
Miguel Obregon

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First name Miguel
Last name Obregon

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18496 DevOps Points
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Hi Thomas, Apart from the workaround proposed by Wouter, in this case I believe it will be a good idea to review the permissions assigned to the operators. I believe that pausing/stopping elements should...

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15 Votes Selected

Hi Carlos, Since your local user has administrator rights, you could temporarily change the password of the built-in administrator account. If the local administrator is disabled (which is normally the...

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13 Votes Selected

Hi Gautier, It should be possible to send an email with an attachment via automation script. Could you try adding the code below in your automation script? In the example below, the file is located in...

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12 Votes Selected

Hi Muhammad, Thanks for posting your question in Dojo. Since you are looking at the column parameter Process Run Status, I am assuming that you would like to detect if a process is still running in the...

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12 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, There is already a similar question: Cube: Could not extract user initials: User has empty name Hope it helps!

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11 Votes Selected

Hi Nejra, I can see that you are running CMD as administrator and still not able to remove these items. You will need to check which processes are using these DLLs: First, check (using the Task Manager)...

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11 Votes Selected

Hi Martin, I believe you are referring to the confirmation dialog. In this case you will need to add the option 'NoConfirmation' in your Execute shape data. For example: Please keep in mind that this...

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11 Votes Selected

Hi Mark, In Dashboards you can create a GQI query that retrieves the list of elements in a DMS. When selecting which columns should be displayed, you will find the column 'IsReadOnly'. This boolean column...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, A possible solution could be: Add a drop-down component that will list the elements: Data source: Elements Filter: Protocol Add a drop-down component that will list the indeces:...

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10 Votes Selected

Hi Andre, I believe this type of information is already available in the Admin App In the deployment section, you can retrieve the list of artifacts deployed in your cluster (scripts, connectors, application...

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9 Votes

Hi Thomas, Instead of using Top x, I believe in this case you could aggregate first the fan speed(Get the maximum). Once the aggregation is calculated, you can group by element. Hope it helps.

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Hi Dave, I believe it is not possible to change the Cube's banner color. As a workaround, you could set a specific background theme for staging and another one for production system. Hope it helps.

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Joao, Regarding your first question, there are two possible option to count the number of traps that a DMA is retrieving: Using Wireshark. If possible try to define a proper filter so the capture...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Jeff, Could you try adding the following shape data: Options: NoAlarmColorFill DataMiner Help - Overview of page and shape options

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Oliver, A possible option is to search for information events using the following filter: Parameter description (by protocol): DataMiner ELement Control Protocol Parameter: Script started This...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi Johan, I believe there are two possible ways to handle your use case: When configuring an alarm template, you could schedule when the alarm template can be disabled. For more information, please...

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Hi Stijn, As Sebastiaan mentioned, it will be nice if you can elaborate a bit more on your question. Assuming that you want to filter on elements, what you could do is the following: Data source: Get...

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7 Votes

Hi Mario, Yes, this is possible. Please have a look at DataMiner Help: Configuring notifications in System Center Configuring notifications directly from the Alarm Console or Surveyor In addition,...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi David, I could not find a direct way to retrieve the time zone of the connected client machine via C#. However, if you are able to link the Automation script to a button in a Visio file, you could...

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Hi Edib, I remember a similar question: Custom db queries on a STaaS enabled system Currently it is not possible to query STaaS DBs directly. Hope it helps.

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Kawssar, I believe there is no option similar to 'multiple set' for properties. A possible option could be using a small automation script. There is already a method that you could use to set properties...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Steve, Quickly checking DataMiner Docs (Advanced SMTP server settings), you could change this setting: <MaxSubjectLength>78</MaxSubjectLength> Hope it helps.

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, Maybe an option for your use case could be using a GQI query. You can use the data source 'Get Trend Data' to get the trend records available for that string parameter. You could use this GQI...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, For this case I believe that the first approach could be implementing dynamic units in the connector. If this is not possible, you could use GQI queries with a custom operator. The custom operator...

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Hi Ken, Is there a specific reason why your are using the 'Microsoft Platform SNMP' connector and not Microsoft Platform? This connector also monitors DELL parameters: If I am not mistaken the snmp...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Pawel, I had a quick look at the methods available for the ScriptMemory class, the class library and indeed, it seems that there is no method that can return all positions from a script memory. A possible...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Jim, I believe your question is similar to this one: Dashboards – Create a visualization to display services in a critical state As stated in one of the answers, a possible option is to use the...

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6 Votes

Hi Manuel, A possible option for your use case could be using GQI - Get adhoc data/custom data. With this feature you could poll data from an external DMS using the DataMiner web API.

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Rob, One of the default alarm tabs in the alarm console is 'Masked Alarms'. In case it is not available, you could proceed as follows: Click on the + sign Select the filter 'Masked alarms'...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Luis, As far as I am aware, when you add a Windows OS to a domain controller, the server will need to be rebooted to apply this update. Once the DMA is up and running (after the server reboot), you...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Tomoya, I performed a small test using the driver (connector) Microsoft Platform and I was able to create the element using the following JSON message: URL: http://localhost/API/v1/json.asmx/CreateElement...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Kawssar, You can open the alarm console without reducing the content of the overview by clicking in the blue bar:

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Hi Srikanth, Currently there is no option in the Correlation app to import/export correlation rules. However, it is still possible to import/export a correlation rule. All correlation rules are stored...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Bart, Checking the latest driver version (, it should work with any variety of Netgear switches.

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Marieke, When implementing IAM (DMS Inventory & Asset Management), we need to configure in DataMiner the connection with the external database. This is configured in the 'Other' database tab....

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Luis, This is the default behavior when performing DataMiner upgrades (see DataMiner Help):

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Simon, In order to change or add a destination mail address for the CDMR reports, you could modify the CCDestination and BCCDestination tags in the file MaintenanceSettings.xml: <EMail active="FALSE">...

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6 Votes

Hi James, It is possible to run both services (Windows SNMP and SLSNMPAgent) on different ports: For Windows SNMP, you can change the default port in the following file: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\services...

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Hi Jan-Klaas, It is possible to retrieve the results from the aggregation rules using GQI queries, but it is not straightforward. Before to build the aggregation rule, you will need to know the element...

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Hi Samuel, In order to allow a user to use the 'Drag-and-drop editing' option, you need to check the following permissions: In the 'Rights' tab: In the 'Views' tab, the config checkbox needs to be...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, It is expected behavior. When you use column manipulation, the new column will be a string column. Currently the only workaround is to use a GQI custom operator to rename these columns. Hope...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Sebastian, You can use the data source Get parameter table by ID.

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Zabdi, A possible option is to build first your alarm filter in the DMA and then use this saved alarm filter in the web API call GetAlarms. There is an example about how to retrieve alarms based on...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jason, I performed a quick test and I was able to create a SNMPv3 simulation. Tested using the Skyline Simulator Tool (v2.0.0.2) Do you see any error when executing a SNMPv3 walk?

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Arturo To install Elasticsearch locally you could use the Standalone Elasticsearch Cluster Installer. As mentioned in the section 'Configuration', you can use the batch run_localhost_configuration.bat....

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Steve, Since you have this information already in the alarm console, maybe an option is to link a shape to an alarm filter. You could create an alarm filter that filters the events that you are looking...

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5 Votes

Hi Lars, I remember I saw a similar question: Driver for Cisco routers When checking which Cisco connector should be used, we should check the OS running on the Cisco device to determine the right connector....

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5 Votes

Hi Piotr, Yes, DataMiner supports integration with HW panels. Please check the following use cases in Dojo: Sony LEO – Riedel Smart Panel Integration DataMiner Button Panels

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Ryan, You could disable timeout alarms per connection via element settings: From DataMiner Docs - Adding and deleting elements: Include timeout: The element will go into timeout state if this connection...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jeff, It is not required to install the GNOME desktop (or any GUI) on your Centos OS to run Cassandra. All commands used to install and maintain Cassandra don't rely on any graphical interface. I...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Piotr, That icon corresponds to a correlated alarm. It is also used for alarm groups: (Alarm groups in the alarm console)

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5 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Miao Miao, When linking a shape data to an automation script (see DataMiner Help), you could use the placeholder [this view] to make a reference to the view to which the Visio drawing is linked . For...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Bernard, As far as I remember you could use '(' and ')' to group your conditions. This means that you could implement both cases: <A>and(<B>or<C>or<D) (<A>and<B>)or<C>or<D>...

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Hi Jens, Since you are working with a table, have you tried grouping by table index?

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5 Votes

Hi Thomas, There is an option to export parameters in a CSV file: Generating a list of all parameters in a protocol version

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jim, You could use the DataMiner class library to retrieve the full table for a specific element. Please see below example: // Create a DMS object IDms dms = engine.GetDms(); // Get the element based...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Wale, The common library supports a method to work with services (IDmsService methods). For your use case you could use the method IDmsService.Delete. In this case keep in mind that you will need...

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Hi Alexander, Just to give more details about how to edit the DB.xml file. You could disable Elastic by removing (or commenting) the Database tag that has the attribute type set to Elasticsearch: <DataBase...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jordane, You can achieve this by using aggregation rules (assuming that you are pointing to the same parameter on these elements). For example, in the screenshot below, I have 4 elements in the view...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Alex, According to the DataMiner Help - Extended conditional shape Manipulation actions, it is possible to use view statistics as condition this should be possible. From DataMiner 9.0.2 onwards, it...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Leynard, It is possible to set permissions per dashboard: You can find additional information in DataMiner Help - Changing dashboard settings

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5 Votes

Hi Jim, The name of each input data should be different. Keep in mind that when you apply the service template manually, you will need to press apply to display the next field. In the example below I...

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Hi Randy, This issue has already been reported and it is expected to be fixed in If this issue is blocking your implementation, you could request a hotfix. After installing the hotfix, the dashboard...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Arunkrishna, There is a nice article from Microsoft where they describe how the pagefile is handled. As a rule of thumb, the size of the pagefile should be 1.5 times the installed RAM in the server....

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Hi Aldrick, In this case I believe you could use TableRowFilter (see DataMiner Help). For example, if you plan to include only the temperature for the sensors 'FAN-side Sensor' and 'PORT-side Sensor',...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Jeyaram, It should be possible to create an automation script, but I believe it will be better if we focus our efforts on solving the root cause of this issue (which seems to be a driver issue). Please...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Paulo, Have you tried the option 'Execute on clear'? You can create the alarm filter based on critical severity, then you can configure an action that will execute an automation script (that will...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Michael, As far as I know this is not possible. A possible workaround could be defining thresholds in the Info column (see DataMiner Help - Configuring an alarm template to generate information messages)....

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Wale, I performed a small test replicating a DVE child from a different cluster and it is possible. Please keep in mind that both DMAs should have the same protocol (and version).

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, The Cisco Nexus driver supports NX-API, which is only available in Cisco NX-OS (e.g. Cisco Nexus 9000 series). The Cisco Manager driver should be used for Cisco devices that run Cisco IOS,...

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Hi Kawssar, In DMS1 you should be able to see the installed package in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\AppPackages\Installed\PACKAGE_NAME_guid. Here you should be able to find the dmapp package file....

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Hi Hugo, If I am not mistaken, the manifest file of the install package does not contain the a DestinationPath tag for the CompanionFile tag(you could check this in CompanionFile). In the companion file...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, Maybe a possible option could be using a GQI query that gets data from a parameter using a specific protocol (using the data source Get parameters for elements where): The result of this...

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4 Votes

Hi Thomas, As far as I know it is not possible to change the default 15 min RTE threshold. There is a new feature coming in 10.3.0(CU13)/10.4.4 that avoids RTE SLProtocol when the connection with a device...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Dika, A possible option is to pass the parameter description through a script parameter. Using Correlation rule syntax you can pass the parameter description to the automation script (see parametername)....

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4 Votes Selected

Hi David, When using the node edge component, you should have at least two GQI queries: A query that contains the nodes: This should be the list of elements. The most important column for this case...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Romain, As far as I know it is not possible to set a condition based on the size of the report. Possible options here is to change the settings in the mail server to allow large attachments, or to...

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Hi Marco, If I understand correctly your question, you would like to display in a dashboard the community strings defined on elements that communicate with devices via SNMP. As far as I know this is not...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Bruno, Represents the current alarm state at element level. It is available in the page 'General Parameters': You could enable monitoring on this parameter for example to trigger a specific alarm...

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Hi Dario, If the device has two SNMP connections, either they are pointing to two different SNMP agents or one of them is a redundant connection (i.e. a different IP address /port that you can use to...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Michael, That should not be the case. Alarms should stayed masked after a DMA restart. Please could you let us know if you experience the same behavior if you restart the element where these alarms...

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4 Votes

Hi Seppe, I believe this is possible. You will need to drag and drop the columns that you would like to display from the table: Hope it helps.

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Hi Bruno, I believe that the best approach in this case is to use the following NuGet Packages to perform the bitrate calculation: Skyline.DataMiner.Utils.Rates.Protocol Skyline.DataMiner.Utils.SafeConverters...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Trong, In the screenshot I noticed that you have the option 'Trigger on single events. Don't maintain active tree status' unchecked. Since you are working with information events, this option should...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Dave, Your use case is similar to what we achieve with alarm hysteresis. A possible option could be adding an extra column in your table that can be used as a 'flag' to trigger an alarm. This extra...

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Hi Luis, I believe there are two approaches here: You could use a custom GQI operator that can read a cell containing the JSON structure and generate columns for each attribute available in JSON payload....

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Hi Nikolas, In this case I believe there are two possible approaches: Add a state column in the table (columnOptions). As mentioned in DataMiner Docs, this option can be used when retrieving SNMP or...

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Hi Jens, For a use case we were able to use IDP to provision elements and DCF connections using an external inventory as data source. This external data source exposes a API that is polled from an element...

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4 Votes

Hi Tomas, I saw similar questions before: Element logs shows white blank page after HTTPS upgrade Unable to access logging Could you check if you are you able to open a DataMiner log?

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4 Votes

Hi Stefan, Having a quick look at the list of routers that you listed, I believe that the best approach is to use the Cisco Manager. The Cisco Manager connector is able to monitor Cisco devices running...

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Hi Cristel, I believe we are referring to two features that are meant to be used for different use cases: Alarm filtering: Allows you to monitor specific rows in a table. Only the matching rows will...

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Hi Ricaurte, If I understood correctly, you would like to monitor servers running Windows Server 2019 using one of these connectors: Microsoft Platform, Microsoft Platform SNMP. We normally use the connector...

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Hi Dominik, There was a similar question already asked: Can DataMiner be installed on a different drive then the C drive? I am afraid that it is not possible to install DataMiner in another drive than...

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Hi Hugo, You mention that you would not like to modify the alarm template. Is there any reason why this is not an option? Instead of assigning the alarm template manually, you could assign the alarm...

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Hi Bernard, A KMZ file consists of a KML file and other support files (more information in this external link). You could uncompress the file using a ZIP tool. If you plan to integrate KMZ files with...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Sam, The behavior that you are describing is expected since the alarm is coming from a table. A possible option is to use an information template to rename the parameter from 'Scheduler MER Entry'...

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Hi Jamie, It is possible to use the shape data ParametersSummary to perform some calculations involving multiple parameters (min, max, sum, and avg) Regarding the option to scale the units, a possible...

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4 Votes

Hi Dojo team, We found the issue. The process SLAPIEndpoint was not running. After unregister and register again the DLLs and services (using the batch tools available in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools) we...

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Hi Robin, To run an automation script from a dashboard you could use the 'Button' component. You can link an automation script to a button:

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Hi Ryan, A possible option is using the DataMiner Class Library - IDms methods. For this case you could use the method GetAgents. This method will return a collection of DMAs available in a cluster. You...

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