
Gellynck Jens

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First name Jens Gellynck


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You can send a RefreshClientAppLicenseDataMessage using SLNetClientTestTool or from inside an automation script to refresh this at runtime.

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Hi Xabier, DataMiner only depends on 2 Java-based applications: Apache Cassandra and Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch is not affected by Spring4Shell Apache Cassandra did not make an official statement...

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Hi Russ, You can still load DataMiner Cube from Edge by enabling the "Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode". You can find this under Settings > Default Browser in Edge. (see image below) I had to add...

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An official Skyline blog post has been published: responding to log4shell vulnerability

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Hi Jeroen, I believe that page might be slightly misleading, Windows Server 2012 R2 still supports new DataMiner features. There used to be problems with hosting .NET Core related services (e.g. Dashboard...

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Hi Richard, On the latest versions, it is no longer possible to read out parameters of type password from automation scripts. I assume this is what you're experiencing. The only place where the password...

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Hi David I think that would be SLAnalyticsTypes.dll, you can find it in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files.

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Hi Alexander, DataMiner still functions because Inter-DataMiner connections communicate over .NET Remoting (TCP port 8004), while downloading Cube or opening the web applications actually uses HTTP(S)....

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Hi Thomas, DataMiner 10.2 still supports Windows Server 2012 R2, see the Installation Guide. Because this version is nearing its end of extended support (10/10/2023), I would recommend using a newer version...

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Hi Jennifer, You can execute "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\Register DataMiner as Service.bat" as Administrator to re-register the SL* services. This should also re-create the SLNet service.

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Hi Joseph, When using an HTTP URL (without an HTTPS redirect being configured), the DataMiner Cube client will be downloaded over HTTP. Actually connecting to DataMiner is done through .NET Remoting communication....

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DataMiner stores the highest Element ID in the elementid attribute of the <DataMiner> tag of C:\Skyline DataMiner\DataMiner.xml. When a new element is created it will increment that value and that...

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Deleting the failover config will stop the backup agent. The DataMiner ID and all data will be removed from the backup agent. This agent will no longer be able to start up. It's completely reset (you can...

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DataMiner can run on one of two local databases, MySQL & Cassandra. Both are included in the DataMiner installer, but Cassandra is installed by default. They are installed and created automatically...

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A wildcard in the name attribute of the HTTPS tag is indeed an invalid configuration. See this documentation:

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Hi Michiel, You can use SLNetClientTestTool for this, under Advanced > Clear From > Views.xml you will find the tab below that can help find elements that still exist in the views.xml but no longer...

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Hi Jeroen, I'm afraid this will be very difficult to answer. The bandwidth will heavily depend on the type of actions the user takes. Are you sharing dashboards? Then it will depend on the number of dashboards,...

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Hi Arunkrishna, The presence of Log4J does not necessarily mean the vulnerability is present, the vulnerability is present in versions 2.0 through 2.16. Log4J version 1.X does not contain the vulnerability....

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Hi Michiel, I've tried this with a SLReset.exe (and its dependencies) from 10.1.0 CU10 and 10.2.0 CU0 on DataMiner 9.6.0 CU22 and found that SLReset simply crashes after stopping the DMA. I don't see...

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Hi Enrique, We typically release a new CU every month (usually on Fridays). For example, was released on 19/11/2021, will be released on 17/12/2021. A new CU is released for...

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Hi Edson, DataMiner has not been evaluated for compliance with ISO 25000 (or any other) Software Quality Certifications. As far as I know, there are no plans to pursue this in the near future. If you...

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Hi Michiel, The following ports are required: HTTP(S): 80/443 (it's recommended to require HTTPS, then you don't have to open port 80. For more information see Setting up HTTPS) .NET Remoting: 8004...

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Hi Ken, Workspaces created in DataMiner Cube are not applied in the Monitoring or Dashboards application. Feel free to create a feature suggestion to add this feature.

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It looks like it's failing to create the offload database, which is stored in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Offload, can you check if this folder exists? (if it doesn't try creating it manually and checking again)

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I'm assuming the drive you want to store the backup on before copying it remotely is your D-drive. You can set a local path in DataMiner and set it to your D-drive, while also enabling remote backups....

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To determine the maximum licensed count, you can send (from inside an automation script or protocol QAction) a GetInfoMessage with the type property set to 'InfoType.Licenses' and parse the string[] Licenses...

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DataMiner currently does not support JIT Provisioning for SAML but could easily be expanded to do so. Initially, JIT Provisioning was a requirement for the first MVP of SAML authentication. However, in...

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You could use System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer for this. Some examples are available on the MS docs. Also note Microsoft released some important security risks to consider when using XmlSerializer,...

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Since it's also possible to configure TLS encryption between the Elastic nodes of the DMS (only for new Elastic installations)

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You can achieve this with the following code (it's an automation script but it should also work from a QAction).  var licenseInfo = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(new GetInfoMessage(InfoType.Licenses))...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi Jean-Pierre, This page is only visible once the user is already authenticated, meaning not everyone can click the bring online button. The actual failover switch is also behind a permission flag in...

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Hi, When you RDP to the backup server, you can restart the backup by right clicking the SLTaskbarUtility icon in the system tray. Then select 'Restart DataMiner' and enter your username & reason....

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Hi Thomas, As discussed the problem was that the system could only connect to the internet through a proxy. After applying the proxy settings on the LocalSystem account (see answer from Bert here), the...

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A different workaround is to run the DataMiner CloudGateway services as a different user (not LocalSystem), I found the proxy settings are then applied as well. You can do this in the Service Manager in...

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4 Votes

Hi Joey, Master agent election is hardcoded in SLNet to the lowest DataMiner ID so I don't think it's currently possible to change this behavior. You could request a new software feature for this.

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Hi Jens, You can use the Ticketing Gateway API helpers to create tickets within automation scripts. Examples are available here.

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Hi Jörg, You can use an internet-connected client to download a .dmprotocol package from our Driver Catalog, which you can then copy to the DMAs that are not connected to the internet. (You can decide...

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Hi Joey, You can also do this from a QAction, Automation script, or any C# application with the following code: private bool IsAutomationScriptRunning(string scriptName) { var request = new SetAutomationInfoMessage(AutomationInfoType.Maintenance...

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When the box is unticked, the SNMP manager will be disabled and will no longer forward the alarms to that IP. They will not be stored, when you enable the SNMP manager again it will not forward the history...

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Yes, because there is no more virtual IP to acquire, the two agents can be in different subnets. The feature was designed for two agents running in different AWS availability zones (which can only span...

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When the SLNet process crashes it will create a separate logfile SLNet.crash.txt. Can you check if this file exists in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Logging? I would also check the following logfiles: SLErrors.txt...

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Hi Miguel, This number represents the "RemovalStrategy" for the path. 0 = 'All', meaning everything in the folder is deleted. 1 = 'Some', meaning it will only remove files and folders that are not...

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Hi Ian, DataMiner supports single node Cassandra (in which case you don't need Elasticsearch), or Cassandra Cluster (in which case Elasticsearch is required, you cannot use Cassandra Cluster without Elasticsearch)....

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Hi, This post is just to let you know that the latest version of the Cloud Pack now has built-in support for proxying the traffic between DataMiner & the cloud. Meaning there's no more need to proxy...

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Hi Bing, If the database passwords were configured manually in C:\Skyline DataMiner\db.xml, then they will be visible unencrypted (also in the log collector package). If the passwords are set through...

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Hi Srikanth, This error is caused by the UpgradeAction AnalyticsDropUnusedCassandraTables (see RN 31944, introduced in 10.2.4). This upgrade action removes the following Cassandra tables because they...

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Hi Thijs, You probably want Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.NotifyType from SLNetTypes (41 = SendDmsFileChange).

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Hi Jamie, First of all, I'm very happy you're hardening your DataMiner System! The inter-DMA authentication will authenticate using the LocalSystem user, which will only work if the agents are joined...

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Hi Jeroen, After migrating to Cassandra Cluster, you don't need the local Cassandra node anymore (although it's good to keep it around until you've verified everything still works after the migration)....

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Hi Robin, I just double-checked and SLAlerter supports connecting to HTTPS-only DataMiner systems, so I don't think forcing HTTPS is the problem. I did notice a similar exception was fixed in 10.2.3 (and...

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Hi Dirk, Although there is no built-in way to achieve this, I found you could achieve this using an Interactive Automation script. I made a quick example: I've published the script on our official GitHub,...

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Hi Koen, The latest version of SLTaskbarUtility can be found on the DMA in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\SLTaskbarUtility. If SLTaskbarUtility was installed previously on the DMA, it's possible this folder...

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Hi Yvan, When HTTPS is enabled, TCP port 443 is required to open. It's recommended to block TCP port 80 (HTTP) when HTTPS is enabled. For more information see, setting up HTTPS on a DMA.

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Hi Jens, I don't think the DataMiner Web API's expose an API call to retrieve the active connections. We could add this as a new software feature. As a workaround, you could create a protocol or script...

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Some further digging revealed that the Validation feature (RN 25183) was only implemented in the DataMiner dashboards (RN 25253), not in Cube. A new software feature task (task id 182417) was created to...

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Hi Alberto, Unfortunately, there's no way to restore the Agents preview as this was completely removed. The best alternative is using the Agents tab in the System Center. I'm actually also in favor of...

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Hi Dominik, Is there an HTTP to HTTPS redirect configured on your web server (IIS)? If so, this error may be fixed by skipping the redirect on "localhost". I also wonder if you get the same error when...

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Hi Albert, This should not be a problem because MySQL/MSSQL is still supported on 10.2 (note that we recommend upgrading in steps, so that would be 9.6 to 10.0 to 10.1 to 10.2). Beware that MySQL and...

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Hi Ryan, You can achieve this with the following C# code: SetDataMinerInfoMessage sDIM = new SetDataMinerInfoMessage() { bInfo1 = int.MaxValue, bInfo2 = 1, DataMinerID = <YOUR DMAID>, HostingDataMinerID...

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Can you try again after rebuilding the performance counters in windows, for more information see:

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Hi André, We recommend executing the following steps for the custom user: WMI configuration To go to WMI Control Properties, go to Start > Run and enter wmimgmt.msc. Right-click WMI Control...

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I'm not aware of any tools available to do this yet. I would also be very careful in what the SRM package is including, as merging it could (accidentally) overwrite official DataMiner files, resulting...

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Hi Karel, Like Ive mentioned this is not supported by default, but you could use a third-party tool like SSHFS-Win to map the SFTP drive to a Windows Drive. The network path will look like this \\sshfs\[sftpuser]@[sftphost]....

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Hi Matthew, This should not be a problem, DataMiner supports several Identity and Access Management services (for example Active Directory, CROWD). DataMiner also supports SAML authentication, meaning...

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Hi Alberto, Also see this page regarding antivirus software. If DataMiner cannot be whitelisted an antivirus may try to inject its own .dll files into the DataMiner processes and by continuously scanning...

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To add to the previous answers, SLWatchdog will also save this information to the Windows Event Logs. When opening the Windows Event viewer, open the 'Dataminer' log under 'Applications and Services Logs'....

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Hi Luis, 1. Entries in the views.xml do not have to be in order. 2. There are no requirements about the newlines before, in, or after the <view> tags. Do note that view names and IDs have to be...

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Hi Miao, You can let a QAction in the driver execute the HTTP calls and disable the certificate validation. See this code snippet below, the bold part will disable the certificate validation. More information...

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Hi, I see some problems in your request: <connection>string</connection> => 'string' should be a GUID (for example 3fefccd8-b0ba-4bd6-ad2a-9493772a0797) you received by logging through...

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Hi Rajesh, I tested this on a virtual machine and DataMiner will automatically create the built-in Administrator during startup, even if it does not exist in Windows. So I don't think this will be possible...

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You could also change the ID attribute of the <DataMiner> tag inside C:\Skyline DataMiner\DataMiner.xml. After restarting DataMiner (with SLTaskbarUtility) a new Request.lic file will be generated...

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Hi Benjamin, The following features are Cassandra/Elastic only: Analytics features in the Alarm console The query data input inside DataMiner Dashboards (GQI) DataMiner Job Manager Service &...

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You should be able to find a file in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Upgrades with a name similar to update.log.<year>_<month>_<day>_<hour>_<minute>_<second>.txt To add to this,...

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This sounds like a good use case for a feature we internally call "Alarm Squashing". When Alarm Squashing is enabled, DataMiner will no longer show a separate alarm for every property change. More information...

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The migration feature is essentially a DELT export + element delete + DELT import. I did some quick testing and the alarm data does not seem to be exported. Trend data and information events are, see below....

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In NATS is only required when cloud connecting your dma. If this functionality is not required you can try to disable the NATS & NAS services in the windows service manager, DataMiner will...

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Around 2 years ago, I have tried running DataMiner on MySQL 5.7 but noticed some issues regarding DELT. Internally we only test version 5.5 so I would not recommend upgrading to an untested version. I...

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DataMiner uses the IP Address assigned to Windows Server. In case your server has a static IP address you can change it by running the following command: netsh interface ipv4 set address name="YOUR...

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You can look for the recycle bin entry. The recycle bin is located in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Recycle Bin and has the time of deletion in the file name. It should contain a .zip file with the deleted workspace...

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Hi Jens, Unfortunately, I don't think this is possible yet. I also can't think of a good workaround that doesn't involve manually (from an automation script) triggering the BPA and sending and e-mail...

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The error alarms indicate the Cassandra database is down, which will indeed increase the startup time. Here you can find a flowchart to troubleshoot Cassandra database issues.

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More information about implementing HTTPS in a protocol: Implementing HTTP communications More information about HTTPS The important bit: To poll an HTTPS server on a different port than 443, you...

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The ticket validity (measured in seconds) is configurable by the <TicketExpirationTime> in the <SLNet> of the MaintenanceSettings.xml (located in C:\Skyline DataMiner). <SLNet> <TicketExpirationTime>300</TicketExpirationTime>...

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Hi Esteban, This is a known issue in the Factory Reset tool. If you don't have access to the local Administrator user, you can add your user manually by: Stopping the DataMiner Deleting the file:...

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If I recall correctly, a subnet cannot span multiple AWS availability zones, meaning the main & backup agent would reside in a different subnet, which makes it impossible to share a virtual IP. So...

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Hi Michael, I currently have a DataMiner agent that uses Okta as an Identity Provider using SAML authentication. I have a 30-day trial for Okta, please let me know if you want to have a look or need some...

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Hi Jamie, It's very possible this was a one-time issue and will not re-occur, but it's also possible the root cause is a deeper issue (e.g. connection or network issues in the DataMiner System). When...

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Hi Piotr, I found an internal backlog item indicating the CassandraCluster migration tool does not support connecting to a TLS-enabled Cassandra, so I'm afraid this is not supported yet. An insecure...

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Hi Johannes, This should be possible, although you will lose some of the redundancy that comes with a clustered database. For example, if you have a central Cassandra (clustered) database with 3 nodes,...

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Hi Shalvin, I am not familiar with PRTG (so I can't confirm this 100%) but a quick google search seems to indicate it's possible to create dashboards in PRTG. You could consider embedding a PRTG dashboard...

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Hi Dirk, Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to achieve this, I think it would be a great feature suggestion.

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Hi Michael, I don't know of a way to disable correlation rules through Visio, a workaround could be to start a script that enables/disables the correlation rule. For this, you can use the UpdateCorrelationRuleMessage...

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Hi Bernard, Port 80 can only be closed when HTTPS is enabled. For more information, please refer to Setting up HTTPS on a DMA. If HTTPS is not enabled, closing port 80 will indeed cause problems. HTTP...

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Hi Jörg, Currently, the recommended DataMiner storage architecture is based on Cassandra Cluster, which requires Elasticsearch already. (Alarms are then also stored in Elasticsearch) This architecture...

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Hi Jens, From the limitations on this page (at the very bottom) I understand that the BPA is limited to local Cassandra nodes only while I think your system is using a remote Cassandra. I think the BPA...

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Hi Laurens, This behavior can probably be made more robust when the DMA is offline. From what I can see in the code of the VerifyNatsIsRunning prerequisite, there's no option to skip the check. I would...

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Hi Luis, DataMiner should automatically trigger a NATS reset when agents join or leave the DMS cluster. This NATS reset should thus take care of correctly configuring the NATS config files (on all agents,...

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Hi Srikanth, Currently, DataMiner supports up to the latest Windows Server version (2022) and the lowest supported version is Windows Server 2012 R2 (but note this will be End of Life in 2023). We follow...

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Hi Piotr, Elasticsearch supports Java (OpenJDK) 11 from version 6.5.x onwards, and DataMiner relies on Elasticsearch 6.8.x. I think it should be possible, however, I have not tested this so be careful...

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Hi Mario, The document you show is linked to a specific element, this type of document behaves differently than 'normal' documents. For example: Documents linked to elements are only stored on the...

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