Hi Dojo,
Every now & then I stumble across an unusual "void" canvas that would normally contain a trend graph.
It seems to happen for both SL & 3rd party protocols and with different CUs of the main release path.
Currently running but I've seen this with previous versions too.
DB wise, we're running Cassandra 3.11 (the last one made available for Windows local DBs) but the behaviour was encountered with 3.7 too.
When a parameter trend is selected, a "Pre-loading" message is shown on the GUI:
However, after a couple of seconds, the message is no longer displayed... yet no data is loaded in the page:
Is there any recommended check to avoid this?
All Cassandra DBs are running from a dedicated local "D:" drive (separate from "C:" where DM is installed).
At times a single parameter is affected, out of the many that are trended within a protocol.
At times, some elements in full will give this behaviour.
At times it fixes itself without intervention.
Other times, out tech support squad had to perform some Cassandra compaction
(yet it can come back).
It doesn't seem to make any difference if the trend is loaded directly on the DMA hosting the element or via any other DMA of the cluster.
Any steer will be helpful.

Hi Michiel – not that I’m aware – will check in CUBE logging next time it happens
and I’ll update the post if I’m able to find a trace.
Will the stnadard logging level be sufficient for this check or will we need to increase the logging of the element to “debug” level?

Do the DMA’s have a FO buddy? If they don’t have a FO buddy there might be an easy way to improve the performance of Cassandra.

Pls, tell me more Michiel – where can I check this for each node?
Got many servers, all with the local DB.

Do you have this with parameters that typically don’t change very often? or also with parameters that fluctuate a lot?
As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you do wish to investigate this further, feel free to post a new question or contact techsupport@skyline.be for assistance.
Hi Luca, just a few questions to see if we can narrow it down to a specific situation. Is this on a specific type of parameter? I’m thinking maybe single parameter, table parameter, parameter using history sets, … When you encounter this, are there any entries in the debug logging of cube that could be of interest?