A similar question has already been posted twice, except the solution to delete orphaned DVEs seems to not be valid anymore.
The solution used to be to check the ParentProtocol and dveProtocol folders, but these do not exist on the system I'm investigating this issue on.
What's the proper steps nowadays to remove a DVE for which the parent element does not exist anymore?
Hi Jeroen,
This is a known issue, and a release note already exists to address it. The fix will be included in Main release 10.4.0 [CU14] ; 10.5.0 [CU2] and Feature release 10.5.5. Reference: RN42546.
In the meantime, you can clear the DVE from the cache using the following workaround:
- Connect to ClientTestTool:
- Navigate to Advanced → Clear From → Event Cache
- Select LiteElementInfoEvent / ElementInfoEventMessage / ElementStateEventMessage (perform one at a time)
Use hostingDMAID/DMAID/ElementID/ - The Element ID should be the ID of the DVE
Make sure to select "Execute on Multiple Agents" and choose all agents in the cluster.
- Navigate to Advanced → Clear From → Event Cache