I performed a DMA uninstall.
- C:\Skline DataMiner folder was deleted
- C:\Progam Files\Cassandra folder is deleted
- C:\ProgramData\Cassandra folder is deleted
- Cassandra HKEY is delteted with the following: Run regedit as Administrator and delete the registry key “cassandra” in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0
When I do a new install, Cassandra files are not installed. The installation log indicates that Cassandra was detected. I am guessing there is some installation check that thinks the Cassandra db is already installed when it is not actually installed.
I also tried the manual delete instructions.

Hi Randy
I'm thinking in the same lines as Arunkrishna, did you delete the Cassandra service as well?
Would you have an update on this? Did you retry the DM installation?
The installation log you mentioned, which 1 of the following do you mean?
C:\ProgramData\Skyline Communications\DataMinerInstallerLog.txt
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Upgrades\Packages\...\progres.log
You might also find information in the event viewer.
If you're about to retry the DM installation. Go over the described procedure, step by step, again:
Uninstalling a DataMiner Agent | DataMiner Docs
Before installing DM again, reboot the server/pc and see if Cassandra is still present (e.g. Windows Task Manager > Services or open CMD, type "net start", none should indicate "cassandra")
Early this year I did the same, uninstall anything DM related and install it again using the 10.2 package, without issue. So I don't believe there's an issue with the package itself.
I had the same problem recently, ended up trawling the registry to find any mentions of Cassandra and removed them.
After that, the install completed correctly
Did you also delete the Cassandra service ? It is mentioned in point 5 in https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/DataMiner_Agents/Uninstalling_a_DataMiner_Agent.html#uninstalling-a-dma-using-a-manual-procedure