I was checking the FAQ about cloud services and I didn't get information about Failover pairs, hence I'm asking here:
- What are the guidelines to use Cloud Services in a Failover pair? Do we need to connect both servers (main + backup) to the Cloud?
Hi Bruno
the answer depends on the architecture of your DataMiner System and which agents are being used to connect the system to the cloud.
- Failover pair hosts Cloud Connection:
If the primary agent of the failover pair is hosting the Cloud Connection, we want the backup agent to pick up the connection to the cloud. To be able to achieve this you will need to install the full Cloud Pack on both the Primary and the Backup agent.
- Failover pair does not host Cloud Connection:
In this case no special actions need to be taken since the Cloud Connection is managed by another DataMiner agent.
Hope this helps.

Hi Mahito
your question is certainly valid.
When you register a system to the DataMiner Cloud Platform, you always register an entire cluster so the name you enter will refer to the cluster and not to one specific DMA. So in this case you do not have to look into “main” and “backup” since the name will always refer to the cluster which will hold the “active” agent from the failover pair.

Hi Baptiste,
Thank you for your clarification.
Much appreciate.
By the way, is my understanding, “the DMS name in the cloud can not be changed once connected to the Organization in the cloud”, correct ?

Hi Mahito
that is correct. At the moment we do not support this, but we might add some options to change the name in the future. This is however not set in stone so be mindful when picking a name for your system.
Hi Bruno,
During the Cloud Connection setup process, you’ll be asked to specify organization name, DMS name, and DMS URL.
In your first case, “Failover pair hosts Cloud Connection”, how shall I specify the DMS name ?
For example, you have one DMS, consists of two dataminer agents, main and backup, then, do you have to specify “DMS xxx main” for the main agent, and “DMS xxx backup” for the back agent ?
Or, do you have to specify, only “DMS xxx” for both main and backup agent ?
I might be too much cautious, but I noticed that it looks like the DMS name can’ not be changed once registered to the organization.
That’s why I raised this question.
Hope my question is valid.