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Currently there is no way to do this. There are tasks that have this planned in the future where the source ID will be filled in in the data so the set can be rerouted.
View QuestionUpgrading main versions and skipping a version typically isn't advised but yes all the upgrade actions are present in DM10.0 that were present in the DM9.6 package. For CU packages you can skip in between...
View QuestionSome anti-malware programs seen are: Symantec EndPoint Protection, Trend Micro Inc., Sophos EndPoint Security One is more invasive than the other, typically a file scan is performed and can affect DataMiner...
View QuestionThis is a feature used by virtual functions, which are a special kind of DVEs. Currently, this feature isn't available yet for normal DVEs. For SRM solutions, the VFs are enabled at the start of the booking...
View QuestionJeroen, For real-time trend data this will be the specific value for the data offload in this case 1 minute to write the data to the files. For average trending and the other settings checked this will...
View QuestionHello Ross, It sounds like you have a system that generates too much information events. I would try and identify where the flood of information events comes from by inspecting the information tab in...
View QuestionThe reason the alarms aren't cleared and the tree isn't closed typically is because of the clearable alarm functionality. Does the DataMiner have the auto clear alarm setting disabled in the MaintenanceSettings.xml...
View QuestionThe Connectivity.xml is a configuration file which decides how the active path needs to be traversed. Currently there is no UI component to add this to the server because this is very complex to create...
View QuestionHello Juho, If the user has the exact same name attribute in the C:\Skyline DataMiner\Security.xml then a DMA restart should solve the problem. At the launch we verify our XML files and remove duplicate...
View QuestionRémi, There are known issues with (direct)view tables based on partial tables. You can add the partial option also on your (direct)view table. But there are still limitations that prevent the paging...
View QuestionThe notify protocol 220 isn't available from an Automation script. However the notify protocol 336 NT_FILL_ARRAY_WITH_COLUMN_ONLY_UPDATES is available first argument needs to be an object[] 0. DMAID 1....
View QuestionHello, The impact can be that a correlation alarm contains a sticky base alarm link. If it was recently cleared, that might be visible in the history alarms. SLNet keeps track of recently cleared...
View QuestionHello Stefan, The disabledIf tag in the protocol was an initial version for conditional monitoring. Newer features were only added to the alarm template as we felt it was more suitable there since different...
View QuestionHello, You can see this on the server and open C:\Skyline DataMiner\LicenseInfo.txt Assuming the DMA attempted to start at least once. You can check the last fields these should mention something like:...
View QuestionHello, This is possible, but if you don't get the option it means some of the selected elements are managed by DataMiner itself which are not exportable. Try unselecting elements like that are e.g. derived...
View QuestionHello Julian, This would indicate there are issues loading the topology for configured RCA chains. Please have a look at the "Correlation > Connectivity Editor > Launch connectivity Editor" in the...
View QuestionHey Gabriel, Is your parameter in the protocol flagged as a 'HistorySet' parameter? historySet attribute | DataMiner Docs If it's not try adding the attribute and see if this behaves now the way you...
View QuestionHello Tyler, Glad to hear you look to automate this process, I suggest following the DCF best practises and utilizing the nuget DCF Helper class these can be found here: DCF Helper Class | DataMiner...
View QuestionJeroen, The answer is the request first goes to the remote site, then the request goes to the clustered database. So you get indeed multiple network hops. There are indeed still improvements that can...
View QuestionThe parameter with ID 2 should not be monitored or set as this is managed by DataMiner. If you try to manipulate this value it could cascade into a infinite toggling of severities. By changing this value...
View QuestionHello Pedro, Can you check if both elements are hosted on the same DataMiner Agent? You can do this by either checking on the view they are in there should be a column called Host ID these should be the...
View QuestionHello, I believe this is a bug where the wrong value ends up in the 'Service Live State' parameter. If no offline windows have been created then it seems since DataMiner version 9.0.5(CU5) we seem to...
View QuestionJarno, The smart base line manager generates those parameter sets and indeed as Laurens points out the reason the information event is generated is due to how the parameter is configured. A task has been...
View QuestionWe currently do not support configuring trend templates with rules that match or filter a primary key value.
View QuestionHey Alexander, This looks like a bug indeed, certain fields on a DVE Child elements are allowed through the edit including changing the view.
View QuestionFor a production license this is not a problem as those go together with a certain DataMiner version. For a demo license however it is because these expire after a certain amount of time, that is why extra...
View QuestionAs Jan states, a number of issues can cause this problem. It's very difficult to say in general what's causing this and is to be evaluated case by case. A number of issues that can occur: thread crashed...
View QuestionHello, I would have a look under the advanced settings for the element inclusion. For the elements that should not affect the service status you can change the maximum inclusion severity to normal (see...
View QuestionHey Min, You can by adjusting the protocol, I assume you want to test or reproduce an issue that is happening on a setup. We typically use a DELT package of the element, then use the following tool to...
View QuestionThis is because it uses the same syntax as the alarm template configuration. There you just pass on a value to monitor on. The dollar sign tells SLElement that this is an exception value and is treated...
View QuestionHey Alberto, I'm wondering what the use case is you try to achieve here, DVE elements are there to isolate logic from a from a bigger element. Is the correlated alarm just for grouping in the alarm console?...
View QuestionHello Gerwin, In the filters that you can pass along, filters that will help in pre-filtering and limiting the result of the database are of type ParameterID. Basically limiting the set of information...
View QuestionHello Stefan, Indeed this is because the aggregation data is resolved differently to other parameters and elements. The context is quite different currently I do not believe there is a proper way to combine...
View QuestionLuis, The biggest clue will probably be here what do you pass along as alarm filter object. You should at least select an element or parameter filter object or you will encounter max payload issues. The...
View QuestionSergio, If the driver has the correct configuration for relations and foreign-key options and both of these metrics are in a parameter value this shouldn't be a problem. See the documentation on how to...
View QuestionMichiel, I don't think it's safe to disable it because it can still be a performance hit. As far as I know the active alarms for the entire tree is returned at startup and then only the last x alarms...
View QuestionHello Alberto, When an alarm is cleared the alarm properties are cleared with it. This is currently by design mainly to free as much memory wherever possible.
View QuestionGabriel, I would suggest to take a look at the following tag in your QActions: dllImport attribute | DataMiner Docs Also a small remark you say the DMA copies over msvcr120 and zlib this is because the...
View QuestionThe actual data limit is indeed here the database field. Since on MySQL it is of type TEXT the size comes down to 65535 bytes. Some notes depending if your protocol is flagged as a unicode protocol the...
View QuestionRuben, I believe the only way to remove this entry is manually editing the PropertyConfiguration.xml and then on that same DMA you did the edit go to the System Center > Tools > synchronization...
View QuestionThe replicated elements get their information from an SLNet subscription and don't have any actual information loaded in SLProtocol. Because SLProtocol only is used as a connector to setup the subscription,...
View QuestionRyan, This is possible through the configuration of the MaintenanceSettings.xml. Have a look at the help. Look in the example XML for the <Documents><MaxSize> part: MaintenanceSettings.xml...
View QuestionHey Jim, Wild cards are currently not supported yet, however we are working on it as we speak. For number or string parameters the logic is getting extended to support ? or * in the value. See below...
View QuestionOffloading real-time trending to the central database has a maximum resolution of 1 trend point per 1 minute. With the current features available in DataMiner you can't get any more trend points than that...
View QuestionHello Joshua, Are you sure the sets that are performed are sent in chronological order? If the answer is yes, I believe it's best to create a support ticket. Things that we would require: DELT package...
View QuestionHello Alexandre, This error occurs when DataMiner can't link the user to a group and is a so called abandoned user. This can happen due to a number of reasons, which might need a deeper investigation....
View QuestionHello, You can apply the same logic we do in our service template logic. Identify which DMA hosts the most elements that the service should contain and place the service there. If there is a tie you can...
View QuestionHello, This is a critical process of DataMiner and should be left running. This process is always started and handles logic for spectrum analyzer connectors: Spectrum analyzer | DataMiner Docs DataMiner...
View QuestionHey Fenta, Currently there are no options at the moment to disable those specific information events.
View QuestionHello Felix, After you do your changes do you click the "Apply" button at the bottom right or just close the Cube Card? The settings aren't automatically saved if you close the card, so you have to click...
View QuestionHello Ross, This is an exception thrown by our SLNet process trying to handle the impersonation of you executing the script. This exception occurs when SLNet doesn't know who to impersonate (in this...
View QuestionHello Julian, That would indeed be the problem, the top elements shouldn't be the same as the RCA calculation would then not be able to give you a correct RCA level for those elements. So if you say these...
View QuestionHey Alex, If you are running in a DMS also have a look at the C:\Skyline DataMiner\RemoteServices\123 folders. There the service information is stored for the other DMA's in the cluster. In this case...
View QuestionHello Bing, This configuration is done on an SNMP Manager level and since these are fully redundant in a failover setup, it takes over the same settings. Currently there is no option to override this...
View QuestionHello Bernard, We do not support creating an SLA on a replicated service, but following up on the suggestion from Alberto you can replicate an SLA. Replicating an existing SLA | DataMiner Docs
View QuestionWe currently don't support that kind of feature. However once the locking action is done pushing the data into the database the reading action can be done again. Adding retry queries could be an option...
View QuestionHello Ryan, Updating this kind of driver is typically a new driver range because it breaks as you stated compatibility. The suggested way forward is creating new elements. I know this isn't always the...
View QuestionJeff, Indeed, this will turn into a query that will delete all the records that are older than the current datetime. Basically, we add the TTL timespan to the current time when the cleaning thread goes...
View QuestionThe column values shown in the element card should indeed be the same as the ones shown in the alarm template baseline configuration. In some edge-cases this can be different: partial tables (these get...
View QuestionThis should work but there is an open ticket that described that there is a bug when trying to edit alarm properties of a remote element/service/alarm/... if the object is hosted on another DMA the request...
View QuestionAlberto, There is since 9.6.11 (RN23067) the possibility to update the properties of a closed alarm. You can follow the example for normal alarms in the docs page: NT_EDIT_PROPERTY (62) | DataMiner Docs...
View QuestionJeff, Indeed I must agree if the TTL is the same for all the trend windows there is no point in saving that data. The reasoning behind it is indeed to configure the TTL for those points to be kept longer...
View QuestionWe currently don't support changing the format of the date time fields parsed to Octect strings. Feel free to post a feature suggestion on the following page, if this gets enough up-votes it can get traction...
View QuestionJeroen, I don't believe we have such an option. These are the current configurations we have supported: Configuring data offloads | DataMiner Docs
View QuestionThis looks like something coming from the authentication of the secure connection. A wireshark capture of the session could help out alot here to pinpoint what algorithm has been decided on to see if the...
View QuestionHey, When creating an aggregation rule, the algorithm will search for the DMA hosting the most source elements used in the rule you want to add. Then forward the request there, if there is no element...
View QuestionCurrently there is a bug that prevents this. Enabling the resources and moving the parent to another view can do the trick. The reason the crawling fails is because it's encountering child element ID's...
View QuestionIndeed the clear action only clears the value in memory. After the clear actions are done you can add another action 'save' this will push the value to the database.
View QuestionIf no time window is given it will fetch the current active alarms, if you want to retrieve the alarms that are already cleared you need to pass along a time window (start and stop time)
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