Dataminer Maps 11 Questions Ask question Search Order By: NewCategoryClear Filter 3 Votes 1 Ans DataMiner Maps not displayed on shared dashboard without additional credentials Solved466 viewsMarieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 16th May 2024Dashboard sharing Dataminer Maps 2 Votes 1 Ans Maps – GeoJSON overlay 531 viewsTom Waterbley [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Answered question 22nd April 2024Dataminer Maps 3 Votes 1 Ans Changing the margin in a Maps PopupSkeleton Solved517 viewsWout Mahieu [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Edited answer 2nd April 2024Dataminer Maps 1 Votes 1 Ans How should I use a Generic Map component in a dashboard? Solved738 viewsMichiel Clepkens [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 16th January 2024#settings Dashboards Dataminer Maps Google Maps MAP Configuration 0 Votes 1 Ans OSM Maps Url Solved584 viewsBen Vandenberghe [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 13th December 2023Dataminer Maps Open Street Maps 1 Votes 1 Ans Adding sprites into Maps Solved764 viewsJarno Lernou [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 25th May 2023Dataminer Maps Google Maps maps Open Street Maps openweathermap 3 Votes 1 Ans dataminer map tracking ships Solved930 viewsMartin Soltis Posted new comment 4th October 2023Dataminer Maps History Tracking 9 Votes 1 Ans Can there be Markers with dynamic angle/rotation in DataMiner Maps? Solved791 viewsWim Bruynooghe [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 4th October 2023Dataminer Maps maps marker 2 Votes 2 Ans Google Maps API – security questions Solved1.36K viewsSergio Abreu [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 27th July 2022Dataminer Maps Google Maps security 2 Votes 1 Ans Maps in DataMiner Dashboards – feed Solved903 viewsLeander Druwel [SLC] [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 22nd June 2022Dashboards Dataminer Maps 1 Votes 2 Ans Dataminer Maps – Using multiple TableFilter tags not working Solved1.09K viewsMarieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 18th July 2023Dataminer Maps