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Hi Didier, A paused element does increase the element counter. Only stopped elements aren't counted.
View QuestionBeing able to send notifications to online users. Example: notify online users for an upcoming maintenance slot.
View QuestionHi Oliver, This is certainly possible. See the bottom note at Running an Automation script from a Correlation rule
View QuestionHi Robin, I've used below code in the past to send a async HTTP request public class Script { private static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); public void Run(Engine engine) { var result = GetResult();...
View QuestionHi Pramod, You need to request a DataMiner ID by sending an email to as mentioned in Installing DataMiner using the DataMiner Installer
View QuestionHi Dario, Is it possible that you don't use the method engine.ShowUI() in your automation script? If so, would it be possible to add this in a comment? The position doesn't matter, it just needs to be...
View QuestionHi Loes, You can only use DIS offline for a limited time (e.g.: while commuting). At regular intervals a license check is done for which internet connection is needed.
View QuestionHi Kevin, You can make use of the helper classes to achieve this. An example of a helper class can be found in topic Unable to use the ResourceManagerHelper In your case you need to add following namespaces...
View QuestionHi Michiel, A possible root cause is when you try to set the parameter and a QAction is busy. Then the set will be delayed until the QAction is finished.
View QuestionHi Chris, There is currently no API call provided to create resources. But there are a few options: You can use API call ExecuteAutomationScript (or a familiar one) and add the code for creating the...
View QuestionHi Mieke, You can use below code when using NuGet Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Protocol IDms myDms = protocol.GetDms(); IDmsElement myElement = myDms.GetElement(new DmsElementId(iDataMinerId,...
View QuestionHi Stefan, You can test this by just adding a shape to your visual and add the param placeholder as value in that shape. Try to build up your placeholder (e.g.: start with property first and then add...
View QuestionHi Thomas, You can do this in Cube by drag an dropping the resource from one pool to the other one with the CTRL key pressed to copy it instead of moving it to that pool.
View QuestionHi Stijn, Below you have a code example to get the Profile Instance ID on the node. Resource is an instance of class SrmResourceConfiguration. resource.UsageDefinition.NodeConfiguration.ProfileInstanceID
View QuestionHi Esteban, This is something that you can configure in the visual. An example can be found on Ziine when looking at the switches in the network view (e.g.: SLC-BSW-00-01). UPDATE I used the Skyline...
View QuestionHi Thomas, I've tried something similar some weeks ago but I was also unable to get it working. I know that the team is working on a component so that you can gather any data from your DataMiner System...
View QuestionHi Rebecca, This is certainly possible. There is an example on Ziine, which is running in the Cloud, where the network switches are replicated from an Agent in HQ. Related to the timeout: is it possible...
View QuestionHi Sebastian, As far as I know this information is not visible. However, you can use Client Test Tool > Info > ClientList to see all connections. Note that this will also contain other connections...
View QuestionHi Miguel, You can implement this by defining protocol type Service as mentioned in the Docs. Related to your first question: I would suggest to reach out to your contact person at Skyline to investigate...
View QuestionHi Bernard, This doesn't impact other elements. Each element will have its own thread in the SLProtocol process that it uses. If an element does receive a timeout on one of his commands, it will only...
View QuestionHi Ciprian, This is certainly possible. We did this for our Ziine Demo server which has only 1 Cassandra node. Just be sure to take a backup for in case something goes wrong. After you see that the data...
View QuestionHi Daniel, Does the solution in post Unable to set alarm values for a parameter with the ‘DependencyId’ attribute solves it? Your read parameter needs to have Measurement Type string defined.
View QuestionHi Srikanth, Normally you should have below when you click on the wrench. Can you verify that this is not the case?
View QuestionHi Alberto, Concerning your last question: this is configurable in the ConnectionSettings file on the server. In your case you can use below * type=RemotingConnection;polling=1000;zip=true
View QuestionHi Christine, Below a quickly fetched example where I use a table in combination with a GQI query to show my top 10. The selection from that table is used as feed for my line chart component to display...
View QuestionHi Thomas, Here you can find the different steps to set this up: Setting up HTTPS on a DMA | DataMiner Docs
View QuestionHi Randy, The same connector can be used to monitor a Cassandra(Cluster) on Windows. Do note that some tables won't be available since we can only request it from Cassandra 4.0 onwards
View QuestionHi Stefan, As Ben has mentioned this is something that can be achieved with GQI. Below you can see how I did it for Cisco switches.
View QuestionHi Jeroen, I see that you mention in the property SRM.ASI MATRIX INPUT while the resource pool is named ASI Matrix Input. Can you adapt the property to exactly the same name as the resource pool The...
View QuestionHi Ryan, I noticed that your parameter has RTDisplay false. As far as I know the Client Test Tool can only retrieve data for parameters which have RTDisplay true
View QuestionHere you can find the instructions to create a Resource (looking into "Adding resources to a pool")
View QuestionHi Edib, The second argument expects the same format as linking a visual shape to an Automation script. string.Format("Script:{0}||Reservation ID={1};Action={2}|||NoConfirmation,NoSetCheck,Asynchronous",...
View QuestionHi Jeroen, You need to use below code to change the status of a DOM Instance. domHelper.DomInstances.DoStatusTransition(instanceId, $"{currentStatus}_to_active"); Note that you need to have status transitions...
View QuestionHi Max, This is the default response when you have in your connector a pair defined which isn't expecting a response. In your case the pair with name Set Frequency will only have a command reference...
View QuestionHi Esteban, This is not possible without creating a dedicated shape, with additional configuration, for this. Feel free to create a Feature Suggestion for this.
View QuestionHi Gerwin, Below example will get you started var instances = domHelper.DomInstances.Read(DomInstanceExposers.Id.Equal(IdOfInstanceToCopy)); domHelper.StitchDomInstances(instances); var instance = instances.First();...
View QuestionHi Yasser, If I remember correctly each switch defines which data can be polled over SNMP. Is it possible that for this specific switch the OIDs aren't exposed?
View QuestionHi Bruno, Can you open the browser Dev Tools (F12) and see which commands in the Network tab are throwing an error?
View QuestionHi Philip, You're correct in your assumption to use NuGet version 12374 is the build number which is linked to CU21 of the 10.1.0 range. There is no harm in using this NuGet package since you're...
View QuestionProblem was that IP A was a fixed IP assigned to an ethernet port which didn't had a network cable connected. Disabling that ethernet port resolved it.
View QuestionHi Hans, You can achieve this by making use of the Class Library IDms myDms = engine.GetDms(); IDmsElement myElement = myDms.GetElement("element name"); foreach (var connection in myElement.Connections)...
View QuestionHi Jeroen, You can configure this in the settings window of an application In the future it will be possible to share an application just like you can do today with a Dashboard
View QuestionHi Manuel, It is possible that the connector create DVEs? In that case the table entries which are available on a DVE will be monitored there and not on the main element.
View QuestionHi Edith, This issue is introduced this week and the team is looking to have this resolved asap. In the meantime, you can use one of below options to login. Option 1: Log in using the latest client version...
View QuestionHi Mieke, In the QAction project where you need this reference you can click on Add Reference In case this is no system default, or the file is located in another folder than C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts,...
View QuestionHi Ana, Today a multiple select dropdown does not exist in IAS. In your case I would suggest to use a CheckBoxList.
View QuestionHi Jeroen, Your first filter returns null because you're using the section definition GUID (variable multiviewerSectionDefinition) in a DOM definition exposer. I guess that you'll have a better result...
View QuestionHi, I see that your shape doesn't contain a link to an element. Is it possible that your first 4 audio routes shapes are part of a group shape, with the element shape data configured on it, and your added...
View QuestionHi Philip, Which browser are you using? If it's Firefox than it's a known issue as explained in Authentication loop on catalog and collaboration. If not, can you follow the steps described by Baptiste...
View QuestionHi Dominique, Is it possible that your table is completely empty? No primary keys defined? In that case it's normal that method SetParameterIndexByKey doesn't work. Can you adapt your code and make use...
View QuestionHi Trong, This is not possible. Or you can run an automation script that will send an email from your QAction (see Method ExecuteScript) or you can use some .Net functionality (see post Sending email...
View QuestionHi Jeroen, I guess that you can request a specific version to Central Ops or the Infrastructure Operations Team.
View QuestionHi Mark, Not sure if you can see it in Cube, but you can create an automation script to request all the elements in Read-only mode. IDms myDms = engine.GetDms(); var readOnlyElements = myDms.GetElements().Where(x...
View QuestionHi Hideyuki, Below code example shows how you can control the views to which your service belongs. IDms myDms = engine.GetDms(); IDmsService myService = myDms.GetService("my Service name"); IDmsView...
View QuestionHi Ashwini, You can reset the Administrator password on the server in Computer Management: Note that we recommend to disable the built-in administrator account as mentioned in User Management
View QuestionHi Mieke, You can use the code mentioned in Update Production Version from Automation Script
View QuestionHi Gerwin, Below some code examples in case the script is executed from a DOM button in a Low code app. Load basics var instanceId = context.ContextId as DomInstanceId; var domHelper = new DomHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages,...
View QuestionHi Stefan, In that area you can optionally fill in a reason for masking the alarm. This will be added as a comment to your alarm, which you can see in the alarm details card.
View QuestionHi Tommy, My first thought would be to execute an automation script in which you check the time before executing a sub-script (snippet available in right-click menu) that will take care of sending a SMS....
View QuestionHi Mieke, To make sure that the same equipment is used you'll have to work with capabilities. In your case the Decoding resource must have a capability with the name of the element to which the selected...
View QuestionFurther investigation showed us that multiple NICs were configured without an IP address and no priority was assigned to the NIC with an IP address. The DM version installed with the v10.0 installer was...
View QuestionHi Edson, I have the feeling that the license of the Agent only allows certain protocols. Would it be possible to verify that the protocol that you want to upload isn't mentioned in the license?
View QuestionHi Bruno, One way of sharing data is by making use of element replication. You can find more info about this topic in the DataMiner Help.
View QuestionHi Reza, When using the desktop application you can hold the SHIFT key when launching the Cube application. This will show you the login screen. For web apps it's not possible to log in with a local...
View QuestionHi Bernard, You must use a pipeline before the SetTrigger option: Execute Script:testrefresh|||||NoConfirmation,CloseWhenFinished|SetTrigger=ValueChanged
View QuestionHi Dave, The link in your image will install a desktop application in which you can manage all your different DM Agents. By clicking on an agent the correct DM version will automatically be installed...
View QuestionHi all, Based on the answer of João I found a way to get all the alarms with just a single call. var switchProtocols = new List<string> { "Generic Switch/Production", }; GetActiveAlarmsMessage...
View QuestionHi Stijn, This is currently not supported. Note that we are working on deploying application packages from the Catalog. When you are cloud connected you can deploy your solution package on the system...
View QuestionHi Stijn, Are you using header and trailer or only trailer with the HeaderTrailerLink option? In case of the latter, is it possible that the first package already contains the trailer?
View QuestionHi Edson, I guess you'll have to use a custom operator for this. In that operator you can subtract the alarm root time from the current time calculate the percentage based on your time window
View QuestionHi Srikanth, I would suggest to have a look in the different SLHelper log files in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Logging
View QuestionHi Mieke, Not an answer to your question, but some places that might fix it: It might be related to the Documents MaxSize which is default 20 MB. This can be changed in the MaintenanceSettings xml...
View QuestionHi Ian, If you need something today you might want to build a connector to get this data. This connector can retrieve the number of elements each hour and compare it with the max number of allowed elements...
View QuestionHi Elvio, You can enable MFA by using RADIUS or SAML authentication. As far as I know this will be enforced for all DataMiner users.
View QuestionHi Sean, Following code should help you using Skyline.DataMiner.Library.Automation; using Skyline.DataMiner.Library.Common; private void MoveElements(Engine engine) { var dms = engine.GetDms(); var currentView...
View QuestionHi Gelber, Do you have logging configured on the Config page of the Booking Manager? In that case more details will be available in de _debug log files.
View QuestionHi Gerwin, I see in your code snippet that you use method UIVariables.CreateKey(...) instead of UIVariables.VisualOverview.CreateKey(...).
View QuestionHi Michael, I would suggest below approach as a starting point. Correlation rule in which you define some filters to eventually trigger an automation script Script will analyze the alarms in more...
View QuestionHi Maximiliano, Below code can be used for this. using System.Collections.Generic; using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway; using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Profiles; using Skyline.DataMiner.Scripting...
View QuestionHi Andries, I had something similar and was able to get it working by making my own serializer and added List<MyClass> as possible Type.
View QuestionHi Yvan, The problem is that you have a group with no connection to a component in DataMiner. You can solve this by adding "Element == [var:MyVar]" on your group.
View QuestionHi Wale, As far as I know these changes are stored in a xml file in the element folder. Replication isn't aware of this and that might be the reason that you don't see these changes. It would be good...
View QuestionHi Mário, When you have the interface (instance of class ConnectivityInterface) you can use property InterfaceProperties which will return Dictionary<int, ConnectivityInterfaceProperty>
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