Looking for a solution to generate shapes from a Custom property something like:
Custom property: Site1=xxxx,Port=zzz;Site2=yyy,Port=cccc
Using RegexReplace on a text it´s possible to extract the variables, but we need the element status
[RegexReplace:[Sep:,#].*Site1=(.*?),.*Port=(.*?);.*#[property:<Property name>]#$2 $1]How can we create such element shape?

Thanks for the reply,
we need to create dynamic element shapes, by parsing the custom property string.
In the example, the expected result would be an element shape with the port status(green,red) depending on the alarm template.
the regex extracts the element name and port, and now looking for a way to had that to some shape data.

Hi Sergio, I think it might be more feasible to work the other way around: start with all possibly applicable element shapes and then filter based on the values of the properties.
The children shape functionality already has support for a list of values through defining a set (see docs). This however does not support a list of key-value pairs like you have. So I don't believe we're able to achieve this with the current Visual Overview functionality.
We're stretching ourselves a bit thin by using a property for this. I suggest to move the storage from a property to something with more structure like a small table. A children shape has great synergy with a table, so this would fully support your use case.
I’m not sure if I understand the question completely. What do you have and what part is not working?
What comes out of your regexreplace, what do you expect, what is your element name and what is missing?