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Hi Timothy, If you have SRM installed on your setup, you can find a SRM_LSOTemplate and SRM_ProfileLoadScriptTemplate under the SRM folder in the Automation page on Cube.
View QuestionHi Philip This will indeed be the case. So I would highly advice to join the DevOps program so you can show off that you are part of this awesome community!
View QuestionHi Ryan You can use the 'CreateElement' method from the 'Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common' NuGet package: Method CreateElement | DataMiner Docs Install the 'Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Automation'...
View QuestionHi Philip Make sure that your projects are migrated to use PackageReference. In the note here you can also see this. On this page you can also see how to do the migration and how to make VS do it...
View QuestionHi Philip DIS is not responsible for adding the .gitignore file as that is purely linked to git itself. This way users can change their .gitignore file to fit their needs without the risk of DIS overwritting...
View QuestionHi Ryan DIS can not resolve if a certain assembly comes from a NuGet or is custom. That is why you have missing assemblies. If you have scripts or connectors that use them, then I would suggest to have...
View QuestionHi Ladan Unfortunately this won't work as we use .NET Framework for SLScripting and SLAutomation.
View QuestionHi Michiel If you start a new solution, they you need to take the Solution template. This will already include a project with the correct settings. If you want to add an extra project (meant to be another...
View QuestionHi Chian This is a known problem (something that Visual Studio doesn't properly clean up) when migrating from packages.config to PackageReference. The fix is very easy though: Open the csproj file and...
View QuestionHi Sumathi When you have a look at the exported protocol, you'll see that indeed the Index column would be a duplicate description because you likely have an Export Rule that removes the '(table name)'....
View QuestionHi Guilherme It looks to me like the 'max path length' issue from Windows. Since RN 33917 (same versions as RN33969) DataMiner can handle long paths. I would suggest to double check the agent you are...
View QuestionHi Geovanny Double click on dmapp packages are supported since DM 10.2 CU7: General Main Release 10.2.0 CU7 | DataMiner Docs EDIT: Before this version, the only way is indeed via Client Test tool....
View QuestionHi Alex I assume that this is what you are looking for: Prerequisites | DataMiner Docs
View QuestionHi Jon After making changes to the IDmsElement object, you need to call .Update() to actually push the changes. This was done to group multiple changes in a single call.
View QuestionHi Dave Another option is to have those scripts in an Automation Script Solution (available via DIS). This way, when updating the SLSRMLibrary DLL in the solution, you can more easily validate by building...
View QuestionHi Alex Saving all the scripts as a single dmapp package will only be possible from DIS 2.41. For now you can use the dmapp that is created via the pipeline or make a dmapp package for each single script...
View QuestionHi Dominique Depending on your DataMiner version (10.0.10 +), you can just add the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package to the QAction that needs it. When publishing with DIS, it will upload the protocol...
View QuestionHi Dan On our catalog you can find the list of all the connectors that we already have.
View QuestionHi Jens This can be done by using the protocol.CheckTrigger() method. This will trigger the Trigger which will run 2 actions. <Trigger id="20"> <Name>Clear Parameter 1</Name> <Type>action</Type>...
View QuestionAfter further investigation we noticed that the element was running protocol Cisco Manager before a change was done to Cisco Nexus. In the Cisco Manager protocol PID 11200 is the index column of the Detailed...
View QuestionHi William SLSQA can be found in the ProtocolScripts folder. I don't know by heart what it does as I never used it before myself. But after having a look, it holds an object that has a single method (getObject)...
View QuestionHi Benjamin I have previously used NPOI in an automation script to create a basic excel. In DIS internally I've also used NPOI for excel. This is a public NuGet package that you can then use. I've never...
View QuestionHi Guilherme In your scenario, the amount of lines that would be analyzed would push us over the limit for private repositories in SonarCloud. I noticed that you had Class Library still generated. I would...
View QuestionHi Jan Piet As you can see in your screenshot, the supported products have ProductArchitecture amd64. As you are running ARM, the extension can not be installed. We haven't tested our extension yet on...
View QuestionHi Jan-Terje I'm not familiar with the Cisco ASR Manager but when looking at the Driver Help which is visible on the catalog, it mentions that on the General page there are options to toggle the polling...
View QuestionHi Apurva As mentioned in Display keys | DataMiner Docs, a Display Key needs to be unique in a table. As you are doing the .GetValue() method, you can easily swap to use the Primary Keys (with KeyType.PrimaryKey...
View QuestionHi Sergio When you want to clear the entire table, the most efficient would be to use the Action clear in the XML: clear | DataMiner Docs If you are in a QAction, you can call 'protocol.CheckTrigger(id);'....
View QuestionHi Gerwin We have a task for that on our backlog. Do note that the conversion will never be perfect, similar like with protocols. If the scripts uses custom DLLs or NuGet packages, the solution won't...
View QuestionHi Victor This has already been answered in this question: Add and Update Element Properties using IDms - DataMiner Dojo
View QuestionHi Wale Support for Visual Studio 2017 has been dropped since DIS 2.41: DIS 2.41 | DataMiner Docs I would suggest to update to Visual Studio 2022 to have the latest features as some features are only...
View QuestionHi Stefan This has been changed in Visual Studio 2022 with Visual Studio Templates. In Visual Studio 2019 you should still have it directly under 'File > New'. Blog post: Introducing Skyline.DataMiner.VisualStudioTemplates...
View QuestionHi Marco In DIS (as that looks like a script developed with DIS) you can save the compiled script. This will create a dmapp package that you can upload. This will hold the full XML together with any assemblies...
View QuestionHi Silvino I don't know for everything, but the parts where Visual Studio & DIS are needed won't be possible as DIS is only supported for Visual Studio on Windows. In addition to that, Visual Studio...
View QuestionHi German Normally DIS should install the necessary prerequisites to be able to run everything. Could you make sure that your Visual Studio is fully up to date? EDIT: This error is exactly the same...
View QuestionHi Gerwin This can be solved by adding this tag to the cproj (SDK-style) of the script: <PropertyGroup> <DisableImplicitFrameworkReferences>true</DisableImplicitFrameworkReferences>...
View QuestionHi Jens This is currently not possible with DIS. Sounds like a great feature though. I would suggest to create a Feature Suggestion.
View QuestionHi Andrey This is currently not possible in a connector. Depending on the use-case it could be that other features in DataMiner can fill the gap. Would it be possible to share the use-case? This way...
View QuestionHi Paul Lee The SetValue method has extra overloads. One of them is to specify if you provide a primary key or display key. Method SetValue | DataMiner Docs
View QuestionThe element state can be retrieved by the State property on the IDmsElement interface. To get to this point quickly, below you can find a small snippet: using Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common;...
View QuestionHi Mieke In PTP we use this code, maybe this can be of help? Do note, this is to update your own element (hence the async). // Needs to happen async as it will cause RTEs otherwise AddElementMessage updateName...
View QuestionHi Philip DIS is now using DevPacks (NuGet packages) which makes it easier to compile a protocol/script against a specific DataMiner version. Because of the changes, it is now also possible to use NuGet...
View QuestionHi Robin IDmsTable is part of the Class Library. This is a generated QAction (63000) that is generated by DIS. DIS only works on Visual Studio. To resolve this issue, you'll need to develop on Visual...
View QuestionHi Jens This information can be found in the DataMiner Help. There is a specific situation where 2 tables are being used instead of the matrix component.
View QuestionHi Julian I'm just making an Automation Script that needs to retrieve all the alarms from the last day. The call I use for this is the GetAlarmDetailsFromDbMessage. var message = new GetAlarmDetailsFromDbMessage...
View QuestionHi Alija In the dependencyValues: dependencyValues attribute | DataMiner Docs (scroll down to the bottom) You add a '?' to the column id to make it an optional parameter to be filled in.
View QuestionHi Ömer I would suggest to give this section a read: Display keys | DataMiner Docs When a Display Key has been defined, then that will be used for the alarming.
View QuestionHi Zeqiang Since Visual Studio 2022, the template for functions got removed. We'll look at that within the team to see on how to proceed further. Regarding the templates that you see: The templates for...
View QuestionHi Mark Doubleclicking the dmapp file is supported from DataMiner 10.1.0 [CU19]/10.2.0 [CU7]/10.2.10 onwards. If your DataMiner version is lower than that, then you need to install it via the Client Test...
View QuestionHi Pawel Would you have by any chance the dmapp open in 7zip or something similar when you tried to manually install it? Cause that locks the file which can result in that error message. I'm not too...
View QuestionHi Tim GitHub doesn't support this. You'll have to add them one by one on each repository that they want to collaborate with. Do note that when the repository is public, they can take a fork and contribute...
View QuestionHi Johan This functionality is called Alarm bubble-up. You need to modify the connector to enable that on the treecontrol. In case this connector is from Skyline, I would suggest that you contact your...
View QuestionHi Simon Could you make sure you are on the latest version of Visual Studio 2022 (17.9.1)? More information about the prerequisites can be found here.
View QuestionHi Jens With IDP we have such a scenario. We have the SetupWizard script that can either be run silently or with an interactive window. We achieve this by using 2 scripts: Script A: Entrypoint for...
View QuestionHi Michiel QActions (and Automation Scripts) only support .NET Framework at this time. Which version of .NET Framework depends on which version is installed on the DataMiner system. Starting from DataMiner...
View QuestionHi Miguel There was an issue with the Reply method but that has been fixed in version of the NuGet. Could you check if you are using the last method? If not, please update and check if the...
View QuestionHi Reza Currently this is not supported in DIS. We've made changes for external authentication (SAML, RADIUS, ...) in the upcoming DIS version (2.47). I haven't specifically tested Azure AD authentication,...
View QuestionHi Benjamin There is no support for this as the app packages don't have an interactive installer. Alternatively you can read out a file on the system from within the install script that contains the...
View QuestionHi Jens I've identified the issue within DIS and was able to reproduce your issue. When the fix is released, I'll update my answer. EDIT: A hotfix (DIS has been released. It should show...
View QuestionHi Anna If the intention is to be able to edit the row in one go, then the ContextMenu is an option. With this, you get a 'popup' with the configured cells pre-filled (see dependencyValues attribute |...
View QuestionHi Pawel With Protocol as a Solution, the XML doesn't contain the C# code directly anymore. These are now in the QAction projects. You'll first need to extract the C# code, insert it in the XML and then...
View QuestionHi Stefan I assume you are using DIS? As that namespace is part of the Class Library. To make sure that the Class Library is generated (default QA63000) you need to enable it in the settings of DIS.
View QuestionHi Min DIS v3.0.0 doesn't connect yet to the WebApi, so that error that you showed is from DIS v3.1.6. That issue is fixed in DIS v3.1.7. Regarding the error itself, it's likely that HTTPS isn't...
View QuestionHi Peter Like Robbe said, we are advancing our CI/CD and how we handle AppPackages as well. With the new templates (range 2.x.x), the solutions templates have been removed and new project templates...
View QuestionHi Michiel As mentioned by Jens, an internal NuGet would be a lot better as it's easier to use and has proper versioning. If you still want to use a custom DLL, you can place the DLL in the Dlls folder...
View QuestionHi Felix Beta version (or pre-releases) are not advised to be used. Those are versions that we use for testing and seeing if everything is working. We are currently working on the Catalog Upload tool,...
View QuestionHi Yong Ting Unfortunately we don't have a way to show all levels at once as that would be a 3D matrix, which DataMiner has no support for. I would suggest to have some config parameters so the connector...
View QuestionHi Ömer That issue has been resolved in the DIS 2.47 version. This is currently the insider release and can be found here: DataMiner Integration Studio - Downloads - DataMiner Dojo
View QuestionHi Jens As of DIS 2.47, this is supported: What's new in DataMiner Integration Studio (DIS) v 2.47 - DataMiner Dojo
View QuestionHi Thomas I don't know why this issue occurs, but I notice that those DLLs are on the wrong location. Those are from NuGet packages and should normally be in the DllImport folder inside the ProtocolScripts...
View QuestionWith the latest Visual Studio 2022 update (17.8.0), DIS 2.44 has become incompatible. Our current advice is to update to the latest insider release (2.45) for now: DataMiner Integration Studio - Downloads...
View QuestionHi Shawn Currently the only thing shared between GitHub and GitLab is the 'Skyline DataMiner Deploy Action'. This has recently been updated so that the action properly works again on GitLab (version 1.0.30...
View QuestionHi Joshua I've downloaded the dmapp and I couldn't reproduce this issue. It successfully installed everything. Even when I run it twice. The error is about a missing install script. Could it be that...
View QuestionHi Joshua I had a brief look and noticed the following things: Never use a pre-release of the AppPackageInstaller NuGet. Those are used during testing of new features or fixes. Always use the latest...
View QuestionHi Trong Could you try to update to the latest insider release (which will soon be the main release anyway)? I think this was an issue that I noticed as well and fixed in DIS
View QuestionHi Joey Currently we don't have a way to force lower versions of Newtonsoft. Keep in mind that lower versions also have security vulnerabilities. That is why it's advised to keep using the latest Newtonsoft...
View QuestionHi Robin It is not possible to do this as all existing data will be lost/corrupted as mentioned in the documentation: options attribute | DataMiner Docs This is why changing to/from unicode is considered...
View QuestionHi Aston DIS (2.39) does indeed not yet install a DevPack based on the MinimumRequiredVersion tag. There are plans on having that in DIS is some way. Currently DIS looks at the latest version of the 10.0.0...
View QuestionHi Robin This issue has in the meantime already been fixed. Today we released DIS that has that fix included.
View QuestionHi Ryan This issue has been fixed in Class Library version & This is released in DIS 2.38. This is currently an insider release but can be enabled via DIS Settings or downloaded...
View QuestionHi Alex With how the Class Library is working, you need to use int? for the GetStandaloneParameter call. I don't remember anymore if Class Library will throw an exception for this or not.
View QuestionHi Vishal With the latest DIS release, connecting to a DataMiner (excluding the Test Connection button) will also connect to the WebApi for new features in DIS. It seems that the WebApi login fails....
View QuestionHi Ryan Yes, the Skyline.DataMiner.CommunityLibrary.Utility.Protocol is an internal NuGet package. Depending on what you need from it, some parts (like the GetColumns) is already part of the Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Protocol...
View QuestionHi Dominique Instead of retrieving cell by cell, you can retrieve the entire column at once with the following call: NT_GET_TABLE_COLUMNS (321) | DataMiner Docs When using DIS there is also a snippet...
View QuestionHi Ryan More information about custom table context menus can be found in the docs: Custom table context menu | DataMiner Docs In there I see that the Interprete content is different (needs to...
View QuestionHi Maximiliano I've moved the code from the SLProtocolScripts DLL into a NuGet that can act as a replacement. SLProtocolScripts DLL is quite old and currently to be able to use this in DIS, you need to...
View QuestionHi Ömer You don't need the 'SLProtocolScripts.dll' for the GetParameter and the Parameter classes. As you are working in a connector solution, you can create the QAction project by pressing the icon...
View QuestionHi Daniel In your first screenshot you have the 'RBM Resource Creator' script open, but in the DIS Inject you have the 'RBM Surveyor View Creator' script selected. Could you check if it works when you...
View QuestionHi Mieke You don't need to use the NuGet for System.Xml.Linq. You need to use the assembly reference instead. Right click on the project and select 'Add Assembly Reference...' There you can select...
View QuestionHi Pascal Most of the time a package from the catalog will just upload connectors, scripts, visio's, .... I see in the screenshot that you deployed a package from AppearTV X20 Platform. Unfortunately...
View QuestionHi Michiel Unfortunately the workaround won't be sufficient as the GQIDMS does not contain any methods regarding subscriptions. InterAppCalls rely on subscriptions when waiting on a response. For now...
View QuestionHi Paul Instead of IDmsElement, you can use IDmsService when working with services (dms.GetService(serviceName)). That has it's own property for setting the alarm template. Property ServiceElementAlarmTemplate...
View QuestionHi Garry As of DIS 2.47, this is now supported: What's new in DataMiner Integration Studio (DIS) v 2.47 - DataMiner Dojo
View QuestionHi Arne The documentation (at the bottom) also mentions to not specify the FK on the index as this could not work: Foreign keys | DataMiner Docs Even though it works for you now, won't mean that it will...
View QuestionHi Harinee I was unable to reproduce this issue. DIS doesn't do anything special and has no control over this. I would suggest to double check what Bert & Edib mention.
View QuestionHi Tyler I have never used that specific feature myself, but looking at the documentation you can specify a parameter with Interprete/Type set to string. proxyServer attribute | DataMiner Docs
View QuestionHi Jan DIS is sending a SLNet call to upload the protocol and that the gRPC connection is returning a failure. Would it be possible to check if other SLNet calls also return a failure? As DIS can successfully...
View QuestionHi Praveen As you can see in the answers/comments on your previous question, point 1 through 3 are already covered: devops dataminer guide - DataMiner Dojo For point 4 it's the same as point 2. DataMiner...
View QuestionTo be able to use the Class Library, you'll need to do the development with Visual Studio and DIS. Developing DataMiner protocols and Automation scripts as Visual Studio solutions | DataMiner Docs With...
View QuestionHi Manuel Do note that proper NuGet support only works in DataMiner 10.1 (DataMiner 10.0.10). In the upcoming release of DIS (2.39) (September) it will be possible to have proper NuGet support when developing....
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