
Thijs Vanovenacker

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First name Thijs
Last name Vanovenacker

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Hi Terry, Thanks for using our Dojo platform. I took a quick look to your created view. It seems that the property SLA Custom Names currently only contains 50 service references. Updating your property...

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22 Votes

Each time configurational changes are done on the system, a record will be offloaded in the Recycle bin folder. So in there you can find your recent changes and manually revert or compare. See DataMiner...

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14 Votes Selected

Hi Terry, In order to reduce the query length of the URL and to reduce complexity on your setup, I suggest you to do as follows: Instead of linking the property with all service names combined, you can...

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13 Votes Selected

Hi Mieke, I would start the investigation by looking at the following two logfiles on your DataMiner server:  SLDBConnection and SLDataGateway. Paths: "C:\Skyline DataMiner\logging\SLDBConnection.txt"...

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9 Votes Selected

When DCF interfaces are pointed to a table, the interface names are built from the defined Parameter Group name (protocol XML) combined with the display key of the table record. See ParameterGroups.Group...

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Hi Jeff, Typically the main reason why we opt to save the primary keys on polled tables is related with Alarming & trending capabilities. Saving the primary keys in the table results in allowing future...

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8 Votes Selected

Hi Jens, In the past we did something similar by using the Skyline DMP Replication connector. We created an element with this connector on all of the DMP's (or DMA's). On one central DMA you can then...

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7 Votes Selected

Hi, In this case it will be best to put the complete range on your parameter definition. (Ranging from 40 towards 220) This way the protocol will be able to handle sets and enable monitoring with thresholds...

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7 Votes Selected

For parameters displayed as measurement type analog, you can see it does make a difference when you specify the normal threshold. This normal value is visible on the component. This can be an indication...

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7 Votes Selected

Please have a look at the DataMiner help for more information on how to use the Multiple set functionality in DataMiner: Setting a parameter value in multiple elements

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Hi Mieke,  I don't think there is an actual direct limit to the size and usage on (un)saved parameters.  (if there is, I'm also interested to know/learn 😊) In regards to storing parameters,...

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Hi Jochen, Maybe not the answer you are looking for, but you could also create a service in DataMiner to represent that physical antenna based on information received via the batch of IRDs linked to it....

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5 Votes

Are there dependencies on the group 3? Maybe there are some triggers before or after this group causing long lasting actions? Since you don't see the session passing by with the streamviewer, I would...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi James, You will have to use C# for this, but luckily there are already plenty of things to support you with to make it as easy as possible! 🚤 I would suggest you create a new automation script...

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Hi Jeroen, When testing on my side (using DM, when creating a scheduled task and selecting a Dashboard to include as PDF attachment, I can select the dashboard of interest and configure...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Niraj, If I understand correctly, you are interested in retrieving element configurations (IP address/port for example) from within an automation script. If you use DIS to develop your scripts, you...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Gabriel, Let me please point you to: Protocol development checklists – DataMiner Dojo In the checklist you will find the applicable guidelines on the allowed ID Range, ID Gaps, ID Ordering & ID...

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Hi Mark, Good that you guys found the respective parameter. Note that you can use the search bar above the page layout in your element card.   This search can assist you in finding parameters across all...

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Hi Jens, I believe the only advantage is that you get the line number where the exception is thrown. I'm not sure if this option will bring more load on the QAction or not (running in debug mode). So to...

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4 Votes Selected

With "last DataMiner shapes" do you mean our icon library? All icons should be available to you via: There you can download the latest Visio stencil as well.

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4 Votes

Hi Ciprian, What MapsProvider has been configured on the DataMiner server? Configuring the DataMiner Maps host servers | DataMiner Docs Depending on what provider you configured, your maps API key will...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Fenta, It looks like this is a bug in the client control. As a workaround you probably will have to define this parameter as Measurement Type: discreet. This will provide you a dropdown with the the...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Reza, Thanks for reporting this problem. We now have an internal ticket on this matter. (76297) As an intermediate solution, You should still be able to use these buttons on the parent level in the...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Fenta, The log level that you configure in system center should not have a direct impact on the timeout state of your element.  With the log levels you define how much (/deep) you want to view the...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Alex, On first sight it seems that your Options shapeData is correct. Though you are missing the Element shapeData. Please have a look at following topic from the DataMiner Help: Linking a shape to...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Jens, I'm not convinced it makes sense to remove all the internal connections after element startup. As you mentioned the current crosspoint info (in tables) are not saved, I imagine that as soon as...

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3 Votes

Hi, I'm not sure how much data you try to receive in one get request here? Looking at your expected response data, the content looks to be large per record. Note that the timeout on single command is...

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3 Votes

Hi Geovanny, From what you've tested, it seems that the clear action doesn't remove the value from the database (SLDMADB.ElementData). That's why on restart of the element (or DataMiner restart) the values...

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Hi Benjamin, The reason why your response didn't seem to arrive is because the way you configured the "ReturnAddress" field. You've specified the sender element information for the "returnAddress" while...

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Hi Mieke I'm not exactly sure how to interpret "connection between nodes disappears" Is this due to the fact that one of these nodes went down? (server reboot, windows updates, DataMiner restart or stop...

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Hi Ruben, It's actually preferred to always use a protocol to handle all the API communication between DataMiner and any data source. That way it allows you to store your user credentials safely inside...

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2 Votes

Hi Jason, There is another question + Answer linked to your problem: interappcall-jsonserializationexception-type-mismatch In essence to make it work, you will have to also define your custom classes...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, The API call defined on the NX4600 for Factory Reset is a GET request with following data: URL: /txp_set Parameters: return_events: true level: 1 factory_reset: true Related to...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Sean, Can you verify if your protocol XML is valid? If you check the DIS tree, corrupt XML items will be shown in red: When this is the case, the Protocol helper will not build correctly and result...

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Hi Ana! sorry for the late reply here: The Development Library tells the following related to Redundant polling: However, note that for redundant polling with smart-serial connections, the communication...

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2 Votes Selected

Note that the web interface is only accessible when the client machine has network access to the product itself. The benefit of using replicated elements is normally to access element-data content of...

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2 Votes

CAUTION: Using below workaround with adapting the Views.XML and apply the changes via the SLNetClientTest tool is not advised and also not supported within the Maintenance & Support. There is no guarantee...

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You can also find this kind of information back in the DataMiner Catalog. See: Enensys GigaCasterII

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1 Vote

Hi Chian Hao, The Spectrum component in DataMiner will already act as a layer to manage what you are looking for. Please have a look here in the docs regarding the behavior of SLSpectrum: Implementation...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Lilly, Are you testing the CISCO Firepower connector, or the CISCO Firepower Management Center connector? for the latter one, you are required to enter username and password via the Settings page on...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, I see via the comments on your question you got helped so far and everything is running again. I noticed the referenced task to resolve the 404 errors getting logged has been completed. (released...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Alberto, On following page you can read about the advised OS to be used to run DataMiner on: DataMiner Compute Requirements - DataMiner Dojo Note that besides the OS, there are also minimum requirements...

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0 Votes

The issues was correlated to DB queries timing out. Cleaning of the bigger partitions on that agent in combination with performing compaction and repairing, the size decreased heavily. After the 10.2.10...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Arun, I would advise you investigate what kind of remote device/system is being queried with API calls to that mentioned "single destination". Are you sure these requests are even coming from DataMiner...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Philip, Did you validate if your DataMiner was running properly after that crash? If not all processes were started yet, or there was another ongoing error on your setup, it could explain why the remote...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Reza, This seems weird to me. I would expect both to work fine. Are you sure the problem is not due to the refresh mechanism that is used? If the first set did work fine sending the command for example,...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Niraj, If you use DIS to develop your scripts, you can make use of the Class Library features. A nice introduction video is available for you to learn how to use the Class Library in an automation...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Gabriel, I have a couple questions for you: 1) Are you sure the current implementation with ImpersonatedUser is done correctly? As it seems weird that it behaves differently for other elements from...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, When there is a generic visual available in our library, this will automatically be delivered along with the protocol package from the Catalog. In case there is no generic or default visual...

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0 Votes Selected

You can also find this kind of information back in the DataMiner Catalog. See: Enensys IPGuard v2

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