
Jan Vanhove

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Last name Vanhove

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Michiel, when an element gets paused no actions are done on the open connections.  This means that if the connection was open, it will remain open.  Note that when an element is in paused state after...

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10 Votes Selected

The entire flow, from “set on the UI” until we can confirm the set in the UI has quite a few steps, and is probably a topic for an article here on dojo with some detailed info. In the mean time, below...

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9 Votes Selected

Hi Richard, we have seen this use-case before where DataMiner needs to offload data to systems other than the default available central databases. (The other examples were GrayLog, Kinesis Firehose, custom...

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8 Votes Selected

This is expected behavior, DataMiner does not modify the password or any other field of a domain-user on the domain-controller itself.  This also applies to the users imported from any other identity...

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8 Votes Selected

Jarno, the initial answer is 'yes' it is possible to use multiple main releases in the configuration switcher. There are a few thing to mention: You're probably referring to SLTaskbarUtility which...

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8 Votes Selected

A possible reason for this: If your DMS is configured to only allow HTTPS, and the config in your Cube Start Window is still referring to HTTP, then the start of your cube session will indeed be delayed....

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7 Votes Selected

Hi João DataMiner parses the data using standard XML methods, and XML is indeed case-sensitive.  So it is indeed very important to make sure your tags and attributes have the correct casing.  The value...

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Hi Javier, The reason this user gets this error is because of missing right in the security group.  Namely: 'Mobile UI Access'. You can configure security-rights in the users/group section of system...

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7 Votes Selected

Another option, which allows you to check it if you don't have access to nodetool: User query executer in DataMiner Cube and enter the following query. select release_version from system.local;

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We have seen this use-case before where DataMiner needs to offload data to systems which seem similar to the out of the box available central database feature.  (e.g. GrayLog, Kinesis Firehose, custom...

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7 Votes

Hey Jordy, low-code apps are in this version still under soft-launch.  Can you check if the soft-launch flag is activated? Overview of the flags can be found here.

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6 Votes

Hi Tim, this is not possible.  I understand the use-case, but in your infrastructure as a code process, I would prefer to use the name, which also has its down-sides of course. Still, it should allow...

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6 Votes Selected

Having a synchronized clock in your environment is indeed important.  This is not only important for your DataMiner cluster, but also for your database clusters. But, to be honest I've never considered...

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6 Votes Selected

Alberto, the release of 10.2 main release was set to last Friday (25th of February).  This has been delayed by 1 week to Friday 4th of March because we needed an extra validation cycle. It is technically...

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6 Votes Selected

This is an option, and we're actively using this in-house for our development machines and alpha setups.  We have a few Elastic and Cassandra nodes on which multiple DMA connect.  Every DMS/Table has...

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6 Votes Selected

Hi Jaime, this error typically means the user session-id that came in with a call has been removed or is not yet available on the DataMiner node.  More information could probably be found in the SLNet...

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6 Votes Selected

I confirm this is a genuine issue which we’ll fix. A replicated element does not leave its timeout state when you re-enter the password on the replicated element when it is in timeout (e.g. when credentials...

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6 Votes Selected

As it opens a whole set of options, and it is isolated from the other processes on your DMA, we indeed consider porting this to the 10.1 main release.  We'll communicate through the release updates when...

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5 Votes Selected

Julio, do I understand it correctly that you're trying to implement an HTTP-server in a smart-serial driver?  That seems quite ambitious, and basically means you'll have to dig deep in the RFC of HTTP...

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5 Votes

Laurens,  SLEnumValues is one of the least important tables in DataMiner.  If you delete the table it will be recreated, but in fact it is obsolete.  It gives an explanation to the different values...

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5 Votes Selected edited answer

Yvan, this notice would mean that there are too many parameter updates that still need to be handled by SLElement. In SLElement we have for every x element a thread and a stack that processes the updates. ...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi Flavio There are no enforced limitations in the software that would limit the size of the primary key, as you indicate the supported size could be different based on the database-layer. What we have...

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4 Votes Selected

Dear, Yes this is perfectly possible in DataMiner.  In order to have a listener driver over UDP you create a protocol of type "smart-serial". This driver will work for both TCP and UDP, it is in the...

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4 Votes Selected

Edson, the problem you encounter is probably because encrypted drivers are only allowed on DataMiner with a specific protocol list. Some background: We have 3 'types' of protocol deployments: - Fully...

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4 Votes

RN27026 introduces authentication and TLS on ElasticSearch in DataMiner.  This was not part of the initial release of the elastic integration, as only recently Elastic moved the security-features from...

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4 Votes Selected

This is typically caused by a large amount of offload files that exist on the 'backup DMA'.  This gets somehow confirmed by the following lines: 'Aborting open offloads...'. Check in the following folder:...

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4 Votes Selected edited answer

@João, Indeed the TimerThread waits to redo the entire time cycle until the last group in executed by the ProtocolThread.  If the execution of that last group is delayed, then the TimerThread will every...

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4 Votes Selected

Hi, I have seen similar things as well, but it was mainly linked to dual-screen setup where the new window was positioned on a disconnected screen. A way to be sure it is not that if following this procedure...

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3 Votes

First, the general information on how to manually trigger a synchronization of a DataMiner can be found on this page. Now more specifically for your questions in combination with a failover DataMiner:...

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Hi Fernando, it is indeed a requirement that history-sets happen chronological.  The main reason why this is needed is for the average trending.  Every 5 minutes and and every hour the so-called trend...

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Hi Fery, This would mean somebody on your system did an element export/import.  The RTE you see means that importing the element takes a long time (more than 15 minutes).  If this RTE remains there...

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2 Votes Selected

As an update.  The root cause of the issue has been identified as a firewall rule that was blocking the request. The rule, detecting command injection, was filtering on HTTP POST requests where the word...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Max, I'll have to disappoint you, this is the hard-coded way in DataMiner to compile the value of the binding content.  This applies to both element, service, and view properties. Regards

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2 Votes

First some general remarks. Yes, SLDMS is the process that takes the initiative to synchronize files both in the cluster and in a failover-pair.  This happens in real-time or scheduled: Real-time:...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Mateusz, this is a very interesting question you raise.  Today there is no off the shelf support for that in DataMiner, but that would be something interesting to integrate.  Don't hesitate to register...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Jochen, The basic answer is that we don't have an overview of which lines are logged at which level. What could help, is that in each log-line you can see what the level is at which it appears in...

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2 Votes Selected

Rene, First, let me explain the difference in database: MySQL: Performance data (trend) when an element is deleted, the performance data is deleted as well.  (data_x and dataavg_x) tables....

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2 Votes

Arturo, to answer your 3 questions There is no built-in limit on the time you can specify as hysteresis.  In your case 20 minutes should work fine. Yes, as a user you can configure both the on and off...

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The files located directly in 'C:\Skyline DataMiner\System Cache\' are files that get created during the initial sync, but should also be removed automatically after the synchronization is finished. If...

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2 Votes

I have no clear answer for that specific connector, but we have an active EPM setup where DCHP messages are converted to syslog messages to inform DataMiner about the newly assigned IP. The expected rate...

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1 Vote Selected

Hi Piotr, In order to prevent 2 DMAs to become online it is advised to configure the heartbeats as described here (note the inverted heartbeats):

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Hans, As alternative.  You can activate trending on text parameters if the driver tag is set. You can use the DataMiner Cube trend-graph to evaluate the evolution of that text parameter.  Note that...

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1 Vote Selected

Thomas, there are a few things: User access: In the best possible scenario you connect your DataMiner System to the domain, that way DataMiner is unaware of any password, everything is managed by the...

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1 Vote Selected

I follow your reasoning Stijn.  With what we know today I agree we should no longer allow this.  Changing a protocol on an element is definitely not supported, but this option opens the door to achieve...

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This is currently only visible in the code of the BPA test, and not yet documented publically.  The intention is that the thresholds are fixed, so there is no option to overwrite these.  We aim to have...

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the underlying data type is also a double wrapped in a VARIANT for COM transportability. details on that object can be found here:

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Hi Rene, What do we have: Since DataMiner 10.0.13 we distribute a tool that allows for backup/restore of your ElasticSearch cluster.  All details can be found here. There is another tool CassandraBackup.exe...

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1 Vote Selected

Valid request Bernard, but this is not possible.  The export file is mainly to read the configuration in a CSV.  It holds no identifiers, but has the resolved element name and parameters.

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1 Vote Selected

From the extra feedback you provided, I understand you want to execute actions on a folder which is accessible from the machine on which you run Cube. There is no functionality in Cube to execute scripts/drivers...

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0 Votes

It has been on our road-map for a while and a basic implementation is available but never really matured as there are probably tools out there that might a better fit if you're looking for a solution that...

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The impact I have in mind (1) from a driver-logic point of view this no problem (2) DataMiner blocks 'going back in time' within an element-run-time, but since this update will trigger a restart of the...

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0 Votes

We currently cannot help you out, there is no option to discard these properties.  Hope you receive a patch soon.

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Jeroen, the only way to update the cluster name, is like you suggest to: stop all DataMiner nodes in your cluster modify the dms.xml on every node (snippet below, and leave all other settings untouched)...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Fenta, this is not possible using an out-of-the-box available call. The only possibility I currently see is through SLNet calls.  Below is a snippet that can be used. Note: no safety check included...

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0 Votes Selected edited answer

Hi André I've verified this with a test driver using the latest feature release and the behavior you want to achieve is working. The thing to take into account when using this functionality: the...

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0 Votes Selected

Lars, The compute requirements don't change for DataMiner 10.2 specifically.  But we do have some general recommendations that will change based on further data from the field. Memory requirements for...

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0 Votes Selected

(1) When using ticketing on CUs of the 10.0 main release you do not have to install indexing. (2) Yes, you can use indexing only for the ticketing for the time being.  Indexing becomes mandatory when...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi, Alarms that get processed by the correlation engine end up in different buckets based on the filter and alarm grouping.  When an alarm for a bucket gets processed, the "condition" gets evaluated. ...

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0 Votes Selected

DataMiner does not connect to multiple LDAP servers, so you can only specify 1 LDAP tag. In cases where not all DMA are connected to the (same) domain, it is advised to use local DataMiner users.

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Hi, glad to see your interest in this preview feature it can help us iron out a few things for the official release.  Do note that during this preview period, updates on the cloud part happen frequently,...

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Miguel, we indeed encounter the problem with the virtual IP we use in our failover setups.  We have scheduled a work-item on the list to provide a solution for this subnet problem.  Do note that the...

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