Hi, is DCF included in the automation Class Library? I can see from questions in the past that it was requested a few times, and Skyline.DataMiner.Core.ConnectivityFramework.Protocol was released to add functionality for connectors but I'm having trouble finding anything for automation.
I'm looking to automate a video router network, I need to get dcf connections so I can set the router x points based on inputs/outputs to other routers.
An example would be, user presses 'route to analyser' on a LCA. A script looks at DCF and builds a route from the source through router x and router y to get to destination router z and sets all the cross-points.
Is there a way I can achieve this? Is there an slnet message I can send to get/edit DCF connections?
Hi Ross,
You will find the info you need here: DCF in the DataMiner class library | DataMiner Docs
I've figured it out, all good. Thanks!
Thanks, that's great. I've been using GetNext() on a router element, I think it should be returning the DCF interface the current interface is connected to but it's returning the outputs that the router is connected to. Is it usual for a router element to behave differently from other elements? As an example, if router input 1 is connected to output 10, and DCF is configured on input 1 to show it's connected to another router element, GetNext is returning output 10 of the same element and ignoring DCF.