When working with the Node Edge component within the Dashboards App, it is possible to configure edges using DCF (DataMiner Connectivity Framework) Connections or DCF Interfaces. However, the information that can be shown when selecting the edges (interfaces) is limited to the system information (e.g., Source Element ID, or Destination Element ID).
However, DCF Interfaces often relate to element interfaces that expose other useful parameters (e.g., Utilization, Bit Rate, etc..). What would be the recommended approach to expose this information once the user selects an edge (interface)?
We have tried many types of queries (e.g., DCF Connection -> DCF Interface ID -> Element Interface ID), but element interface parameters do not seem accessible from any query combination that starts with DCF Connections/Interfaces.
Adding extra information after initial responses:
Below image shows how the table setup displays the correct information while the pop-up on Node Edge comes back as Not Initialized

Ben, indeed, this is the top-down visualization of a CIN (Converged Interconnect Network) for a large EPM/CPE deployment. The nodes (CIN devices) are all fully configured and we are now trying to enhance the visuals with more interface KPIs. Thanks!
Hi Rene,
You can get these KPIs by using inner joins. Please find below an example of how to build this query:
- Get DCF Interfaces: From this query type you will need the following columns:
- Element ID
- Interface ID
- Name
- Dynamic PK
- Inner join with Get DCF Connections: From this query type you will need the following columns:
- Source element ID
- Source interface ID
- Destination element ID
- Destination interface ID
- Is internal
- Since you are using external connections, you can add an additional filter to include only external connection (you can use the column Is internal for this purpose
- The join should be based on the column Interfaces ID and Source Interface ID (or Destination Interface ID)
- Inner join with Get parameters for elements where: In this query you can point to the table that contains the KPIs (e.g. the Interface table). From this query type you will need to the following columns:
- Element ID
- Index of the interface
- KPIs to be included (e.g. In/Out Bitrate, Utilization, etc.)
+ The join should be based on two columns:
- Element ID
- Dynamic PK and Index
As a result, you should get information about the DCF connection, DCF interface and the KPI:

I think this is indeed the way to achieve the results. I would just like to add that you can always change the visual representation of your query. Just like in this example you can make your query by looking at the table view. This will show you clearly what information your output contains. When doing joins, as Miguel suggested, I always filter out the unnecessary columns by using ‘Select’.

Miguel, Jarno – Thanks for your feedback. We have, indeed, tried with this type of setup as posted in the original question. However, while the table view shows the right information, the pop-up for the edges (interfaces) displays as Not Initialized. Could it be that we are looking at a bug in the Node Edge itself when trying to dynamically link the interfaces? The system does have multiple interfaces with the same name coming from different elements, so this could very well be impacting the lookup.

I have updated the original question with an image showing what was explained above.

Seeing the ‘Not initialized’ value in the pop-up means that retrieving the real-time value of the parameter failed. We are aware of a situation where this happens with view tables. Feel free to create a task for this so we can follow it up for your project.
I have no answer, but just wanted to say that this looks like a great node edge design you are building there.