For testing purposes, I am using Dataminer Configs to have multiple Dataminer versions available on my computer. By using the SLTaskbarUtility, I can easily switch to my desired Dataminer configuration in just a few seconds. At this moment, I have a config with DM 9.6 main release installed and another config with the latest 9.6 feature release.
I would like to add a new config with DM 10.0 main release installed. I can't seem to find any documentation on whether this is already supported. Are there any things to keep in mind?
Note: As far as I know, it is not recommended to use Dataminer Configs in a production environment.
Correct. There is no limitation to install multiple main and/or feature release configurations next to each other. Works fine
Note: refer to to your note: it's not only recommended, but also not allowed to use DataMiner Configs on a production system.
Refer DataMiner Help: "DataMiner configuration switching should never be enabled on an operational system. Only enable this feature on systems used for staging, demo or testing purposes."