Can dataminer be installed on Linux OS? if no, is there any specific reason?
The DataMiner server software can only be installed on a windows server.
The DataMiner cube client software can only be installed on a windows client.
The DataMiner mobile client apps can be accessed from any desktop or mobile OS supporting HTML5.

It’s not just that. With the technology available today, it could be done, C++ and the new Microsoft .NET Framework (version 5+) work on Linux. But currently DataMiner uses a .NET version, and also many APIs, libraries, folder paths, etc, which only work on Windows and won’t be easy to change.

Thank you guys!
No, DataMiner can't be installed on Linux. DataMiner is depending heavily on the Windows environment. It's using for example the users and groups of Windows. It also depends on .net framework, IIS, ...

Thanks Jeroen
On the storage side, DataMiner used both Cassandra & Elastic db - those can be installed on a Linux OS.
On the UI client side, note as an Operator there is also the HTML5 frontend - can perfectly run on a Linux or Mac OS client. And for the MAC users, obviously the full DataMiner cube UI runs in a parallels or similar virtual desktop environment.

It’s not available yet, but I’m actually running some tests to create “plug & play” Linux VM’s for Cassandra and Elastic. The goal is that it’s also easy to use for people that aren’t used to work with Linux
Elaborating with a bit more technical details: DataMiner server and DataMiner Cube heavily rely on the Microsoft .NET framework. As these are not available for Linux (alternatives such as mono or .NET core will not work with DataMiner), it is not possible to run DataMiner server or cube on a Linux server.