
Michael Wells

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First name Michael
Last name Wells

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77 DevOps Points
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NEW UPDATE: Amazon has recently release a new storage option under EBS: IO2. This is a very high-performance, low latency SSD storage type that fully meets the most demanding requirements of a dataminer...

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4 Votes

If you are logged in as a domain user with administrative privileges on the system, and you check the box to add the local user to dataminer during the installation setup, then it will add the domain user...

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3 Votes Selected

You can find information in the dataminer help to implement your requirements for item numbers 2 and 3 under the following subjects: Linking a shape to an alarm filter Specifically, you would be implementing...

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2 Votes

I had to dig around a but, but I found an example of how to configure multiple hostname in the spMetadata file here:

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Hi Dino, I have investigated the protocol and the it seems the scientificNotation attribute is not enabled on that parameter.  Further, after reviewing the documentation, this attribute actually enables...

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Do you have a way to build a simple application in Python or another language that could replicate a serial command and receive and log the response to validate that the unit itself is not responsible...

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NEW UPDATE: Amazon has recently release a new storage option under EBS: IO2. This is a very high-performance, low latency SSD storage type that fully meets the most demanding requirements of a dataminer...

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I don't know the answer to your question, however, we do have an AWS sandbox setup that we could use to do some testing. Email me for details.

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This is what I have specified for a recent project: AWS Instance: m5d.4xlarge with Enhanced Networking › 100GB Dedicated OS C:/ drive on EBS Storage Volume should be on IO1 SSD Storage › 300GB Dedicated...

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Are you trying to poll the same operating system that the dataminer agent is running?  If so, you might consider setting up WireShark on a loopback interface and compare the response packets on the query...

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