Can someone please explain exactly how "This Dataminer" and "This DMS" sync options work in a Failover system including:
- What direction will stuff get synced. Will items from the offline DMA ever get synced (copied) to the Online DMA
- What triggers Dataminer to sync (copy) items from one DMA to another
- What logging will be generated for items that get synced (copied)
First, the general information on how to manually trigger a synchronization of a DataMiner can be found on this page.
Now more specifically for your questions in combination with a failover DataMiner:
(1) During startup, an offline DataMiner will never push files to an online DataMiner agent, it can only receive files from an online DataMiner. During a sync trigger through 'This DMA' or 'This DMS' the same principals as in (2) apply.
(2) There are 2 things that can trigger a sync. Firstly a difference in the last-modified timestamp (this is something DataMiner keeps track of, not the OS timestamp) and secondly a difference in CRC check.
(3) Progress tracking:
- in the information events, you can see an event for that start/stop of the sync process, and the files that have been synched.
- in SLDMS.txt logfile, you can find more detailed information in this format. :
2021/09/03 13:12:34.447|SLDMS.exe 10.1.2125.468|4808|7456|CSystem::FileCompare|DBG|4|Filecompare Result (CRC) - EQUAL - File: - C:\Skyline DataMiner\Views.xml - Source: - [IP address] - Dest: - - [IP address] - (The operation completed successfully. (0x00000000))

Did a quick search in Dojo and found the following threads that complement the information provided by Jan above:
Hi Jeff, following up on your extra questions:
(1) If DMA A is being synchronized with DMA B, then files that are only on A or only on B, will be synchronized to the other DMA. This behavior is similar for a failover pair as it is for any DMA in the cluster.
(2) DM compares the CRC/timestamps from the 2 DMAs that sync, and syncs items where differences are found.
(3) In the case you describe, DMA 1 will take over the missing files from DMA 2 if those files were added through normal DataMiner operations and were not placed there during a manual action.
Note: The standby DMA in a failover pair will only synchronize with the active DMA of the failover pair, and not with the other DMAs in the cluster.
Thanks Jan,
Follow-up questions
1) In general, will a sync ONLY sync/update files from itself to other DMAs or will files from other DMAs be sent to the DMA that initiated the sync?
2) With regard to #2, is the trigger based on different CRC/Timestamps on the DMA itself, or between it an another DMA? In other words, If sync is initiated from DMA 1, does DM only check itself for changes in file CRC/Timestamps and only send files with different CRC/Timestamp to DMA 2 or is does DM compare CRC/Timestamps from DMA 1 with DMA 2 and sync items with differences between the two .
3) Another way to ask the question, if there are no changes in any files on DMA 1, but DMA 1 and 2 are out of sync what will happen when either sync DMA or DMS are selected from DMA 1