Hi Dojo,
Before DataMiner 10.1 it was possible to move a child DVE element to a different view by via the Views tab of the Edit GUI of an element card.
I'm not sure since which version it's changed, but now when I edit a virtual element, views in the Views tab are grayed out and not editable. I see this behavior in DataMiner 10.1-CU9 and CU10. I'm using the Administrator account with full permissions, so this is not a permissions issue.
Drag-and-drop editing in Surveyor still works, but this is not very convenient in a system with hundreds of views and thousands of elements.
Is this a bug or is this a feature? Is there another way of moving virtual elements that I missed?
Hey Alexander,
This looks like a bug indeed, certain fields on a DVE Child elements are allowed through the edit including changing the view.

Hi Alexander,
Not sure which connector you're using but most of the connectors that use DVEs should have a DVE Configuration table where users can adjust some DVEs settings, like the View Name where they will appear.

Hi Bruno, thanks for the suggestion.
Unfortunately, not every connector offers this functionality, for example, iDirect Platform doesn’t. Besides, this won’t help if an element has to be in more than one view (per-technology and per-customer view structures in parallel).
task id to follow up: DCP177415