
Gelber Mahecha

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First name Gelber
Last name Mahecha

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I think we can do this via an automation script: The automation script uses the ResourceManagerHelper to retrieve all the ReservationInstance objects and then write the ID, name, start time and stop...

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11 Votes Selected edited answer

I believe it is because the condition is to not monitor the parameter on which it is applied when that condition is satisfied, as stated in the help. In other words, if the condition is true, the parameter...

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7 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Emir, You can find the ranges of reserved parameters in our development documentation here Best regards,

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Wale, I haven't used it yet, but the Default Virtual Platform can isolate multiple Booking managers on the same DMA/DMS with different resources, service models, or even levels of orchestration.

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Amber, Could you please try using ':' instead of ';' in the SetVar shape data? (i.e. MyVar1:[Param:16618/149,1400] Best Regards,

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Thomas, I believe it is only necessary to add another Parameter tag with the type "preCompile":

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Julian, You need to define the Info property with an SA object configured with an array of two strings. The first one will be the number of seconds the alarm will be masked (-1 if you want to unmask...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Michael, We can use a UpdateAlarmFilterMessage from an automation script to programmatically read such CSV file and then add the required filters. Due to the flexible nature of the Alarm Filter, the...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi German, You can use the GetAnalogTrendDataMessage to obtain trend data with a specified time range: Disclaimer:  "Note that this is an internal call, and we do not recommend using this, as it...

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5 Votes Selected

A Partial booking has incomplete resources and therefore, can't be executed (no automation). It could be incomplete because the user unassigned a resource, or a resource can no longer be used (i.e., in...

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5 Votes Selected

Hi Ken, Could you please try with the pattern  .*SNP-E$

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, I'm not sure which version you are using, but I recently installed 1.1.20, and I had to do the following to add existing elements as managed elements: In the ADMIN->CI Types->Overview,...

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4 Votes Selected

If it's unnecessary to implement a full-fledged HTTP Web server, a minimal response for a request should be like this: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 13 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 My answer...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Arturo, You can find the documentation of Web Services (v1) here Otherwise, here for the v0, though they are obsolete from DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.6 Regards,

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Jaroslaw, If you are referring to SNMP Forward features, you can find the logs of the forwarded traps in the Logging module -> DataMiner -> SNMP Agents; however, you may need to override the...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Ryan, You can also use the Parameter shape data to extract the values from a table by providing the row key, as explained in our documentation here. For example, in the shape data "ParameterID:TableRowKey",...

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3 Votes

Hi Piotr, To my knowledge, there is no way to automatically generate a visual overview (Visio diagram) assigned to any service with the specifications in your question. However, you can use a service...

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3 Votes Selected

So far, my solution is using a correlation rule to detect when a booking is modified in the standard SRM application: An automation script complements the logic by ensuring the booking is confirmed...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Adrian, If your DMA is on version 10.1.0 or higher, you might want to try the Repository API for alarms: You might notice that the first part is the same as the GetAlarmsDetailsFromDbMessage call...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Michael, You can delete a filter from the saved filter selection box:

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3 Votes Selected

In case of a persisting doubt, this is how I solved the problem (based on Gilles' answer above):

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3 Votes

Hi Philip. This is a known issue we are solving hopefully soon in DIS. In the meantime, you can manually add a DataMinerDLLPath tag to the .csproject file using the following procedure: In VisualStudio...

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3 Votes Selected

Hi Amber, The GenerateInformation method prints the message in the information event console and therefore you won't see anything different in the execute dialog than the script has finished. Could you...

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2 Votes

Hi Gerwin, There is a way to import an existing automation script and create a VS solution: In VS, create a new Automation Script solution but uncheck the option, "Create an initial automation Script"....

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2 Votes

Hi Vicenzo, It could be that the package you're trying to upload for update is corrupted or incomplete. Can you check the hash code against the ones you will find our download page? You can use this cmdlet...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Bing, Maybe you can use the CreateAlarmTemplate method of our Web Service (v1), though you will need to convert your XML files into the appropriate parameters, and to code access credentials within...

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2 Votes

Hi Tyler, You can use the BookingManager's ChangeTime method, but make sure you are not changing the time of already passed events, in this case, the start time: The code above will attempt to reduce...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Sam / Steve, If we are looking for just a text representation, I think another alternative is with the RegexReplace placeholder. The trick is to detect when the [Description] placeholder is empty and...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Elvio, You can find this information on our documentation site. Here is a link to the overview of the offload functionality, while the structure can be found here

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Michiel, Not yet a straight answer to your question, but I'm also interested because I would need to do the same from an automation script. I've been checking around, and apparently, we can use the...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Maximiliano, Perhaps you want to check this other question with a complete explanation of using an alarm repository to retrieve history alarms.

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Joseph, Have you tried pressing CTR+F? I confirmed with a recent version and got this: The log should be timestamp sorted but take into account it is a circular log, so it could be possible that...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Robin, You can use the placeholder Sum as explained in our help here Notice there is also a placeholder Subtract but it only works for time-related values. In your example the placeholder's content...

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2 Votes Selected

It's indeed possible, provided that the external Elastic cluster has the correct version to work with DataMiner. The configuration is done via the DB.xml file, as per the Help section here. By using an...

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2 Votes

Hi Ross, If I understood correctly, you are looking for a way to send a restart command whenever the element is going into timeout (assuming an internal device's state causes the condition). You can...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi,  In continuation with your comment above, it seems that you may need to use our DataMiner Core Automation NuGet package to get a reference of an IDmsTable and then add new rows when reading the...

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Hi, Could you please take a look at the answer to this other question?

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1 Vote Selected

Hi, If I understood correctly you need to know how to read the contents of a directory where the ZIP file will be stored, and then using the name of the files, add rows to an element that will store these...

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1 Vote Selected

Based on the answer to this other question, I created a test script to modify the link of a FunctionResource. The following code snippet assumes that the script receives a resource's GUI, a new primary...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Baptise, We have a great dashboard example that uses our node component to visualize the collected information from a Kubernetes cluster. Hovering over a node provides node statistics, and the filtering...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Gerwin, You could use a combination of Sum and RegexReplace placeholders to achieve the index number you want: You can also use the above expression within an Execute shape data so that when the...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Joel, I found a solution by using an option in the column that contains the element's name: This option "linkElement" will link the generated shapes to the elements indicated by the column. With...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Jens, A partial answer to your questions. To see the oldest entries, you can use the assigned alias to the indices created by the logger table: GET dms-dynamic_elementdata_162101_623_2000/_search...

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As a possible solution, we are running these events (expressed in terms of percentage) within a custom connector that receives subscriptions of the bookings to calculate the exact time when the automation...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Jeff, You can use a correlation rule filtering the alarms by severity equals to TimeOut and then creating a new alarm with the critical level. As a result, if the element goes into a timeout, the...

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1 Vote

Hi André, This is a feature to test the ability to open a connection to a list of ports in the host configured by the element itself (that is, the host defined in the element's configuration). Once...

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Hello Klaas, I've seen this before and the reason was another user logged in to the server and also ran an instance of Kibana. Maybe not your case, but I guess worth to check

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A solution could be to use a script tag in a configuration file to control the appearance of the default UI element as described here The following JavaScript sample code uses an automatic function...

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1 Vote Selected

Assuming you mean authentication from a DataMiner connector, it is indeed possible to implement such schemas. However, the technical details shall be reviewed against the API documentation, but we have...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Trong, I'm afraid this is not possible because a line is not in a closed shape. You may need to use a rectangle or draw any other form of closed shape for such purpose.

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0 Votes

Hi Max, In that case, you can use an AlarmFilterTrue() to retrieve alarms from all elements. You should find a filter to select specific elements, limiting the number of returned alarms.  The code...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Adam, Perhaps not entirely equivalent, but you may set the alarm template to have a normal value with the latest SW version and then, on any other severity level, use an * as a wildcard: The above...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Jens, An option could be to delete (or even better, move out) the application's folder in c:\Skyline DataMiner\Applications. The app's folder has the name equal to the GUID you see in URL when opening...

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0 Votes

After receiving Karl's support (a lot 😁 ), Following the steps to achieve a basic view with a booking timeline filtering reservations based on a custom property "Operators". A shape data "Component"...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Philip, Are you referring to the shared library project in the VS solution? (Instead of browsing the DLL file where you have that shared code): Adding the reference will prevent errors during the...

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0 Votes

Hi Ruben, I gave it a try on a DMA with version, and it worked with the exact content of the ChildrenFilter you described above. I created four lists and confirmed the shapes moved from...

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0 Votes

Hi Puiu. We don't have any connector (aka driver) for the TelVue A100/A1000, but you can contact your technical or sales representative to discuss the potential development for this ad inserter.

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Hi Javier, None of the above ports are listed in the known ports used by DataMiner as per the help topic here. However, it could be either any DataMiner element(s) listening in these ports, a special...

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0 Votes

Just to refer to this other similar question where I had a solution via an automation script that allowed me to update a System function in the DMS.

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In my opinion, it's essential to understand the goals of the orchestration and the underlying infrastructure. With this understanding in place, it should be possible to design the functions based on the...

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