your alarms and use it everywhere (Alarm Console, filters, notifications, Visual Overview, etc.). A typical use...
View QuestionHi Yuki, You can use the 'Last change' property that's available when you drill down to one parameter in specific (double-click in the parameter). This will show you the last time this parameter was...
View QuestionHi Enrique, We have this use case available in our use case library, where you can see some of the parameters that are included on this connector: Synamedia Virtual DCM - DataMiner Dojo If there are parameters...
View QuestionHi Ken, You can see here more details about the Skyline Alerter installation and configuration: DMS Alerter | DataMiner Docs Unfortunately I don't have any pointers to the problem that you're reporting....
View QuestionHi Sebastian, Just to share what we did in a specific integration, we have an Interactive Automation Script that takes care of the resource creation with all the properties required. Last step of the...
View QuestionHi Bruno, Probably your question is duplicated from this one: Need simple email report with elements and parameter value. Any help? - DataMiner Dojo
View QuestionHi Julien, Not sure if you tried with our Correlation module before, but I see that you could have a simple correlation rule that groups all the alarms per element. Here is an example with 3 elements...
View QuestionHi Didier, Juniper Networks Manager connector works like Cisco Manager - it talks directly with the Juniper product. Since the data models (MIB) is the same for different Juniper products, the connector...
View QuestionWe already worked with one connector (Cisco ASR Manager) that is using NETCONF to configure interfaces. Basically, it opens a NETCONF session to send NETCONF commands and this uses YANG-models to select...
View QuestionDid you already try this? – Start -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services – Expand Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config -> SLASPConnection – Right-click...
View QuestionFrom my experience with Grass Valley CR3232SD, the Bus Address has to be set to the level (in my specific case, it was level 4, so I just used bus address "4"). Unfortunately, I don't recall the TCP Port.
View QuestionIt is also possible to develop a driver that uses Websocket as connection to listen for updates. Further details about this implementation can be found in: DataMiner Development Library
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