Hi Everyone, I hope you all are doing well.
the following is an extract of a question that one SysAdmin had in the past few days:
I´ve got a proxy server available to the dataminer agents in order to get it to access outer addresses on the internet.
So, I'm stuck and have two questions:
- How do you configure dataminer to use the proxy address (it uses a specific port 3128)? Do I need just to add that to the windows server internet options, or we have anything else to configure)
- How do I configure some elements on the internet to use a specific proxy address and port to connect?
I hope the community can give us an answer related to this issue
- I've setup a proxy server before, to enable the DataMiner Agent to be able to reach the public internet. For doing this, all what is needed is to add the proxy server to your Windows Server. Here is a link which informs you how to do it (https://www.howtogeek.com/tips/how-to-set-your-proxy-settings-in-windows-8.1/ )
- Normally when you configure an element, you can set a value to the 'Bus address', and when the proxy server has to be bypassed, you put in there: "bypassproxy". But in your case, you can leave this blank. Then it will make use of the proxy.

DataMiner indeed uses the proxy server configured in the Windows OS and you can also use the command prompt to set or show the proxy server:
– changing the proxy: “netsh winhttp set proxy proxyNameOrIP:proxyPort”
– showing the proxy: “netsh winhttp show proxy”
I assume this is already resolved, but one of the problems we had during the setup of the proxy on windows server is that local user "system" did not take the proxy settings automatic. So we had to change these settings in registry.

Hi Pascal
I’m working on a similar issue, how did you change the registry?

Hi Jaime,
I have to dig in my notes.
The value is in : SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet SettingsConnectionsDefaultConnectionSettings
There is easier way to modify these proxy settings. I will come back on this if I find my notes.
Edit: my backslash is not working
Hi Friends,
I wonder if someone else have some experience to share regarding the Proxy´s use inside Dataminer Agents?
Thank you