
Glenn D'Haene

User info

First name Glenn
Last name D'Haene

VP Sales Ops - Steering the global sales operations hand in hand with the sales leadership team. Member of the Corporate Director Leadership Team.

A married father of 2 sons, musician, and president of wind band orchestra Vooruit VZW. Loves good food and a decent glass of wine, listening and performing classical/jazz music, likes to travel, doing some sports (running, cycling, tennis), and being out in nature.


DevOps Program

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400 DevOps Points
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Questions asked

Answers given

Dear Daud,  thanks for your question. People having different opinions is definitely not something new to us and we're happy to assist where we can.  Although it's pretty difficult to answer in general...

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19 Votes

And if you want to talk to us, check here our contact information: Sales team - DataMiner Dojo

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9 Votes

The purpose of the Cisco Manager Connector is to support the Catalyst access series switches for monitoring purposes (2xxx,3xxx,4xxx, 8xxx, 9xxx, etc.) - basically the access layer switch series. In case...

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6 Votes

The minimum is acquiring a MUA (a monthly allowance) of 50 credits. Very soon, here under community section "partners", you’ll find a public calculator allowing everybody to create simulations. This...

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5 Votes Selected

From a commercial point of view: Cisco Manager driver is a generic connector that can be used for all the standard Catalyst type of switches of the range 1,2,3,4xxx series Other products have specific...

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4 Votes

DMPs are typically used for environments where there is a unmanned setup and/or the connection is not reliable (e.g. in rural areas) here local buffering is key.  Some use-cases refer to transmitter towers;...

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SONY LEO is a vital part of the SONY IP LIVE PRODUCTION portfolio,  it's standard DataMiner rebranded as LEO (Live Element Orchestrator) to perform e2e facility management capabilities including e2e system...

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2 Votes

On the storage side,  DataMiner used both Cassandra & Elastic db - those can be installed on a Linux OS. On the UI client side, note as an Operator there is also the HTML5 frontend - can perfectly...

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2 Votes

Hey AbdulKader, Aren't you looking after our Synthetic Testing application ( Dataminer Apps, Out-of-the-box Solutions - DataMiner Dojo ) This way you can setup ping tests to various amount of different...

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1 Vote Selected

That's correct!  DataMiner Augmented Operations is a real-time artificial intelligence module by default included in any modern DataMiner platform.  It's designed to learn behaviors and recognize patterns...

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We've an existing integration between DataMiner and the Riedel Smartpanel (RSP1200), this integration is based on IS-04; IS-O5 & IS-O7.  It has been demonstrated at exhibitions at the Riedel booth...

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No, that's one of the beauties of DataMiner.  There is "no user license" cost.  While multiple other products sell concurrent user-license packages, Skyline since day 1 decided not to do this.  DataMiner...

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As a good practical example, in a broadcast environment - if you've products supporting IS-04 and you want to provision them in DataMiner, you can connect DataMiner to your IS-04 registry.  The beauty...

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There are tangible references today being used in the market where DataMiner is used for ticket management purposes interfacing with products such as ServiceNow.  By default this is enabled through (1)...

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0 Votes

By default the party developing the driver is the party that owns the liability for the support on its product. As owner of the driver, the owning party as well is granted a perpetual rights-to-use license. ...

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