I am working to deploy a Visio file that has two windows set as links to display a live videostream via VLC. My configuration works fine on a dataminer 9.6 system with VLC 32 bit, but when I deploy it on a dataminer 10 system, I get an error in each window that the "Multimedia Plugin could not be found" when using Cube within Internet Explorer.
I have also tried installing VLC 64bit installed on the system and using Cube Standalone downloaded from the dataminer X system as is indicated in the corresponding section of the help file, to no avail.
9.6 with VLC 32 Bit works great: with VLC 32 Bit VLC won't work in the browser:
Dataminer 10 Cube Standalone with 64bit VLC confirmed installed in C:\Program Files
Is there something I am missing?
Hi Michael, from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards, Chromium is used as the default embedded browser instead of Internet Explorer. You can force it to use IE by using the "useIE" option on the link shape. More info in the help files here: https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuide%2Fpart_2%2Fvisio%2FLinking_a_shape_to_a_webpage.htm&rhsearch=useie&rhhlterm=useie&rhsyns=%20

new link to the article on DataMiner Docs: