I planned to use a Toggle Button to mute ON/OFF my modulators from the DMA Visual Page. However, I am facing an issue as described below.
Visual page only shown "Mod 1" having a toggle button. Other toggle buttons are missing.
My visio file and shape data for Mod-1 as below;
Sample of Mod-3 (one of the missing toggle button) as captured below;
Any advice on what would be the issue here? FYI, all the modulators are using the same protocol.
Thank you.
Hi Miguel,
All those modulators are using the same driver integration ID; DMS-DRV-2335 with version.
Hi all,
I managed to solve the issue. Noticed that the "_ReadParameter" ID is not correctly assigned. It was assigned to the "_WriteParameter" ID as per dmprotocol file. Thank you.

Hi Nuril, you are correct. _ReadParameter and _WriteParameter should be different. _ReadParameter is used for indicating the state of the toggle button, while the _WriteParameter is used to change the state.
Important though, in order to have this working you should always leave the Stencils open as part of your drawing. If the Stencil is not open (or macros are disabled), then nothing will be changed.
Hi Nuril,
Is it possible that your element is configured as read-only?
Hi Jens,
All elements are “Active” with uncheck “Read-Only” box.
Hi Nuril,
Could you double check that these elements are using the same connector version?